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Everything posted by Phoenix

  1. It's part of learning how to play the game. You mention "charging" your tanks. !!!! Are you serious? Well, FWIW, I never use a tactic like this. It's just that kind of thing that will cause you to loose tanks. And loose them fast. While the charge into the open they become targets of opportunity for the enemy. I use my tanks carefully. Using cover, proper facing, and I try to engage armor on my terms. I also stay the hell away from AT teams. PIATS are very nasty, as are all German units. Especially P-fausts. Last two QB games I played I didn't loose a tank, and I had one King Tiger wax 5 Ami' tanks and 3 HTs. In the beginning I lost tanks pretty quickly, but then I started learning how to use them properly.
  2. Yep, seeing the same thing in 1.04. Played two quick battles against the Amis and after I was waxing them, down came the smoke and a half hearted charge at me. Also hada Hetzer decide to fire smoke at some infantry 100 meters away. ??? Still, while it had plenty of HE left. Never noticed this in 1.03 and earlier.
  3. So what is the reason the Hetzer never fires it's damn MG??? This has been driving me mad in games. I really like the little guy, but I have NEVER seen it fire the MG. Unbuttoned, buttoned, whatever.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Time: The 128mm shells for the Jagdtiger where hard to load because they came in two parts, but the Jagdtiger has a normal rof, Combat mission no longer the best Strategy game!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Cease playing CM immediately and drop off your copy of the game to the local game store. Then report for extermination. You have 5 seconds to comply. Thank you.
  5. I love the title of this thread. Talk about arrogant. Hull down positions are not black and white. What's hull down to one enemy location is not to another. As to the other ideas, this has all been covered before. Surprise surprise. BTS has stated they would like to get a movie save feauture. But it's not going to be some simple patch so don't plan on it happening. That's not to say it won't, just that it may not. BTW - there's a dozen other people who are convinced that THEY know what the ultimate improvements are. Get in line. [This message has been edited by Phoenix (edited 08-18-2000).]
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SS_PanzerLeader: Hmnnn the book "The Battle of the Bulge Then and Now" shows him very dead <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> " He eventually settled in Spain and became a successful engineering consultant for several years. His gall bladder that had seen him returned from the front continued to ail him as did his back which forced him to take large quantities of pain killers. After a lengthy illness he died in his bed on 7th July 1975." [url="http://www.forces70.freeserve.co.uk/Waffen%20SS%20Text+Images/kcholders/skorzeny.htm[/html]"]http://www.forces70.freeserve.co.uk/Waffen%20SS%20Text+Images/kcholders/skorzeny.htm
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem: Henrik- (I myself would still truly love to see a 100% transfer of ASL to a computer game, hexes and all, of course.)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Heh. Want a set of dice too?
  8. Never played ASL. The rule book scared the crap out of me as did the price, and since I was in high school I couldn't afford it. BUT, I did play the original SL, Cross of Iron etc. CM is the game we could only dream of back in 1980. My friend and I wondered how we could write a program (in Basic mind you) to take care of all the charts and number cruchning. Hah! Anyway, I would think any ASL/SL player would LOVE to at least try the game. What can it hurt?
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JOCHEN PEIPER: Also why the hell would you have three TIGERS wasting away guarding some ****ty bank instead of scaring the hell out of allied tankers or getting the crap blown out of them by the RAF or Americans... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Uh, just a thought here. The movie is not intended to be historically correct. I know I may going out on a limb here...but my guess it was made for entertainment purposes and not for some wannabe soldier to pick apart for historical accuracy. Sheesh.
  10. Mission packs? There are already dozens of scenerios created by the same people who made the ones on the CD, and LOTS of other people. THere are already so many extra missions that I can't keep up. Not sure what need there would be for a mission pack from BTS. I'd rather they work on other stuff, there are a LOT of talented mission designers. As to "constantly modifying" the CM engine, I dont believe that is correct. The engine is pretty much locked up. You won't be seeing any different terrains and vehicles. Not until CM2. What do yo mean by a more detailed mission editor?
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by coe: Speaking of bunkers, wouldn't it be cool if you could store units in them (like they rush inside while there is artillery raining down) and then burst out back into the field when the actual attack begins (hmmm CM2?)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Errr..I don't think so. It's not like the bunker is a bomb shelter. What are the guys outside gonna do? Tell the MG/gun crew inside to get out so they can come in and hide? No. What's the size of one of those things? Certainly not big enough to fit an entire squad in a pillbox. Especially one that's manned. No, if you have bumkers in a mission, you've got foxholes too. That's where everyone else hides.
  12. I want to be able to select my forces, AND the map, and have the computer pick it's own forces.
  13. I guess it's the picture of the tank **bogged** in the dry road that bugs me. Did it throw a track? I can buy that. Some other mechanical? Fine. But bogged down? Where a Sherman and others just went over??? Weird.
  14. So Im playing a GREAT scenrio last night (Cochon Bridge) and my tiny Stewart is reversing out of harms way and suddenly gets "bogged" as it backs onto a road. What the hell???? A Stewart? On a road? In DRY condions??? PS - this scenerio was AWESOME from the American side. Best I've played yet. The map needs a little fine tuning, but man, what great design. ((SPOILERS BELOW!)) Just when I think I have a platoon in place ready to rush up to some buildings, down comes 150mm fire RIGHT ON TOP of the platoon. In 10 seconds the entire platoon is lost except for a few guys who of course panic and run. Man. That 150 fire is brutal when it's close. And devastating when it hits within a couple yards.
  15. Are you talking about indirect *mortar fire*? I wasn't aware that anything other than on board mortars could be indirect fired.
