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Everything posted by Smaragdadler

  1. Why has it to be 'all-or-nothing'. Make it as a top difficult level as I sad.
  2. This is my post about Civilian Density setting as repost: How about something like this + handihoc idea about mis-spotting as a additional difficult level?
  3. - ability to scroll down the Damage Report in the report section of the detail panel Till now -I think- there is no possibility to check what equipment is installed on a vehicle in total. --> better: bring back the info/kill statistic-screen
  4. Mod 'consumer information' in the main forum is definitely a good idea. I actually had missed the sand version. The repository, good as it is, is not fully the acme of lucidity. Too much Clickerei before the destination is found. Thank you very much for this outstanding work.
  5. The time you put in graphics, you can not put in game depth, if you are coding alone. CM-players want game depth first and all things other second. And this is the reason that it will never look as good as other comparable games but will always be much 'deeper' than the rest.
  6. Not always 'impossible' but you have to invest time in changing the weapon configuration to left-handed. In the case that it is possible. Standard design can used fast ambidextrous (corners) and it is easier to reload in awkward positions. For urban fighting all in all a standard carbine may be better. Not that I have ever tried it for real.
  7. The 'blood mod' is a result of my personal attempts in virtual figurine painting. Let's call it a 'virtual diorama'.
  8. --> add high score tables for single scenarios and for scenario in campaigns + final score --> make the tables public with online update support.
  9. But the idea is not bad. Intense of deformed terrain and damaged structures is factored with Civillian Population Density (the mission parameter) as standard. Add additional 'human meta mission parameters' like political home climate, press presence and orientation... Damage of "Preserve" objectives is added on top - if occuring. There could be even different standart 'value' for all terrain tiles and buildings types. Even for trees. Then put a more elaborate medical supply system on top of it, call it something like "Übergrogrealitätsmodus" and give it to us as a surprise in the NATO-modul. --> connect it with the campaign-engine to allow for political background calculations. (To much 'kabooom-pengpeng' and players looses his political mandat on homefront). --> when you have made a perfect QB-system in CMx2:Normandy, you can make a random campaign engine for CMSF 2. (!)
  10. Old School War Games were "I go - you go": means, 'I' (player one) make(s) my turn 'rolling the dice' and the result is instantly fact and the you (player two) make the same - and so on. It's the ancient method - think chess. Combat Mission's 'WeGo' means I make my decisions and tell it the 'gamemaster' (CM-engine) and you (or AI - the 'computer brain' [which is 'schizophren' and has a 'cutted personality' by the way]) makes the same. Then the 'gamemaster' rolls the dices for us both, and 'we go' together watching the 1-Minute result. HotSeat means two humans play 'WeGo' before the same Computer. But only one player sits only on the seat before the screen at the same time (would be pointless to watch your opponent plotting his moves . So with time the 'seat goes hot' because of the switching. Two player can play Coop ("cooperative" = managing the same side) in playing HotSeat against the AI.
  11. Some more info from Lobitz: again from above: Leopard 2 mit AMAP-ADS: no further comment, make from it what you think...
  12. Interesting. But my point has not changed:
  13. Grog party at battlefront-forums. :] In the manual (updated for v1.20): Another modification available is the TUSK (tank urban survival kit) with enhanced allround protection and armor upgrades. So it seems in CMSF-terms TUSK means just that. Some "intel" about PSO/UrbOps/ some infos on Leclerc AZUR programme anyone?
  14. TUSK = Tank Urban Survival Kit: You are of course right. TUSK improvements are for urban warfare. The Leopard 2 equivalent would be the Leo 2 PSO-UrbOps:
  15. Just start a scenario you want to play and send the mail to me. You can choose the scenario and side you want to play, but it should be fair of course. And please choose Iron difficult level.
  16. Actually it's *all* there allready: CMSF: the AGS-17 AGL (russian) for Syria MARINES: M32 MGL + MK19 (dismounted) for the USMC BRITISH: L131A1 (dismounted) for UK. (which is in fact the Heckler&Koch GMG) + there are the of course the vehicle mounted Mk19 AGLs on M1126 Strikers (CMSF), AAV-7A1s and some M1046 TOW HMMWVs (MARINES) + the Squad single-shot UGLs: M203 (US Army + USMC) and GP30 (SYR) in CMSF; L17A2 UGL (UK) (which is simply the H&K AG36 modified for the H&K L85A2)
  17. Been with you since Riesberg. Have been playing computer games since 1988 starting with a Commodore VC20. Battlefront will be one of the really big names to remember when the history of computer games is written.
  18. Are you aware that there is no Bundeswehr in Iraq? Just some Instructors for Iraqi Militia and Police in Kuwait and UAE. The 'concept' of NATO is out of date since the end of the cold war. Since then there is none.
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