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Everything posted by Phoenix

  1. It outlines my point quite clearly Pedro. These things are not armored menaces. They are sitting ducks.
  2. Well Pedro, I gotta tell ya. I'm giggling a bit right now. Why? I'm playing a QB where I gave the Germans 4 of those Superweapons. I just had two rifle squads destroy TWO of them from a range of 234 meters!!!!!! Each squad waxed one each. If it was possible to send you a replay I would. I can send a screen shot! Signed - "Still not convinced their so deadly! PS - The one squad actually BREWED UP the vehicle!!! And they didn't even use a rifle grenade! To be honest, I have no idea how they brewed the vehicle from that range. BAR hit the gas tank? [This message has been edited by Phoenix (edited 12-15-2000).]
  3. I have always favored one to one ratios, even in the days of miniatures and Tractics rules. I know BTS can do it. My question is simply, what would I need to run it? BTS already answered your question. Today's high end systems would not support it without massive hits to the frame rate. They also listed other reasons why they are not going that route. I think the key one is the fact that this is a squad based game. It's not modeled around individual soldiers.
  4. Your experience with these things sure is not like mine. You seem to view them as King Tigers out there! When I see em, they usually turn tail and run from any kind of attack more powerful than infantry, or they get waxed. I never buy them as I find them to be too easily knocked out. As to them being cheap? Well, they should be in my mind because for one reason they die easily. Had one of those bazooka rounds hit it would have been all over. I think your just having bad luck with em as I don't recall anyone else making such an issue about it. I think I'll do a QB tonight against a bunch of em!
  5. No, it does not, and there are no plans in the near future to do so. Too much $$$ and time that is being spent on stuff that's really important. Namely CM2!
  6. Midway...ah yes. Saw it in the theaters with "Sensurround" A fancy word for really loud bass at key moments. Also used in such classics as "Earthquake" and "Rollercoaster" Woooo wee. Talk about some great movies there. Midway was nothing more than Hollywood fluff. Sign a ton of big name stars and go for it. And did it ever have stars!! Charles Heston, Henry Fonda, James Coburn, Glenn Ford, Hal Holbrook, Robert Mitchum, Cliff Robertson........ Pretty impressive list. But yeah, the movie was pretty weak. When I was a kid I thought it was awesome of course. A big WWII flick on the big screen. I cringe at the stuff Im reading about the new Pearl Harbor movie. I think we may find ourselves thinking Midway was pretty damned good afterall!!
  7. There is no mod to "improve" the Panzerfaust or any other unit. The game does not allow people to go in an change unit attributes for a variety of reasons. The most obvious being historical accuracy.
  8. Since BTS is not going to add it now the question is kind of pointless. Was the Brummbar used in the East? I don't. kow. If it was maybe it'll show up in CM2. I thought the main argument for no Brumbar in CM was that it was extremely rare.
  9. It would appear that you created that place so you could have a place to act like a spoiled child. Of the few messages I've seen posted by you none have been constructive. You even called Fionn - "Fionna" and said he couldn't possibly know anything about CM. What the hell?? Do you have some kind of problem with BTS or Fionn? Both?
  10. All this is is eye candy. No mod maker can effect changes on a units firepower or other inherent attributes without hacking the EXE. When the Capt. says he's "refurnishing the CM engine" he's exaggerating to say the least. You'll still have German and allied forces underneath the new colors.
  11. Definity no issues with the *sharpshooters* not firing. Recently lost a TC to one, and in a another game I had going on all three of my guys emptied their rifles over the span of the game. As BTS has pointed out ad naseum. These are not snipers or sniper teams. They're guys who can shoot good with a rifle.
  12. While Ambrose is without question a huge "cheerleader" for the US forces, I too am interested to hear this exact quote. That's farther than I would expect him to go.
