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Everything posted by Wolfe

  1. Could the sound be one of the "Ya!" exclamations you get from German gunners when they kill an enemy tank? I've heard the chipmunks a few times myself, and this is where it seems to come from on my machine. I tried listening for it earlier today by setting up a shooting gallery in CM, but didn't hear it. So I don't know if it's gone yet or not. The 'Ya' sounds are the 0000208x.wav files. Just a thought on where to look. - Chris
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt: Hopefully now people can play CM in FSAA glory!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hey! Cool! Have you tried turning on anisotropic filtering? Does it help any, particularly with texture shimmer? I don't have a Geforce, just mulling over the options for my next upgrade. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>As I recall some Voodoo owners need to do the same thing to clear up corruption.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Noooo! Atleast not for V5 owners. Hitting Escape is the LAST thing you want to do with the V5 in CM when running with FSAA turned on. - Chris
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy: Lexikon der Wehrmacht. German speakers only <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yeah, but Altavista ain't half bad. And best of all, you get "Booty Vehicles" when translated into English. I wonder if we'll get Booty Vehicles in CM2? - Chris
  4. A very enlightening thread. Thanks. BTW, check out the Stielgranate 42 (in the German Vehicles section): Jagdtiger.de 7 times more HE! - Chris
  5. Any chance of removing the rotate command for locked units? Or being able to 'Super-padlock' a unit in the editor so a player can't rotate or hide the unit during setup? It's really odd when bunkers/pillboxes can be 'rotated' even when they're locked in place. And the only way to prevent the computer from rotating a unit during setup is to place it outside of a friendly setup zone. - Chris
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JasonC: Bison is a term that migrated. It originally applied to the early ad hoc 150 sIG(sf) conversions, but it was also definitely used for the later purpose-built ones on the Czech chassis.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Forty states in his German Tanks of WWII: "The 15cm SP heavy infantry gun was known as Grille (Cricket), of which 282 were produced in 1943-44 (Some sources call it the Bison, possibly in error.) The 15cm SP heavy infantry gun was mounted in both the PzKpfw 38(t) Ausf H chassis and on the special new Ausf K chassis." *shrug*. Bison or Grille, take your pick. Might the Bison be the early forward mounting and the Grille (Cricket) the rearward mounting? Does Chamberlain's book mention this gun? <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>As for the two versions, front and back fighting compartment, I don't know the details of the changeover or how many of each type were produced. But I can guess. The forward positioning was probably the designers first attempt, maximizing the room for the fighting compartment, crew, and ammo. The problem with that is obvious from your photo, though. That solution puts all the weight of the gun mount right over the first roadwheel, which would create a very front and top heavy vehicle that would be quite hard to steer. Whereas the back position - familiar from the Marder incidentally - puts the weight of the gun on the center of the carriage front to back, the "balance" position. The back fighting compartment version is probably the later of the two models, and likely the more common production model. But how long it took to decide clumsy was worse than cramped, I don't know for certain. It is a guess.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> FWIW, Bishop's Encyclopedia says the 38t chassis was converted to a sIG carrier in 1942. The first series was mounted forward and was "so successful that it was formalized in 1943 by the production of a new version.". So in 1943 they started producing factory-made models rather than simply converting existing tanks. The new model placed the engine forward and moved the gun back, which limited it to carrying 15 shells. It doesn't mention why the change in configuration was made, but you may have hit the nail on the head. Thanks for the info. - Chris
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JasonC: The 25 figure is for only one early model, the 15cm sIG 33B - which has caused endless confusion on the subject of these critters. Here are the actual production and conversion numbers for all the various types - 15cm sIG 33B - 24 built in 1942.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> This is the Sturminfanteriegeshutz 33 (StuIG33), correct? See StuGIII page (middle of the page) for a pic. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>15cm sIG (sf) auf Pz I - 38 converted in 1940.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Is this the Bison, Jason? We've had this conversation on the board before (SP Arty and Indirect Fire in CM2?), but never came to a consensus. Pic at bottom of page: Bison. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>15cm sIG (sf) auf Pz II - 12 built in 1941.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Pics: Sturmpanzer II <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>15cm sIG (sf) auf Pz 38t - 393 built, most in 1943 and 1944.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> This one comes in two models: with the gun forward and back. See the bottom of the 38t page on Achtung Panzer. I don't know if these are called 'Grille' or not? <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>15cm sIG (sf) Hezter conversions - 30 in 1945.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> sIG33/2 JagdPanzer 38t Hetzer <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Oh, and these are not the same critters as the Brummbars ("grizzly bear", proper).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Brummbar <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I hope this helps.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yep. - Chris
