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Everything posted by Lorak

  1. Doh! Note to self: read the rules better. Sorry Ted for the wrong info. Lorak ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring
  2. Ted, Buying units is personal preference. If you want the computer to buy your forces that should be fine. Just make sure that it is made clear in an e-mail before game start. Lorak ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring
  3. Make sure you take time outs between plotting moves to lift the ale glass and snack mix. This should vary your routine enough to be safe. Lorak ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring
  4. Ok, Guys... Looks like this is shaping up to be a lot of fun. As for worring about people making the quick battles to their liking? I think we all need to have a little trust, and some common sense. It should be standard for the person making the map to give his enemy some knowledge. Neither side sees the map before buying units, so just give him the paramiters you used. Small map, Village mod hills mod trees weather. Just to be fair. I also think that since this is a skill (or lack of) test. That meeting engagments should be the norm. As for players only wanting to play one side? I think it is bad form.. but it really wouldn't bother me. Any other comments? ideas? Lorak ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring
  5. IIRC the random map maker doesn't handle rivers and bocage very well( doesn't make a beliveable map) so they aren't included. Lorak ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring
  6. Nope OsinO, This is a little muti-player RPG/Battle we have going on. 8 people all playing the same battle at the same time. ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring
  7. Umm, I really thought I had posted it. Like I said.. I'm not being Biased here at all... I'm using this more as a diary of all the taunts. Sadly It does seem that I left that one out. I thought it was funny too. If you have it saved, Please feel free to add it here. SS-sturmbannfuhrer Lorak ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring
  8. To: Axis SS-Hauptmannfuhrers From: Col. Hawk Dear Enemy, although you should by now be slowed down by the mixture of urine and excrements your pants are for sure filled by realizing that indeed you HAVE to fight for your life and that all your talking did not pay you **** - well, you have plenty of it for free now, compliments of US Army - you still are fast with your tongue. Get ready: you're facing your nemesis. History will hardly spend a statement on the quick debacle your units are facing. What historians will have to write?: "Axis forces came along, got beaten up badly and in few minutes they went up in smoke." Not worth the ink. Go back, face it. You've lost already. But feel free to keep talking, SS-Sturmbannfuhrer, at least your men will die the ears full of it. Col. Hawk
  9. To: allied CO's From SS-Sturmbannfuhrer Lorak well... It seems battle is about to comence. I had really hoped that you would reconsider dying for your lost cause and run home. Now that we are on the eve of this great struggle, (for you anyway), I hope that history finds honor in all combatiants on this field this day. Sieg Heil SS-Sturmbannfuhrer Lorak [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 08-07-2000).]
  10. Henri, This is normal. what is also normal is for the person setting up the game to give you a little info. Like Village, Mod hills, mod trees, night/day. ect... Lorak ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring
  11. The easiest way around this is to make your games long enough. Most all the PBEM games we are playing are quick battles. So don't be stingy on the turns. go ahead and bumb the turns up. Make the games 40 or 50 turns. Most likely the game will be over well before then, but at least you won't have to worry about running out of time. This really makes sense in meeting engagments. In attack/defend... You need to use judgement. I think the defender should be given a little break. Like "hold for 30 min." ect... Lorak ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring
  12. Griffin, I don't know if you have played the demo since it was upgraded. But bunkers last a lot longer now. Lorak ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring
  13. Def, I would suggest signing on to something like pillars RPG as a sub-commander like he suggested. Would be really hard to do with mine. In mine we are playing one big battle with 4 people controlling each side. So if you went Awol it would be hard on the rest. Lorak ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring
  14. Not to mention needing to thank Angela for her great Mod. Lorak ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring
  15. Pillar, as far as I know it can't be done. But if you go into the create scenario area and click on map. It will auto create one for you. You will of course have to buy the units for both sides and save the game as a scenario though. Thats what we had to do with our multi-player experiment. umm.. Pillar, you might want to save your scenarios before adding any units at all. Keep these in a safe place and maybe name them a grid number. Then when another battle happens in the same area, just load that map and add the new units. Once you have the units bought save the scenario as a tourny so no one will be tempted to cheat. Just an idea for you. Lorak ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 08-03-2000).]