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maximus: "Um, how is it very funny? It amuses you, funny? What do you mean it's funny?" Sorry, bad "Goodfellas" joke. Couldn't help myself. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Just watched this (again)last night on DVD ago. Great flick. "I'm funny how? Funny like a clown? I amuse you? I make you laugh? I'm here to f****n' amuse you? How the f*** am I funny? What the f*** is so funny about me?" "That's the way it is with a wiseguy partner. He gets his money no matter what. You got no business? F*** you, pay me. You had a fire? F*** you, pay me. The place got hit by lightning and World War Three started in the lounge? F*** you, pay me." One of my all time favorites.
  14. Sheesh, you've been a member since August and are still playing the demo? BUY THE GAME MAN!! Sorry, I don't have the demo.
  15. I don't think this is a 1.1 issue. I've seen this behavior since 1.05. Drove me NUTS, and it's still going on. Posted a thread about it just a couple weeks ago that no one really took notice of. I had a King Tiger firing smoke at infantry at over 900 meters. NINE HUNDRED!!!!!! This is while he had a full load of HE and AP available. There was NO anti-armor units where it fired smoke at either. I really find it hard to believe that a KT was worried about a few Garands at that range! Whazzzup???? [This message has been edited by Phoenix (edited 12-03-2000).]
  16. Pretty hard to miss - It's titled - Public Beta 1.1 released!! Page 2.
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software: And you are correct... we never promised a vehicle addon pack Steve<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> DHoo!!!! But I quote you - "Yes, we are planning on an expansion pack. More vehicles are part of that plan." Ok, so it wasn't REALLY a promise. Oh well. CM2 will be a great expansion pack I think!
  18. What I want to know is, how does it work?? Last night I hit "Alt-P" (I was host) and it said something like "you have requsted that the timer not count" or something like that. But it never paused. The other guy was wondering too. And that message stayed on the screen for the entire rest of the game! [This message has been edited by Phoenix (edited 11-30-2000).]
  19. When you try to host a game what does CM tell you your IP is?
  20. Madmatt...is the issue of not being able to play behind a router going to get some serious focus? This is a big one for me since I don't much like advertising my IP without some controls. Meaning, using my router as a firewall. Also, can I host the game with ZoneAlarm running? Can I connect to one? That may be an option.
  21. Go to the "Opponent Finder" forum on this board. It was created last night.
  22. It's the same thing on the PC side. Ethernet connections on both machines, a rollover cable and configure the IP addresses. Bingo. Off you go.
  23. Just to reiterate on how cool the new form of play is. Did a 500 point quick battle last night. Set the turn limit to 5 minutes. I believe we completed the game in 45 minutes, tops. So you see, you dont have to commit 2 hours to playing a game. Obvisouly the scale will have an impact on length. Of course PBEM is good too....but I can tell you (now) that it can't even compare in the intensity level that network play gives. That 5 minute timer keeps you on your toes! Best of all of course is that you can alternate between PBEM, HotSeat, and network, You have the best of both worlds. My .02
  24. Yes, KwazyDog suddenly it worked. I was getting some odd errors though when starting a couple of hosts. Told me it was unable to open a TCP/IP connection or something a few times. I canceled, went back and tried again. Then it would sit there waiting. Many people told me they could not connect. I tried a few more times and suddenly THumpre joined and away we went. THumpre! Yeah, lets do another 500 pointer tonight. This time we'll buy our own units! What's the matter though? I thought people said the Greyhound was gods gift to the Americans! I'll drop you a note when I'm home tonight, around 7 pacific. Cheers!
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mki69: what I would like to know is simple this. Is it possible to play H-2-H using a Null modem cable? After reading all about TCP/IP and LAN written here I am under the impression that it is not possible! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It is not possible to use a null modem connection. The good news is that a NIC (Network Interface Card) can be had for about $20. Make sure you get a PCI card, it makes install a snap. Get a couple of them and a roll over cable (Cat5) and connect the two. Then just set up your network in Windows.
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