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Everything posted by Phoenix

  1. You beat me to it!!!! Yes YES!! Something that kept sounding until you clicked the box. This would be especially helpful for games where you have long timer settings!!!!!! Please?
  2. Heh, must have been that Stug eh? Yeah, it was WILD!!!!! The feeling of desperation (it helped that it was a small map) really made it fun. Small maps and 500 point games are going to be a REAL hoot and a half via the net. Man. And it was FAST! The calculations were done on a PIII 866 and it took about 10 seconds max to get the update from his cable modem via the net down my DSL line. Very snappy.
  3. Bah. This is bloody frustrating. I instantly get a "can't connect". I mean *instantly*. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr............
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by karch: I have to say, this gives CM such a new seat-of-the-pants rush. You are frantically trying to figure out what to do. The time limit adds to the realism. And you get to watch the turn quickly. It's a very fast movie turnaround. The movie files must me a lot smaller than in the pbm files. I love this game!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That's very nice for you. But I can't get it to work.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lord General MB: Sir, You using Mac or IBM? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It's a Dell PC. WindowsME. Try it again. I reinstalled the patch. Last time I moved it to another directory...maybe that was bad?
  6. Try and see if you can ping me at least. If not then there's some other problem. ICQ (or another Instant messenger whatever) because you can go back an forth real time. Anyway...the game is still sitting there waiting!!
  7. Well crap. This sucks. Im in California. The game is sitting there waiting..... I am not using my router so that's not a problem. Can you ping this address? Do you have ICQ? Maybe we can figure it out?
  8. Ok, I'm gonna give it a go. Very small scenerio. It's 10:06 my time. Give me 5 minutes and try connecting to
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by karch: small 15 turn game. it's set up and waiting.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Tried connecting. Am unable to.
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lord General MB: Sirs, What is the big hubub over TCP/IP? I never play PBEM anyway. TCP/IP seems like a rather small improvement to me..... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You never play PBEM? You're kidding right? Then you haven't really played the game. I mean the AI is ok, but against a real opponent the game is FAR better. Sorry you see no need to TCP/IP, but I think you're the only one.
  11. Woah. Just saw this minutes ago. But it only works for PBEM really. Still, it's a start. http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/012987.html
  12. Nope. It's something they hope to do for CM2. But is not as easy as one would hope.
  13. Yes, it's called CM2. But only people who did a search for this answer get to buy it. [This message has been edited by Phoenix (edited 11-27-2000).]
  14. Tanks 1. Tanks are to be considered as part of the ground so block LOS allowing friendly fire, and infantry to shelter behind them. I think this was covered before by BTS. If I recall there is some modeling and/or coding issue that prevents this. At least for now. As to whether or not troops can use a tank as cover..this too was discussed. I think the general consensus was hiding behind a tank was a dangerous place, and 9-12 guys can't get effective cover from a single tank. 3. Tank infantry co-operation. A comand unit should be able to designate targets to a nearby tank that the tank itself cannot see, therefor the tank can target the enemy crest a hill and fire imidiatly. Nope, I don't like this one at all. First what is "nearby". How would an infantry leader communicate with the tank leader? By radio? Not likely. I don't see this being realistic at all. And since CM2 will be in the East, it is my understanding that the Russians had virtually no radio communication on the battle field. Certainly platoon leaders didn't radio back and forth with Russian tanks. Trenches as well as large buildings would be nice. Trenches are going in if I recall a posting by BTS recently. Search under "trench" within the last 30 days. Also barbed wire should be made ineffective by a tank running over it. My understanding was wire doesn't suddenly loose it's effectiveness just because a tank drives over it. The causalty issue should changed for example there should some difference between death and injury. An injured soldier could drop from his unit but remain staitionary but still armed. I disagree. This is beyond the scope of CM. If a soldier cannot perform, he's out. Dead or wounded, it matters not. If his unit retreated they would have to pick him up and tkae him back or moral would drop. To carry him back would remove one weapon while the unit is moving. Again, stuff that is just not part of the CM world and doesn't belong IMHO. Coments, questions? Those are mine. [This message has been edited by Phoenix (edited 11-27-2000).] [This message has been edited by Phoenix (edited 11-27-2000).]
  15. "is a demo w/ TCP/IP going to be released before the patch for TCP/IP or what? " A demo? No. A *patch* is being released, and it will upgrade your full version to allow TCP/IP play. "Are there going to be compatibility issues? Is it a beta release?" No different than with other patches. And the TCP/IP portion is a BETA. "How come CM 2 and TCP/IP are mentioned in the same paragraph without CM being mentioned in the same quote?" I have no idea what you are referring to about CM2. CM2 isn't even in the picture here. Did you read the long note BTS posted last week about the upcoming patch? It was pretty clear. [This message has been edited by Phoenix (edited 11-25-2000).]
  16. Why advertise the usenet forum here? I mean why are people going to be interested in going to usenet to discuss what we discuss here? I don't get it.
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Miser: Great news about TCP/IP!!! Does this mean I'll be able to play over a LAN as well?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well...if you have a lan that supports TCP/IP then the answer is yes.
  18. Per Steve in January of this year - "Yes, we are planning on an expansion pack. More vehicles are part of that plan." http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/002352.html
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mr. Clark: What WAV file IS the rocket sound??? It's possible that I have simply never heard (been fired at by) enemy rockets.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh trust me. If you had rockets fired at you you'd know!! Especially the 300mm kind!!! Rockets land ALL OVER the place! The sound isn't particularly scary sounding on it's own. Other than it lets you know that some very inaccurate arty is on it's way!
  20. I think this is in the "it depends" catagory. Case in point. In a game I am playing now my favorite tank (KT) has command of a hill top that over looks nearly the entire approach for the enemy. He's already dispatched a fast moving Sherman from 980 yards while laughing off hits from a Stuart and another Sherman from 500 yards. (Toasted the other Sherman shortly after that) Now I am moving him off the hill to go engage some other threats. But his initial mission was successful. Don't let any armor move in the open, use the 88's long range superiority and massive armor head to head. Worked great. On the other hand a 105 Assault gun is moving around a bit lending support to my defense in hammering the approaching Americans. Different tanks, different battle fields, different tactics. [This message has been edited by Phoenix (edited 11-22-2000).]
  21. Tiger....what is the address to you web site so I can find the OTHER mods you have made? It seems that everytime you announce a mod you never provide a link to it.
  22. Do a search with the key word "horses". This thread has been beaten to death and BTS (and others) have explained why they are not modeled as many other things are not modeled. Horses don't have breakdowns like vehicles or might they go crazy under fire Horses don't break down? So they don't get sick, break legs, fall? As to horses going "crazy", what do you want? Them breaking free of their reigns and running away? What's the point?
  23. The issue of vehicle speeds over open ground is being addressed in the upcoming patch. Bottom line, they won't be able to go at top speed, regardless of passengers or not.
  24. No. The game just started. It fired a few rounds of HE at some Inf. Then suddenly fired a couple of smoke rounds. WTF????
  25. at infanty 950 yards away??????????? It's not just any tank either. It's a KT...it's not like a rifle grenade is going to take him out from that range. It's been awhile since I've seen this behavior, but it's maddening. Now he has effectivly given the defender a smoke screen to advance behind!!!!!! Anyone got ideas?????????
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