  16. Sure, all the Mods you need are located at one easy site. http://combathq.thegamers.net Great site ran by madmatt. If you haven't been there yet...Plan on stayiong a while. the AAR section is a great read also. Lorak ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring
  17. The Lt was walking the short path in the dark to reach his Company spot and shook his head. Maybe it was really true that when you're facing SS you have no choice than using till your last bullet. He made a promise to himself that night: he would hold his line and ground with his men no matter what. He will have not surrendered to the SS troops. For what? To save his life? He hoped the loud speaker would suddenly break or that the SS at the other side of the microphone would have realized that he could cry all night long: that would have had no effect on the issue of the coming battle . And he kept walking... certain that the task he had to accomplish tomorrow - and if life permitted - the day after tomorrow and the day after that - would have brought to his son at home, a better world, and to all sons a better world for the same 1000 years to come the SS was shouting about in the dark. He kissed his darling wife picture, the one of her holding their baby. He silently prayed God and reached his post. Tomorrow would be another day in the Western Front.
  18. (Night.......Moonless......only distance sounds of battle can be heard. Suddenly the Amis can hear the German message voiced through hidden loud speakers. ATTENTION......ATTENTION.......AMIS ARE YOU THERE? ARE YOU FRIGHTENED?? PERHAPS YOU SHOULD STAY BEHIND THE LINES TO BE BREAST FEED LIKE LITTLE CHILDREN, LEAVING THE BATTLE TO TRUE MEN? DO YOU FEEL THE COLD STENCH OF DEATH KNOCKING AT YOUR DOOR? ARE YOU AFRAID TO MEET YOUR SUPERIORS? SUPERIOR MEN WHOSE CALLING IS TO RULE THE WORLD FOR A 1000 YEARS?? (Night.......Moonless......only distance sounds of battle can be heard......except for the whimpering of frightened American GI's
  19. Hull Down: The tank when viewed from an enemy unit only has his turret(main gun) exposed.The rest of the tank, (the hull), is hidden and safe from contact. Lorak
  20. Pvt. Ryan, Nope, I've seen something to that effect when searching the web. The Oracles of the Gods of the Fey, long silent since the First War of Darkness began to stir. The Gods of Lorak were awakening, and what they saw did not please them. That they Fey would wage war on humans was an abomination. But that isn't where I got it from... Lorak ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring
  21. No big Deal Pillar, One of the reasons I've signed to join yours, started mine and Seahawks Multi-player game, am playing Jim's campaign, and play about 9 PBEM's at at time is simple. They are "ALL" a hell of a lot of fun. It really is as simple as that. I look at all of these as ways to meet new people, make some friends, and just get better at the game. Like right now my weak area is defense, I just suck at it (as a couple of my PBEM opponents will tell). So I play most of my PBEM games as the defense or at most meeting engagment. Purly for the practice. But PBEM is only a one on one experience. So if you screw up, you only hurt yourself. The reason I play and have joined all of the multi-player options is my love of teamwork and to get ready for the Big Game CMMC. No one knows who is who, or who is on what side. So I'm not worried about being flamed or bitched at personaly. But it would upset me to no end to know that I totaly screwed up and cost my side something important.There is a whole new element added when you know that your actions effect others. Lorak P.s. For those of you that havent thought of trying something like this yet... You really should. It is a whole new game and a ton of Fun! ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring
  22. Too True Fionn.. I've found a problem in some other on-line forums and in the games them selves. Most people (hell almost everyone) has no idea where my nick comes from (it is obscure). Needless to say I'be been the target of a lot of male hormones who think that Lorak is Karol spelled backwords. Although I will give them credit for coming up with that. Lorak ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring
  23. what is it? Reenacting is where you dress and act the part of diffrent countries and reenact battles that took place. Pillar I know your into Role-playing. So basicaly it is just a live action role-playing game of WWII, Civil-war, ect... Sorry to use the word "game" in there. but thats the closest definition I have. Lorak ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring
  24. Nicely stated Shrapnel. I see your also a newer member to our forum. Welcome aboard. Lorak ------------------ "someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati * http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring
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