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Everything posted by Lorak

  1. I have owned RAN for years (actualy own a lot of his stuff). It is a great movie. Well worth watching. Lorak ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring
  2. I still say watching shells explode and villages burn to the haunting sounds of some good celtic music to be quite an experience. Lorak ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring
  3. Your on Von Shrad, Just send me a setup when ever you get the time. Any map, any weather, any side. I've learned to lose with them all. Lorak
  4. Spoons, Personaly I'm an idiot. But I think that is a great review. All aspects are very well covered, nice screen shots, and you can tell the reviewer actualy spent some quality time with the game. Great job. Lorak ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring
  5. Hell, I guess I'll throw my hat into th ring. But I wonder to myself.... Should the winner or the loser be kicked out? Lorak ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring
  6. WooHoo! The CM Superbowl: Germanic Vikings vs. American Bills The game garenteed to be a draw! Lorak As for my losing... Well as my irish pappy always said "Your going to get into some fights, and your going to lose some. But Damnit! Make sure they know you were there!" ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring
  7. You can take out bridges with heavy artillery or tank fire. At least you could in the demo. I haven't tried it with the Gold because I find the ammo better put to use elsewhere. Lorak ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring
  8. Hey Pillar, I'm not a good opponent, but if you need someone to slap around in frustration later just send me a file. I try to lose five or six at a time, and I'm down to just four now. I've decided my goal in life is to lose at PBEM games and spread joy throughout the CM nation. Lorak ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring
  9. It is a known fact that the minefields have long been associated with wars and discontent. It is for this reason that a small group of them moved to the new world and even changed their name to something plesant the "Hatfields". They tried to live in peace in a remote section of mountains, but to no avail. Another family from Europe the McCoys happened to run across the Hatfields and recognized the family name. Sadly a war, a war they tried in vain to avoid, broke out. Lucky for us in america. The hatfields were small and isolated, unlike the minefields in Europe, where their close poximity to each other often caused widespread death and distruction. Lorak ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring
  10. cool Fionn. It's my birthday too. Of course I'm only a young 32 today. and still an idiot... I might grow out of that stage in a decade or 8. That and being born on 7/19 makes me a cancerous growth on society.. but its a living. Lorak ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 07-19-2000).]
  11. dirkd1976, Are you sure you don't work in my area? Looks like we have the same job and passtime. Lorak ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring
  12. Jeff, With all due respect. Do you ever post to this board when something isn't wrong? Just seems everytime I see a thread from you I know it is going to be a complaint. As for the Rinos, Yes I agree that CM making them a part of every allied tank is an abstarction. BUT. I'm very happy with the game as it is. I did not, and I do not want BTS to take time to code and model another 50 or so vehicles just to work around bocage. To me at least, that isn't a feture that merets BTS taking a couple of months to do. Lorak ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring
  13. another that works: PIII 500 128 meg ram voodoo 3 3000 soundblaster AWE 32.
  14. You can add your name to one of the ladders, Like at CMHQ. Or just post a note here asking for games and state your preferance. I find I get plenty of games...real quick. I would offer you one. But I can only lose so many at a time. Lorak ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 07-14-2000).]
  15. I think one thing you guys are overlooking are cheaters. A sad state to be sure.. But they are out there. Not using a password and/or having it not prompt for one is opening all your PBEM turns to the guy you are playing. Now if you only play with one or two people you trust this might be ok. But for the majority of us it isn't. I find it just as easy to use really simple passwords, and I usually use the same on for several on going games. With the time it takes a PBEM game to be played, I don't find typing in a couple more letters a day to be very time consuming. From signing on to the net. opening mail downloading the file playing the turn saving the game zipping the file sending it back of thru the mail waiting another day for it to come back. The time it takes to type in something like "cat". Just doesn't seem like a big deal. Lorak P.S. no, cat isn't being used in any of my games.. ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring
  16. What Stuck me most about this review was at the bottom. The Guy writting the review was asking for some PBEM games!!! He is hooked as bad as we are! Lorak ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring
  17. Using all the winter textures and Mad's Mod pack with the hi-res grass. No slow downs for me and the grass looks great. One thing you need to note though. with hi-res grass, elevations are harder to spot. Lorak ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring
  18. Is it just me? This guys graphics seem bad in his screen shots. They seem way to bright. Also, in one of his screen shots you can see the "square" smoke. Someone needs to tell him to check his computers graphics before he passes judgement. In a nice way of course. I would do so. But my skills with spelling and the written word are very sub-par. Lorak ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring
  19. I guess it just depends on who it happens to. I've jumped for joy many times when i've seen that "...penatration, no damage" message when on of mine has been hit. Lorak ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring
  20. Manowar. Don't hate me for asking a dumb question. But did you look inside the manual? The CD isn't in a jewel case, It is located in a sleave inside the manual. Lorak ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring
  21. The round went thru the armor plate, but just didn't hit anything. Lorak ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring
  22. vcents, Not sure if this is the problem. But just a thought. Did you do a full install? If not, it may be accessing the cd-rom to play music. This would cause a slow down. Lorak ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring
  23. nice AAR Turret, Bumping it so others don't miss it. Lorak ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring
  24. Another problem with CM. I don't think they got their translations correct for some forign troops. When my men are taking a break I've never heard one of them utter: "I will not by this record it is scratched" or " my hovercraft is full of eels." or " I want to fondle your buttocks." the last one may be in, but I haven't played as the british much. Lorak ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring
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