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Everything posted by Lorak

  1. Been thinking of doing one of my Neigborhood. Since I live in a Rual setting with lots of hills and rivers... Just lazy I guess... Lorak ------------------ proud commander of the CCT's Chinchilla Commando Teams [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 08-18-2000).]
  2. yes David... thats the trouble with tribbles... Lorak [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 08-18-2000).]
  3. Jagdpanzer, Would be great to have something like that in a 3D battlefield. But I don't see it as possible. Helicoptors, planes, missles, ect... just can't be throw in very easily. The biggest problem is the ranges that modern battle takes place at. The maps would have to be so dame big, it just isn't practical. If your looking for a good game though, you might want to check out tac-ops. It is for sell here at battlefront also. It isn't 3d but it is a really good game. Lorak
  4. Yep, same as above. The wooden ones can still be taken out without a whole lot of fuss. But Concrete is a hell of a pill box. Don't count on artillery at all. and a tank is going to have to manage a firing slit hit to take one out. Sometime you can beat the front of one enough to damage the gun and make the crew leave though. For the most part your better at just smoking them and moving behind them. Lorak
  5. Peterk, I really liked the Pointer base showing direction too. I believe this was put in when CM was,(still 3d), but instead of square tiles, was still using hex terrain tiles. So the point would face I guess a hex corner. Lorak
  6. I'm looking forward to Team Fortress 2. True you'll have a bunch of idiot kids running around being stupid. But you have that everywhere. You just have to find a good group to play with. For example I was a big "Tribes" player. Once we had a good group that got together and played at about the same time all the time it was great. You can easily work out team roles, statagy and goals. After a bit of playing everyone of us knew exactly what the other was going to be doing. Team games like this can be fun or a bitch. It all depends on who your counting on. Lorak
  7. Guys, I think the point is pretty much moot. As much as I pray that any of the crew left gets out ok. I fear the worst. Even he cameras on the rescue subs have recorded a lot of damage to the outer hull. In fact I think they saw a gapping slash. Considering that the explosion came from inside, passed thru the inner hull and caused this much damage to the outer hull does not look good. Even the russians (last I heard) say that almost all of the 118 crewmen would have been in the damaged/flooded section from the com tower foward. As for "the americans would have already had them out." Thats crap. Your looking at a very damaged sub, in freezing waters, no visibility, at 350 feet at a 60 degree angle with damaged hatches. They is no way in hell that we could get them out either. Unless you landed, attached to the sub, and were able to cut through the hull. (fat chance). You also have to realize that the hatches can only be opened from the inside. So unless there is someone still able to climb the ladder and unlock the hatch it is a no go. As for crew servival.. I think Cold is as big an enemy as air. That sub most likly reached about 40 degrees F within a couple hours of sinking. Hate to seem like a pessimist. but thems the facts. Lorak
  8. Actualy the best suggestion I've heard on chainging the Squad graphics is the one based on squad members. So that you have a great notion of how many guys are there. Example each figure is appox 3 guys. so a german squad is usually always 3, since they usually run less than american squads. american squads would be shown with 4, ect... So you wouldn't have the same 3 man graphic for an 8 man squad and a 13 man assualt squad. Can't find the thread now... bummer. was explained better than this. But basically would give a good indication of men, but not clutter the screen. Just an idea. Lorak
  9. ChinChillaJager hands down ! My CCT's (chinchilla commando teams) are deadly! Lorak
  10. Michael, I understand what your saying. I just have never found it a problem. Using the LOS tool you know if you can bring fire on the target or not. So how hard is it to not actualy move your target until you've made your mind up? Lorak
  11. Basically a one miniute delay is the norm for adjusting fire. When you moved your target father away, basically you canceled your first fire mission and called in another one. So even switching back to your original target you would be calling in a brand new request. Thats the reason for the time diffrence. I don't think this needs to be changed. Just make note of this. From now on you know to keep it close and readjust. If you move far it will be canceled. If you made the mistake of using the target line to see if you had LOS, just make sure to use the LOS tool next time. Lorak
  12. I have to go with the Axis. I just like being the underdog. but in PBEM I'll go with about anything. It is all practice. Lorak
  13. L4pilot, "...a little wrapped up in the Cm RPG right now" If you mean wrapped up head to toe in a white sheet headed stateside... I'll go along with that. Lorak [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 08-17-2000).]
  14. You don't play any PBEM games? Thats amazing. I know there are quite a few people that don't. But I feel your missing 75% of the game by not going up against something other than the AI. Lorak
  15. Pillar, As a player I don't think helping run it would be a good idea.. But if you have any non-FOW issues you have questions on, feel free to ask. Hell just post them here, I'm sure you'll get an answer or ideas back pretty quick. Lorak
  16. on topic: From everything I've read or have heard, I think a torpedo exploded in nose. Something like this would likely take out everything from the nose to the sail. Doesn't look like these guys chances are very good. Off topic: First off I'm not siding with or against the Chechen rebels or the Russian goverment. I think both sides have a good reason for what they are fighting for. I'm not going to augue with how they are fighting it. Other than to say the Russian military looks really bad (no matter which propaganda you read). As for the chechen's starting it with the hotel bombs.... I really think that is bologney. I think Russia was looking for an excuse to go back into Chechnia and used the bombings as an excuse. I believe they were most likely russian mob attacks and the Russian Gov. just re-focused the blame. Just my .02 worth Lorak
  17. Since rifle grenades are in.. I guess we need the T-28 ! Lorak
  18. You place the units in the editor the same as you would during setup in a game. If you don't want them moved you "padlock them" in place. As for reinforcements: In the editor you have a place to buy units for on map and as reinforcements. When you purchase them as reinforcemtns it places a sign/signs on the map. Put the sign where you want the reinforcemts to come in. thats the simple of it. Lorak
  19. "...played too much CM..." I'm sorry but for myself and the collective this does not compute...please resubmit data please. CPF2342 error occured at statment 456749. "too much" is not a valid entry. Lorak ...CM borg 61873925...
  20. Really good points by all. I have found FT's to be really useful in low visability battles. The enemy can't make out the unit, so they draw less fire. And if the visabilty is around 40 meters, heavy woods, fog ect... before your seen, your pretty much in range. Makes FT's damn deadly. Lorak
  21. Thanks Disaster, Ture, I never looked at them as any thing more than entertaining. Lorak
  22. umm, not really a movie. But I thought a good little mini-series was the Sharpe films. England vs. France Sharpe's Honor Sharpe's Gold Sharpe's Eagle I believe there were 4, but I can't recall the name of the other one. Lorak
  23. Looks interesting.... but I didn't see any morman wives..... Lorak
  24. Damn Pillar! The site looks great! Let the fun begin! Lorak
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