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Juardis: Well, as good as CM is, I will probably buy Harpoon 4 when it comes out. I've been looking forward to that game for a good long while now, so CM or no CM, I will buy H4. How long I stay away from CM though is another matter <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh man, I am SO with you here. The original Harpoon was just great. I can't even count the hundreds of hours I lost to that game. Harpoon 2 was a nice attempt. Ah, the screen shots of H4 are GREAT! I just hope the game mechanics are as good.
  17. Originally posted by aka_tom_w: Why not just post it and let us test it... ? Beta testers test the patches. Not the general public. I think we can safely bet that Charles knows what he's doing here. Then if there is something that REALLY needs fixing there will be another patch... And then more whining about - "Why wasn't THIS fixed in 1.03?" "Where's 1.04???" thats how these things go.. You have the game. Play it. Enjoy it. The patch will come out "When it's ready." If you read the board for awhile you'd be used to that statement.
  18. You're just gonna have to relax here. I know that's not the answer you want, but the fact is BTS is really just TWO people. Steve and Charles and some times things fall through the cracks. Hang in there, Steve will take care of you and you will get your game. If someone took it out of your mailbox they'll send you another even though that's not their fault. Just gonna have to cut them some slack as the amount of order far outweighed what they had originally expected.
  19. Had this happen a couple days ago. A Nashorn that was near the crest of a hill fired at some guys about 200 yards way. The round didn't clear the hill....and the blast knocked out the Nashorn! Jeeze.
  20. Originally posted by tank_41: I know there is a TacAI in the system, but how come my tank never back off from the threat? I don't know what game you're playing, but my tanks, half tracks (whatever) back off from threats ALL THE TIME. Sometimes I think they do it far too often. Also, the situation I described does not just show up in the street fighting. I have seen enemy tanks, for countless times, disappearing from my LOS and hiding into houses, trees, hills, etc while fired upon, but never seen my tanks taking the similar action. Again, you must be playing CC3 or something. For as long as I've played the demo and the game I see this kind of reaction every game. I now come to the conclusion that the computer AI does cheat and the cheating gives computer AI an unfair advantage over human players. Advantage? I don't know about you, but I rarely ever loose to the AI. In fact I find the AI to have a hard time organizing attacks against my guys. Anyway, it seems like you're playing a different game than me. And Charles and Steve have made it very clear that there is NO cheating going on by the AI. We have no reason to doubt their word. Keep playing, you'll get better. [This message has been edited by Phoenix (edited 07-25-2000).]
  21. Everytime I load one of these the game freezes. What's the deal? Yes, I'm on 1.01
  22. Well I'm the opponent that Mac mentions. Here's my take. Perhaps "gamey" is the wrong word. I dunno. But I find the idea of running thin skinned machine gun carriers into the rear of an enemy's position as "wrong". It just seems like a bull**** manuever. Yeah yeah, "all is fair in war". Well.... Granted, I may we COMPLETELY wrong on this stance. I certainly have no combat experience, and only know a little about WWII compared to the gang here, so maybe it's the tactic I have a problem with? Mac suggested that my use of gun tractors to carry troops could possibly be "gamey". Or that the use of a Hummel in direct fire could be as well. I don't follow that reasoning. I dunno, charging some gun carriers is just something I would never do myself. Perhaps I should reconsider? It just seems that MG carriers are designed to support infantry and they have the benefit of being highly mobile. (Correct me if I'm wrong here) The idea of turning them into some kind of Rambo weapon (charging into the enemy's rear) seems to be a misuse of the asset. Again, I may be wrong here, but it seemed to me that my opponents intent was to take advantage of the AI. Meaning, distract the armor and guns in the rear so other units could be unharrassed. That is my take on it.
  23. Friday night, a six pack, pizza and CM! Looking for a PBEM game tonight. Preferably someone in the PDT time zone. Can start playing around 6pm, able to play till around midnight. Requirements - Tank/gun crews must immediately move to the rear. No gamey crap. Computer generated game, medium sized. Meeting engagement or one side attacks. I don't care. No assaults though. Anyone? Anyone?
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KwazyDog: You do get used to CM and I think you guys will find it easier to play the larger scenarios. To be honest I find playing all or nothing as the allied not a problem, but then again I have been playing CM for well over 8 months now, so I guess I should <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You've been playing the full game or the demos for 8 months? I've played the demo since it came out. Over, and over again. I have played a BUNCH of the random games and enjoyed them all as well as a couple of other scenerios. I guess I just don't enjoy trying to spread myself so thinly on these huge ones. Small, and medium is more my style. I tried playing this one as the Germans but the AI has no chance as the Brits. It immediatly rand the tanks into the mud and in 10 turns all were bogged down. Even the computer can't figure out how to stay on the roads!!!!
  25. Well I have never been frustrated by this game in all the times I've played the demo (for months) or the full version so far. Till now. Great idea for a scenerio, but in my book it's almost unplayable. Map too big, too many units, and FORGET about trying to move armor and vehicles down the roads in any kind of reasonable manner. This is SO @#$## frustrating. I lost so many vehicles to bogging in because they vered off road, or I had them try to go around something. Ridiculous. (not that they sink in mud) I also was ALWAYS loosing track of where units were. Reinforcements that came in were useless in the middle of the game as there as I became so frustrated by the impossibility of moving units that I gave up trying to get them anywhere. Go ahead, tell me that's what it was really like. Fine. But I quit this scenerio out of frustration of the game, not the bad guys beating on me. Does anyone else have a HELL of a time trying to keep units together in maps like this? I ended up with guys all over the bloody place. ARRRRGHH. I really wanted to play this map but it's just to annoying. Cheers to the author of it, but man, it's just too much for this game system to handle I think. Ok, now all you experts can tell me how you won the game in like 20 turns with no losses.
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