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Everything posted by iggi

  1. I like the meeting engagement like chance encounter. kind of like musical chairs.
  2. Not the same really cause there is no white outline.
  3. Like this? http://www.jps.net/bstanley/crosses.htm
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Yeah, but Iggi, that's because it was the holiday weekend<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You're right! This was the weekend I celebrate cute French girls in thier little sister's tops.
  5. You mean to tell me that an opponent can have FOW off and I won't know? Please don't tell me that can happen. I assume that might have been possible only in the 1st beta. Now, on to the challenge You're on. I still don't have the game yet. I'll email you as soon as I get it Fionn. I warn you before hand Fionn, it's going to hurt.
  6. Nice system Capt. Bang bang bang. There, you died happy
  7. Lighten up people. Choppers are gonna be here any minute. Joe looks wounded. Keep him quiet guys. NVA all over the place.
  8. Thanks for the update Steve. I'm sure most posters are just joking to pass time.
  9. Can you take a map from a scenario and modify it? Ex, can I take the chance encounter map and modify it?
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Point is commanders in real life didn't just race up to the front because they were ordered to attack and then plunge into battle. Neither did defenders just sit around waiting to be attacked and not make any preparations that took time.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> What, no lightning quick commanders like in close combat? You mean commanders actually have to plan? TCP/IP is important to me. When I have a day off, I want to be able to finish the game in one sitting. At max, save the game and finish it in 2 sittings. PS The whole movie feature is a BIG PLUS. Waiting for that too. Seeing other people's movies in ONE download is important to me. With a cable modem, downloading is no problem. The future is here, let's profit from it. You learn by example and practice. The movie feature would also set CM HUGELY apart from *any* other game.
  11. Nothing in Montreal ,(tue), girls are wearing less and less though
  12. Getting a gold award at games domain is *very* rare. Congrats!
  13. I believed I ordered the day CM was on sale. Still no CM in Montreal Canada. This to say that a huge variable is crossing the Canadian border. They will probably open the package looking for illegal material and then repackage it. With a name like Combat Mission, they probably think the US is attacking Canada. I wonder how long CM will be hung up by Canadian customs. Are there any Canadians that got it?
  14. I downloaded the CC4 demo. I'm not against real time if it's done well. The battlefield view was only overhead. There's no ground level perspective, where your guys are. The tanks have alot of trouble following waypoints. There's alot of hesitation. I'm spoiled by the silky smooth movements in CM. The three man symbol in CM is just a symbol. Select a squad and hit enter to see the exact number of men. I welcome honest comparision but guy, CM is now shipping. You're huffing and puffing at CM's demo. Perhaps you'll be in a better position to bash CM when the game is reviewed, and that won't be long.
  15. Do you hear the intro music? Do you see the intro screen?
  16. Games Domain reports in: http://www.gamesdomain.com/gdreview/zones/strategy/index.html <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>12th June 2000, by Tim Chown Some good news this week. Combat Mission, which as you know we're quite excited about here, has now mastered. The manuals are back in Big Time's warehouse and the pre-orders will be shipping out in the next few days. US gamers might get their hands on the game for this weekend, while those of you my side of the pond may have to wait a few more days, depending on whether you paid for carriage by European or African swallow. In the absence of our reviews on Combat Mission and Battlecry, I'll talk a little more on each game here, and what it is about each that I particularly like so far (the reviews should be written this weekend, be patient . It's well-known that Combat Mission "breaks new ground" for offering a 3D battlefield in a turn-based game. It has a simultaneous turn resolution once orders have been plotted by both sides. It has realistic line-of-sight and fog-of-war, variable degrees of spotting, troops with morale, a host of missions and a random battle generator. Of course, this isn't all new. TacOps had simultaneous turns first, Close Combat had morale a long time ago, and Muzzle Velocity had a 3D WWII battlefield. But the point is that until now, no-one has combined those three important elements, and topped them by conveying a really gripping battle atmosphere. Perhaps most exciting is the way the game is so well-suited to play by e-mail (PBEM), yet oddly it doesn't feature TCP/IP support for live Internet games. However, if PBEM is to have a renaissance, it'll be now or never. A candidate for GDR Gold.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
  17. CDMag.com gets it right. HOME 06/15 Combat Mission Ships by James Fudge http://www.cdmag.com/articles/028/098/combat_mission.html <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Battlefront.com announced today that they have begun shipping Combat Mission: Beyond Overlord. Over two years in the making, Combat Mission is a squad-level tactical combat simulation played out over a 3D battlefield environment, using what the company calls a "turn-based orders/real-time action". Other features being touted by the company include enhanced AI, six military groups (six nations), 50 heavy weapons, 126 armored and combat vehicles, 50 scenarios (including battles and full-scale operations), an accurate physics model, paratroops and elite forces, full scenario editor, random battle generator, air strikes, artillery and rocket bombardments, weather conditions, night combat, 45 types of terrain, 6 levels of soldier experience, extensive weapon, vehicle data on-screen and historical accuracy. The game is available for Windows flavored systems as well as for the Mac. The company says that an internet TCP/IP patch is currently in the works and will be made available for free later this summer<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> [This message has been edited by iggi (edited 06-15-2000).]
  18. http://www.combatsim.com/cnews/cnews.htm <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Wednesday, June 14th, 2000 TODAY'S HEADLINES: 1630Z: Combat Mission Ships Combat Mission has started shipping this morning. The patch 1.01 will be available on their web site shortly and will include new views and explosions<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>the field of honor<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hey that sounds like a good title there. CM2 Field of honor, Russian Front. [This message has been edited by iggi (edited 06-14-2000).]
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>The first is the addition of the Fixed Point Rotating Camera. That means that you can toggle the camera to rotate around a fixed point of the ground instead of rotating on a disk<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Is that rotation like the way it worked in the original beta demo or another version?
  21. Can we have the ability to rotate around our tanks like in the old demo? I fired up the old demo(yes I still have it), just to be able to pan around that tiger tank. That's just fun in and of itself. You put so much work in the 3D vehicles, I just have to spend time gazing and rotating around them.
  22. Argh, Knaust has come to haunt me Would you like another go at it Knaust? I'd like to get my revenge
  23. Would you like to play the germans in Chance encounter against me? Results go to <A HREF="http://cmhq.tzo.com/scripts/cmls/players.pl">CMHQ ladder<A>: iggi@videotron.ca
  24. I agree to not try to make copies of CM. I don't even have a burner. I'll go one step further. We should all seek out warez versions of CM and report them. Once in a while do a search for warez CM. If all of us spend a little time hunting them down and reporting, they'll never know who to trust thier illegal products to.
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