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Everything posted by Lorak

  1. yes, 5 or 10 meters is a good range. Another point I haven't seen posted here yet. Is try damn sure to make sure the tank is buttoned! if it isn't it is more like a suicide charge. Lorak ------------------ Proud commander of the CCT's Chinchilla Commando Teams
  2. wow...been a while since I've seen Matt use Poo... By the way MDMP team and all the other mod makers.. Thanks a lot for your time. I know it is a lot of work. But it is very welcomed. Lorak ------------------ Proud commander of the CCT's Chinchilla Commando Teams
  3. At 5 meters you squad was close assaulting the tank. The graphics for a close assualt are abstracted. They will not actualy crawl on the tank but in RL thats what they are doing. Your guys just failed at taking it out. Lorak ------------------ Proud commander of the CCT's Chinchilla Commando Teams
  4. Jeff.... According to the books, The storm troopers were very skilled soldiers (who by the way hade taken over most of the galaxy). But it is a rebel hero movie. When have you seen hollywood ever make the evil people seem intelligent. To put this on topic. How many WWII movies have you seen where the germans wern't midless kiling robots (and stupid ones at that?) Lorak ------------------ Proud commander of the CCT's Chinchilla Commando Teams
  5. Actualy Elijah I think thats what makes us diffrent. I have no fear of death. It doesn't bother me in the least bit.. (pain thats something else...) but dying to me isn't a big deal. When I say I would gladly die for my family and beliefs I mean it. If I knew that my death would actualy count for something, make a diffrence however small, I would gladly go. Beats the hell out of being killed by a drunk diver or some other useless bit of faith. So yes. I can say honesty that If my death gave life to my loved ones or family, I would go with a smile on my face. Lorak ------------------ Proud commander of the CCT's Chinchilla Commando Teams
  6. Elijah, I don't think any soldier wants to go out and die for his country. If you read Def Bungis's post that way I feel your wrong. I agree with Def that there are things worth dying for. Thats not saying I look forward to dying. But I would gladly die to save my family, or for my beliefs and my ideals. Frankly if your belief system and family aren't worth protecting...are they really worth having? Lorak ------------------ Proud commander of the CCT's Chinchilla Commando Teams [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 08-29-2000).]
  7. Thanks Gunslinger. I really enjoyed that. Now if you could work in a German story...maybe with some Chinchillas.... Lorak ------------------ Proud commander of the CCT's Chinchilla Commando Teams
  8. my, oh my.. When is the last time you saw three posters right above you that you knew you were going to pound into chinchilla burgers? Doesn't happen often... I must enjoy Lorak ------------------ Proud commander of the CCT's Chinchilla Commando Teams [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 08-29-2000).]
  9. well...there is dust on the walls... but The combat mission clubs chat site seems to work with some firewalls.. You have to be a yahoo member to come in though... http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak ------------------ Proud commander of the CCT's Chinchilla Commando Teams
  10. Damn Firewalls same thing here in the states...What is wrong with these people? Do they not realize that CM is an alternative lifestyle? I'm being oppressed!! Lorak ------------------ Proud commander of the CCT's Chinchilla Commando Teams
  11. IIRC Didn't von Luck pass through an american intersection also? Can't remember if this was while he was in africa or in europe though.. Lorak ------------------ Proud commander of the CCT's Chinchilla Commando Teams
  12. well... I've read this topic and seen the footage. I have to agree with Los and his thinking on the rebels. They more than likely shot the POW because he was wounded and could not keep up. I don't believe it was right, but I understand it. In a lot of these small outfits they would do they same to their own men. Too wounded to keep up, no medical system in place if they could make it back. Basically a walking dead man. I believe they would shot one of their own that was that bad off before they just left him. The Men with them most likely know and understnad this also. I do think that reguardless of reason, It was a very bad decission to film and show this to the public. War is not pretty, People die, but being precieved as that cold blooded just makes your enemy hate you more. As for the war going on, I don't follow it from a right or wrong standpoint. I follow it mostly to see if it will get out of hand and possibly spread. It is also a good indication of how poorly equiped the russian military is today. Lorak ------------------ Proud commander of the CCT's Chinchilla Commando Teams
  13. CDIC, Thanks for the offer. But I'm already drowning in PBEM games now. I'll give the ladder there a look and think about it. Thanks for the heads up on how it works. Lorak ------------------ Proud commander of the CCT's Chinchilla Commando Teams
  14. ok, CDIC Not sure then, myself and the people I play haven't had a problem with the e-mails. May be that your e-mail addresses are wrong and need updating... Doesn't matter though. I've looked at the RD site. But I don't have three games sitting ready and done with people already on the ladder in order to sign up. Lorak ------------------ Proud commander of the CCT's Chinchilla Commando Teams
  15. I use the CMHQ ladder. I find that it is pretty easy and a lot of people are there. The scores are suspect right now. But word is that they will be fixed and you will not have to resubmit your games. Capital Dog... CMHQ is automated. So if you are submitting games and they are not getting posted it most likely is the playes fault. When you submit a game it fires off two e-mails one to the winner and one to the loser with the score. If someone doesn't answer the e-mail agreeing to the result, the game isn't posted. Lorak ------------------ Proud commander of the CCT's Chinchilla Commando Teams
