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Everything posted by Peterk

  1. Thanks Mike for getting the natives going. I've been following the board since the game started going out to get a feel for how good it was and have frankly been a little underwhelmed compared to what it was like 2 years ago. This thread is more like it though! The question I want answered: Has anyone played a Stalingrad campaign yet. Any good? Anything about Stalingrad gives me the warm fuzzies so please share any battle stories!
  2. I've been monitoring since people started receiving the game. There's been tons of gloating but not too many people are actually talking about how good it is. So? Come on! Spill the beans...let's have some AAR action here. I'm most interested in knowing what the Operations are like in the newer incarnation? Also how much Stalingrad action is in there and are the scenarios any good?
  3. Hey Swift, If the high casualties are getting you down, try playing some of the operations. It'll be more realistic because you will be forced to hold yourself back a bit. If you know that there's another battle coming up and you might not get reinforcements and you'll only have what you have left over from the current game (...and that they might got even get much more ammo) it changes things a bit.
  4. There's an old one called Max Violence that is definitely unbalanced. I don't know if it would be much fun though. (Every cool Allied weapon in the game stationed en masse on hilltops firing down on a bunch of Axis units trapped in an unescapable valley). For real historical scenarios - maybe Nan Beach might work although it's not terribly inbalanced (experienced player attacks). It's a nice quick TCP/IP game.
  5. Stoumont and Carentan are the best I've played so far. You're in for a treat!
  6. More importantly, WIld Bill, how could you leave the band out??? Geez! p.
  7. There are a handful based on Omaha which aren't so much fun to play (for me at least). There's a nice little one called Nan Beach that covers the Canadians landing on juno. [ 07-22-2001: Message edited by: Peterk ]
  8. My apologies. You have a valid point in scenarios > 20-30 turns long. Just don't play those very often.
  9. *1. Don't show yourself until the Germans get close. The key to this one is not to give away your positions too early. 2. Ambush with the bazookas. 3. As an option, use one platoon in an active defense. Stay hidden off to the side, let the germans pass and then try to get around the Germans and attack from the side or rear. It will shake them up a bit and hopefully make them waste 5 minutes or so. 4. Disperse your hellcats the second they appear. If you can keep all 3 of them alive, you now have a numerical superiority in tank and the German will have to be conservative with his 2. 5. Use smoke to allow your tanks to move into town and close, where their guns are more evenly matched with the Germans. 6. Use your mortars up on the hillside to fire on the Germans the second they break from cover. At some point they will have to move accross open ground or a farmers field. Good luck.
  10. There's also a Battleground Europe book called Gold Beach with some nice pictures from the Villers Bocage battle that show what one hit on a tank can do. Not pretty.
  11. Not really a problem. Keeping an eye on your ammo usage is part of the game. If an opponent is wailing away at long range and then finds himself low on ammo when he really needs it, he should suffer for it, no? And it's not totally realistic for another squad to willingly hand out their own ammo in the heat of battle. Looking out for excessive ammo use is one of the things that separates the men from the boys IMHO.
  12. Do all of the small ones one after the other - by the time you get through those you will probably have the hang of it. You already played Aachen, which would be my number1 suggestion. Try attacking in Last Defense as a good test.
  13. > Another mission I played for a few > seconds, then had too many losses cuz I > literally rushed em forth in to uncharted > territory. > PLease tell me any pointers you can give > me. #1. Don't rush your men forth (literally or not) into uncharted territory.
  14. You ordered CM2 days ago????? When did it come out? I thought I'd be the first to know. This is a travesty of justice that a newbie would get it first? How about all of us loyal followers who have been waiting for years?
  15. I typically disengage my forces to the point where there's not much or no shooting going on any more and then tell my opponent that I wish a cease-fire in order to cut the game short. I'm not really giving him any intelligence at all, because by then, it is patently obvious that I no longer wish to attack. If he refuses - then fine - I'll take the 2 minute or so hit per day that it takes to shuttle a file back and forth just to be a good sport.
  16. Umm...both sides don't want to fight any more? Sounds like a cease-fire situation to me. The fighting is done and the score is pretty much final. Just end it.
  17. When you're playing a campaign/operation, check out the description to see how victory will be determined (if the designer doesn't specify it in the description, then cheat and open up the file and look at the setting - you need to know it up front). There are 3 types of operation and they are described in the manual. Destroy - points only given for killing the enemy Advance - you are expected to reach the other side of the map Assault - you are expected to attack as far as possible. The A Bridge Too Far operation on the CD is a destroy operation, so unfortunately, the game will only base its score on the number of kills (the German player is trying to wipe you out); holding one, both or neither side of the bridge really matters (although you could change the victory conditions by agreeing with your opponent).
  18. I haven't noticed anyone noticing this yet, but if I remember correctly CM was released on this date last year (to coincide with something else that happened on June 6th ) . I still have vivid memories of waiting to ambush the mailman every day for a few weeks afterwards. I'm still playing it 12 months later which is a very, very, very rare accomplishment these days. Thanks Steve and Charles!
  19. No answers? I've played a lot of operations by TCP/IP - e-mail and the 2 that stick out so far are Carentan and Stoumont. But...so much can happen in an operation that something I thought was unbalanced/not fun might turn out to be excellent for you and your partner. The CD Red Devils might be too easy for the British as a PBEM. The bridge is a tough nut to crack for the Germans without pressure coming from both sides. p.
  20. There's a way to do a campaign without really needing anything more from CM than what it is giving right now - using the Mega Campaign system idea for SP. Basically, your program would just have to ask the user to input the Score (and maybe the final morale) after a scenario is played, and then you use that value to determine which scenario variant is the next to be played. You'd have to create multiple variants of lots of scenarios to deal with the OOB/set-up zone changes for the various win/loss combinations but it would be lots of fun to play. As an example - scenario 1 is a mission where the US has to take a town. If the score indicates that the US did in fact take the town, you would branch to a mission 2 where the US gets to setup in the town and its unit strengths will be adjusted in some way (maybe 3 variants for easy victory, difficult victory, and average victory). Same thing for a defeat - mission 2 would be maybe a 2nd attempt to take the town, with multiple variants. A draw, might be a meeting engagement with both sides in the town at the outset.
  21. Good campaign so far. In fact, I am looking forward to playing #3 tonight. #1 was a minor defeat. I thought that an attack on the 2nd hill (the one on the right) was suicidal so I concentrated on just keeping the left hill safe and even that was a struggle. I got even with the AI with a minor victory in #2. Got 2 trucks and the Puma across the finish line. But my troops were toast at the end - didn't feel like much of a victory. p.
  22. > It was buttoned, although, im just > wondering that shouldn't tank be clearly > visible bit over 200 meters ahead sitting > on top of the hill, rather than infantry > in woods and buildings? Distance isn't an issue so much as which would be the first target the tank would see as it rotates, A buttoned tank only sees a very small window in front of it, so if it's turning from left to right and it sees the infantry before it gets all the way over to the tank on the right, it's understandable for it to stop and shoot. Don't know if this fits 100% with what happened to you.
  23. Sounds like your tank was buttoned up in both cases and couldn't see very clearly. If you think it's safe, open up your tanks at the beginning of every turn. p.
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