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Everything posted by Peterk

  1. Here's a related question? What happens when a building gets rubbled and it's adjacent to another building or another rubbled building? I would have thought that the exact same movement rules would be in effect as when the buildings were standing, but I can swear that I have seen squads move through a pile of rubble into an adjacent building the way I wanted them to when the building was standing. I've been too lazy to set up a test case though. p.
  2. If it is true, I can't say that I'm 100% surprised. They basically abandonned their core market once they started doing the 3D shooters. Very sorry to see them go though. I was always hoping they would return to their roots in a big way. p.
  3. The night turn is skipped only if both players agree to skip them. However in Punching a Hole, creeping past the fixed fortification during the first night turn is the best way to get them out of play without having to confront them. I played this one as a combination PBEM/TCP game and I would rank it about 60-70%. It's very frustrating for the German player to have to give up those bunkers without them really firing a shot, which is what will happen if the US uses a night turn to move past them. The front line determination in this one seemed to be more annoying and detrinmental to the situation in this one than in most other operations. I have to admit though that i haven't played it with the latest patches. p. [ 04-15-2001: Message edited by: Peterk ]
  4. This type of game is in CM1 right now, but only for operations, not single scenarios.
  5. Hey Tiger. Don't know if you've ever played ASL, but there's this neat little thing in that game called berzerk status that can happen when a unit fires/comes under fire. The rule forces it to charge the closest enemy. What you're describing is sort of like that - were they broken when they were moving forward? p. [ 04-14-2001: Message edited by: Peterk ]
  6. I think the standard operating procedure is to have guys sit through a barrage. But, if you happen to be "lucky" enough to have a spotting round fall at the end of a turn and can change your orders and get out fast, it just might work. p.
  7. > Uh, specifically, I am wondering how > wheeled vehicle, like jeeps handle, how > half tracks handle, Not too bad. Not too bad. > and of course how the big dogs handle the > mud. They'll bog. Often. Frequently. > Do infantry move slower? Definitely. Much. p.
  8. You'd be surprised. CM works 90% fine even on a machine with 32M. I don't think anyone with a lower end system should hold back from buying the game - its not that resource greedy. I remember back when 32M was a huge amount of memory <sigh>, p.
  9. I remember reading here someone mentionning that they bumped up their RAM without seeing much of a difference in CM. I have a soft-spot for playing super-large operations by e-mail and those huge movie files were just not running very cleanly on my machine - the movies would sometimes jump in 10 second increments at a time. I determined that it was the sound effects that were the main bottleneck. I came close to upgrading the PC, but decided to try a simple memory upgrade from 32M to 128M first to see what would happen. Wow! Totally different game. It can handle the hugest movie file without a hiccup now and I even managed to turn on some of the window-dressing type options that I had turned off before. If anyone else is wondering about a similar upgrade for themselves - it works! p.
  10. It's nice to finally see these start appearing. I remember being one of the first people to order the Operation Husky Mega Campaign for SP from Novastar. I waited a year for it and then Novastar folded and the Mega Campaigns sort of died. It may be enough to make me pick up/download SP-WAW. But, guys, these Mega Campaigns are a _lot_ closer to CM operations than they are to Panzer General campaigns. p.
  11. I think I remember reading somewhere that the Germans trained hamsters to infiltrate Russian tanks and chew through the electrical wiring. p.
  12. I just saw this one last night in v.1,12 with an german infantry gun. Very low on all ammo. Ordered to shell shattered infanry units in the woods and he smoked them instead and let them escape. p.
  13. CM2 will obviously be released on the anniversary some significant date on the East front. Maybe the anniversary of the end of the fighting in Stalingrad? Was it Jan 21? For all the youngsters out there - CM1 was released on June 6th, so there is a Big Time precedent for this type of behavior. In fact, CM2 is probably finished right now and they're probably sitting on it just waiting for a cool date to come up. p.
  14. There is one scenario that uses the dynamic flags that I know of - Drop To Destiny. I have no idea if the AI would choose the same flag each and every time though. They're good to use if you want to simulate surprise and deception. A little disappointing that they're not ised more often. p.
  15. > The big scenario pack is a zipped file > which consists of 200 scenario files which > are THEMSELVES zipped, individually Who's the genius who came up with that idea? Pure evil. p.
  16. Well, you would see a red line if he was targetting your tank. If it's OK to see the enemy's direct fire lines, then it should be OK to see their area fire targets too. Doesn't sound buggish. Especially when you're playing by e-mail and the time difference between seeing the movie and making your moves can be a day or two - it gets kind of hard to remember what everone was shooting at. p.
  17. Hey Van Gogh, The frontlines are much better in v1.12 than they were in the original release. I play operations almost exclusively and have seen a lot of frontlines. If both players don't resort to gamey tricks to manipulate the front-line generation it's actually quite good now. The Arnhem Bridge Op is a little unusual because of the bridge cutting the board at the exact spot where the Brits are going to concentrate their forces and I have a feeling the algorithm is getting tripped up a bit. There's a lot of weird stuff that happens in this op that you won't see anywhere else. What probably happened is that the Germans had some units _behind_ your defense at the bridge and it was somehow strong enough to effect the line. Maybe a pillbox or two that you bypassed in battle one or something. CM doesn't really model ops where one side is surrounded very well. p.
  18. Hey Steve, Send it over. Let's have a look. peterk@dsuper.net p.
  19. To get the best of both worlds you could still set up the maps and counters and keep the rule-book handy and just use CM as a sort of GAP program to do the die-rolling and stuff.
  20. It's less of an issue in operations or when there's not too many turns left in the scenario, but yes, losing your last tank early in a small engagement can really cost dearly. Lots of times, just the threat of having an AFV on the board even though it's hidden away and not doing much has a huge effect in tying up the opponents tanks. There's ways of dealing with the deficiency though. If you've got smoke, just keep the opponents AFVs blind and they won't be able to have much of an effect. p.
  21. There's a few of them in the First Clash at Stoumont operation. p.
  22. 1) Toss some intermediate victory locations in along the road. 2) Give the Germans some cover beside the road (scattered trees, forest) to make it an easier decision for them. Hope these work. p.
  23. Thanks everyone for replying. I'm finally up and running again by pulling a card switcheroo. I may go back and try the DX8 with my latest Voodoo drivers this weekend just out of curiosity. The Voodoo does look a little better than the TNT2 on a few of my games but CM is equally wonderful on either. p.
  24. The real problem is that I'm on a Voodoo2 card and 3dfx never bothered updating those drivers to support anything past DirectX 6. DirectX7 definitiely tanks with Voodoo2 and I have no confidence that DirectX 8 will behave any differently. The Voodoo3 people are a little more lucky it seems. Looks like the Voodoo is finially coming out and a nVidia is going in. p. PS. Dogbert is definitely _not_ going to make me laugh right now.
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