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Everything posted by Lorak

  1. Curse you and your Jabos!!! But we all know that you can't hold ground with planes alone. Were working on a new Uber weapon anyway... details to follow. Lorak
  2. Sadly, I see this topic has ran off course.. I notice people are still discussing hamsters and gerbils, clearly inferior soldiers by any strecth of the imagination. Imagine the horror of being an allied gerbil marching through deep woods and undergrowth, not knowing the horror that lies ahead... when suddenly you are faced with this! Thats right! none other than one of my SS-Urberchinchillas. Here is one of my Soldats preparing an ambush in some wooded undergrowth. His image alone strikes fear into the lessor rodents. He truly is the Uber-varmit. Lorak
  3. Yep uniforms are correct, and CM2 will be the eastern front. be sure to check out http://combathq.thegamers.net Lorak ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring
  4. lmao Fionn... You shouldn't be spying on my perfect record on the ladder. I don't look at it as losing... but instead as spreading a little joy to the people I play. Lorak
  5. Ran Hell! I post this as proof. ...battle had been heated and the ss-hamstertruppen were getting ready to withdrawl and re-group. When Out of the smoke of the Canuck artillery SS-Oberscharfuhrer Schutz Rolled into battle with his 1st Chinchillian Panzer platoon. He proceded to light the whole sector on fire, and routed the Canuck army back into the cold frozen hell they sprang from. All that could be seen were buring kangaroos as far as the eye could see. For this great victory he was awarded the Iron cross. TC Schutz in his turret observing the damage. Lorak
  6. Joe, I don't think anyone is questioning calling in a single round, all over the place. The question comes up beccause in CM you are given a fixed mumber of rounds, By doing this is use up none of your ammo. Unless CM kept track of your spotting rounds and subtracted one ammo every 4 or so spotting rounds (which I think is a dumb idea). I don't see any way around it. Lorak ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring
  7. ok Dallas... I gave my birth date earlier, what do you take on this Leap year fluke. Mom and dad married on feb, 29 leap year. I was born in 1968, leap year. Brother born in 1972, leap year. I got married in 1992, leap year. bought my house in 1996, leap year. Can't wait to see what happens next leap year... Lorak
  8. Deslextic, Thats pretty funny. Being Deslexic myself I guess I can laugh with you. As you will soon notice no doubt my spelling is horrible too. who cares? well... some here seem to, but I couldn't care less. Welcome aboard. Lorak ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring
  9. What will I stand idle for?..... Two crazy mic's fighting of course, where I come from thats not hostile, its almost loving... Oh, and don't think my CCT's, (chinchilla commando teams), are not listining... Lorak
  10. Damn it! does it never end?! When will my CCT's ,(chinchilla comando teams), get any respect! If this keeps up..... well...well... damn... I'll think of something! Lorak
  11. I can not believe what I am reading! I have never seen such a case of bigotry in my life! Sure... you talk of Hamsters, gerbils, and even guinea-pigs... But where may I ask are the Chinchilla post?! Everyone knows of the respect and fear that the Chinchilla commandoes deserve. They are even credited with developing the "ash camoflage" techniques used throughout the world! That a Wargaming board would totally disreguard them is absurd! This is segregation in its highest form! I will not sit by idle as this happens! Lorak ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring
  12. umm.... sad? I still own a 1970 dodge charger R/T with a 440 6-pack.... Oh and I'm in North Carolina Lorak ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring
  13. Ok, this is going to be very brief, but will get you started. Heer is the german army as a whole. Fallshimjaeger's are German Airborne. Grenadier means infantry. Panzer Grenadier is motorized infantry. Pioneers are engineers. Security... I think like MP's (not sure though). Mountain troops, specialized for warfare in mountains and have a sh*t load of firepower at short range. (if I'm wrong I'm sure someone will point it out real quickly) Help any at all? Lorak ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring
  14. Lawyers as compost? Fionn you need to go back and study some more carbon chemistry. Hamsters when buried ,(I've buried a few), enrich the soil and promote all kinds of growth. Lawyers would be a good substitue for salt in your scorched earth policy. They suck the life out of any living thing, and like vampires (or Kindred) they continue to do this long after they are dead. Personaly I think all graveyards with Lawyers in them should be hazardous areas, and a half-life for lawyer contamination should be studied... Lorak ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 08-10-2000).]
  15. Read about it long ago in my SL days as computer squad leader.... After a couple years I totaly lost track of it until someone mentioned it on the CC forum. Came over here to check it out, downloaded the demo(9/99), and preordered the same day. Joined this wonderful forum shortly after. It is all I ever ask for... Still looking for someone to come along and do a nice job on sniper or patrol though.... Lorak ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 08-10-2000).]
  16. Umm... I really have nothing to add except. Steve said my name!! *faint*
  17. chrisl, In your description of the map you have shown what you did isn't gamey. If the good terrain is there, then by all means use it! But... If you said to yourself "hey if i can get to this edge I can sneck thru here unnoticed and attack.." thats Gamey. Like several people have said... It is hard to describe, but you know it when you see it. Lorak ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring
  18. Actualy, My only problem with crews lie with the mortar teams. After there ammo is spent they still insist on carring that damn mortar around. I've had several die on defense because they can't retreat fast enough... Oh and as for attacking with crews. My vote would be for Gamey. I've used them to take out a lone AT team, but not for any thing else really. Lorak ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring
  19. I think the easiest way to counter this is for map makers to follow some guide lines. Basically make your map a little larger then nessasary. A lot of time some usefull terrain is only located at the edge of the map. (like a village, mostly clear, with woods around the outside). If you extend the map so that there is cover within the map edges then this problem should go away.... unless your enemy really is a edge-hugger. Lorak ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring
  20. Cm personal's Ummm, I'll give my birthdate. I've read and studied a lot of things. I'm sort of goofy like that. When I pick an intrest I Focus soley on that... but lose intrest and jump on something else.... almost forgot. 7/19/68 Lorak ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring
  21. LOL Stuka, What you fail to realize is that instead of buying "green" troops. I bought cloning tanks. So I can make as many as I want. Humm, lost another squad, make some new ones... They are like mold, covering you up faster than month old bread... Lorak ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 08-08-2000).]
  22. CoolColJ's sounds were written for the beta that was sampled at half the rate of the Gold (IIRC) so they will be distorted. Lorak ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring
  23. Just my .02 Like KD said use the hunt command to move forward. I also find it a good idea to go ahead and target the enemy unit(out of LOS) before you hunt forward. Lorak ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring
  24. ORBS!! No one said there where frecking orbs in this game! But then again.... if I can use it.... bend it to my will... I will be master of all..unstoppable..... Lorak
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