  16. GI Tom, The only "Ladder" you need to be concerned with is in the cesspool... We all know now that your tactics came from reading the back of a cracker jacks box. Running to another ladder will not save you now. So get back amongst your peers in the primordial ooze that is CM's lifeblood... or I shall taunt you a second time. Lorak ------------------ Proud commander of the CCT's Chinchilla Commando Teams
  17. Well...this will sound pretty sad... But all I have played are quick battles. And a couple of scenarios made by people to play test. Since recieving the game I've been so covered up with PBEM games ( Lucky me! ) that I haven't had time for anything else. Honestly I havn't played one scenario or operation that has came on the disk. Lorak ------------------ Proud commander of the CCT's Chinchilla Commando Teams
  18. Recieved Def's file, have bought my units and returned. VS, I should have a file off to you tonight before I goto bed. Lorak ------------------ Proud commander of the CCT's Chinchilla Commando Teams
  19. David, Thats why I Thing CM is pretty damn close. In my exanple I pulled something that would be covered under the C&C delay. (Even thought that while I posted)... let me try to think of something more in tune with what I was trying to say. Your squad has just entered and dispatched an enemy squad in a muti-storyed house. I think realisticaly you would sit for several min. to regroup before you moved to the next one. Not like it is in CM. Where you clear out a house and next min, your running to the next. It is those short Pauses that are left out. Don't get me wrong. They shouldn't be there (go to the fridge between tunrs if you want to simulate this.) I'm just saying that I feel actual combat time for the same action would have taken longer. I'm not saying it is way off either.. Just a little bit. Lorak can you tell I'm dyslexic? damn my spelling sucks ------------------ Proud commander of the CCT's Chinchilla Commando Teams
  20. I agree with all the above post. I think as far as the Fireing time.. CM has it about right. It is the lag in battles that is missing. example: In CM your guys are comming under fire in a house. So you decide.. they should move over here. click, click, done. Real Life: tom: damn sarge they are hitting us hard. Sarge: give me a sec I'm thinking. Bob: come on lets get out of here! Sarge: ok, tom check the back for a route, Bob the east side. Tom: clear here... Bob: seems clear... we have some trees pretty close by. Sarge: ok, Tom, Bob you hit those trees, Me and jonh will cover.. Lets move guys!! As you can see there is lag time... CM just cuts out the lag time on getting some crap done. It is one thing to get on the radio and ask where the hell bravo CO. is, and looking and seeing everyone. Damn I ramble so much I amaze myself sometimes... Sorry Lorak ------------------ Proud commander of the CCT's Chinchilla Commando Teams
  21. Lorak vs. Neutral Party. Place my one stug in a decent position, and managed a quick armored car kill... That was about the whole game. From there I went on to be beaten Like a stepchild from one end of the map to the other... By far the worst beating I have ever taken. Second would have to be against OGSF... Made the mistake of bringing rifles to a tank fight... Lorak ------------------ Proud commander of the CCT's Chinchilla Commando Teams
  22. TankDawg, I'm not saying that SOME german names are not offensive to some people. There is a lot offensive in history. Sherman came through here and burnt some of my families farms and houses to the ground. Do I foam at the mouth when I have to use sherman tanks? of course not. Being Irish and Cherokee I could go into a long rant on what I find offensive too.. But unlike some, I can seperate a game from reality. I find racism in all its forms in bad taste. What some people fail to realize is that by combating racism they can fall into being racist themselves. This was all I was trying to point out. Finding a name offensive and stating such is one thing. This I can understand and agree with. But when you automatically jump to accusing that person, who you have never met, of being a Nazi.... Well.. thats where I draw the line. Really at this point I see you as no better then the people you despise. Lorak ------------------ Proud commander of the CCT's Chinchilla Commando Teams
  23. Cripes! TankDawg, I apoligize if my post came off as a flame towards you. It was not intended that way. I was just trying to the gerneralization of your post. It is after all a WWII board. So for some reason I don't find it stange that people are using Names of Men and equipment from WWII as user names. Sorry if it came out wrong. Dr. Brian, I can't offer such an apology, As you yourself Actualy agreed with to of those idiotic points I brought up. That you would judge a person soely by a name they choose on a Forum says a lot about your charactor. Following your logic on descrimination... I am now not allowed to play the Americans, the English or the Germans. I do play the Germans half the time. As would be expected. I've made some good friends here that use German names. And according to your logic, I'm surprised to find that these German worshiping nazi's show 100% more tolerance than you do. Lorak ------------------ Proud commander of the CCT's Chinchilla Commando Teams
  24. Dr. Brian and TankDawg, Jees, talk about needing to lighten up. So let me see If I follow you. If you play the germans your a nazi and worship hitler, If you take a german user name on a WWII board your a nazi racist too? If your looking for some Good hard music from the 40's your can't use anything german Because that means your a nazi too. So As you guys are concerned A WWII game should only consist of Players being able to play the Allies, no mention of Germany at all, and no music allowed except for jazz. I guess BTS could have followed "The perfect General" and just made it the red vs. the blue army... but then I guess Half of us would be accused of worshiping stalin and comunisium. It is just a game! And maybe I'm the only one... But I find half of the units in every game I've played are the allies. Lorak ------------------ Proud commander of the CCT's Chinchilla Commando Teams
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