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by panzerwerfer42: Pretty much. The radius of the TRP effect is about 20m from the exact center of the bullseye. The target line doesn't change color when it's out of LOS, but when the TRP is in LOS it goes from plain blue to the bright blue LOS line color when you're close enough.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> True, it doesn't change color when out of LOS (wish it did), but it will give you the 'Area Fire' message when using a mortar. For Arty FOs, you just have to place the target line. If the arty ETA is listed in seconds rather than minutes, then you know you've found the TRP. As werfer said, the TRP is 20m in radius (40m diameter). The TRP graphic, however is only 10m in radius and so the TRP's effect actually extends out beyond what is shown by the graphic! <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Tread Head wrote: I also know you can't move a unit from set-up you want to use with the TRP.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Actually you can move Arty FOs during the game and still use the TRP. You just can't move mortars or guns after setup and still get use from the TRP. And guns obviously have to direct fire at a target sitting on the TRP (no indirect fire for field guns), but the TRP still provides a nice accuracy bonus. - Chris
  9. Hi. Welcome to the board. Check my sig for a link to the database. - Chris
  10. Thanks for the site! Great stuff. One question: the camo pattern on the SU-100 (pics on page 1). Is that a WWII vintage pattern? - Chris
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by aaronb: If you can find Bullethead's member number and get a search to work, he had some usefull things to say the last time this was hashed out, a bunch of months ago. Miss him; he know a lot about artillery.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yeah, haven't seen anything from him for a while. A couple of BH's old posts: Artillery Range Results BH's Arty Wish List - Chris
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>JasonC wrote: Another pet peeve of mine is that log bunkers (and to a lesser extent, even the pillboxes) are too easy to spot.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Charles or Steve said in one of the interviews that there will be camoflaged version of bunkers that are more difficult to spot in CM2. - Chris
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JasonC: As for the thicknesses, perhaps there should be heavy bunkers and medium bunkers, as well as the log ones as lights.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It certainly would be nice to have a larger variety of thickness types: Two or three different concrete types and a couple of log types would fill things out nicely. But in addition to varying thicknesses, smaller types of emplacements that are vulnerable when hit directly, but harder to hit in the first place would be nice. Any nearby HE hits would rattle them more than the larger bunkers, but it would still take a direct hit to take them out (except when receiving large caliber HE). Hmmm. Maybe the improved foxholes in CM2 are able to do this already? Having both large and small bunkers would allow more complex bunker building and you wouldn't need to have the same bunker of every conceivable shape. Just get creative in how you arrange them. Also, the ability to dig them in would be helpful, even into slopes and cliffs could provide a lot of variety. You currently can't do either of these things (dig in or place them on a slope). BTW, currently bunkers placed on sloped ground sit on the ground like an AFV (i.e. they're not level to the horizon); I'd prefer to see the bunkers sit level like infantry does (or even have the option for both level and non-level placements). - Chris
  14. Some of your requests have already been implemented in CM2. See the CM2 FAQ, Updating the CM2 FAQ, and the Old CM2 FAQ for details. As for wishlists, the Winecape thread and Ideas for CM2 either contains info on or links to most requests. Putting all this into a page by itself and then keeping up with it would be waaaay too much work. And BTS is undoubtedly aware of most all of our requests as it is. They read the board and keep their own list of ideas that may be implemented. They call it "The List". Only a select few actually know what's on it. And they ain't talkin'. - Chris
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh: That's a good question. I don't think I've ever noticed that happen with a tank with a bow or coaxial gun because it always seems you have enough to last till the end of the game. But on those tanks which only have a remote flexible, those run out early and yet I can't remember if they stop firing the mg altogether or if it's just like the infantry where they fire only sporadically from that point on. Does somebody know the answer to this?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> If I understand the question, you're wondering if, when a tank MG runs out of ammo, it can still fire some MG bursts? The answer is no, AFAIK. Recently had a PzIV start firing AP at a target (no HE left). I tried manually targeting, but it didn't allow me to target MG only because it had run out too. The tank fired all its AP for the next 3 turns and nothing else. BTW, like the Stuart, the M3A1 HT and Scout Car also have the all-in-one ammo thing going. Lots of long-lasting .30cal and .50cal action. - Chris
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Moon: ... the second iteration of the Combat Mission engine [with] even smaller terrain resolution<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Which brings up a question I've always wondered about. What exactly is the current resolution in the game? When creating a map, the smallest terrain object you can put down with the editor is 20mx20m, but the terrain itself is obviously finer. I can use the LOS tool to mark off distances as small as 1m, but can move the mouse more finely than that (though the game won't indicate a change in distance less than 1m). I can even move the unit to that "partial-meter" spot: anywhere in between the point at which the LOS tool changes from -say- 27m up to a point just before it changes over to the 28m mark. So just how fine is CM1 anyway? - Chris
  17. Don't know how "new" these drivers are, but they're Betas, so all the normal warnings about installing Beta software on your computer applies. I don't have a Kyro card and don't know if these fix any of the probs with the card, just saw these over on another site: B3D Forums: Where are the Kyro 8 Branch Drivers? - Chris
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Manx: CM2 is just around the corner...can you imagine the mess were going to be in when all that East Front camo gets splashed everywhere!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes! Excellent point. Although I'll most likely create a new directory for the CM2 mods. Aw, Hell. Who am I kidding? I'll probably have to get a whole new hard drive for 'em. - Chris
  19. And while we're at it could we please have more descriptive file names. File '13109.zip', while a very nice looking BMP, doesn't tell me a whole lot about what mod it's for or who did it. OTOH 'GEM_SnowyWhiteWashed_M4s_hr.zip' pretty much pins down what mod it is as well as whose it is. Also note that the filename doesn't contain any nasty SPACES which are translated into the annoying '%20' character string that you see listed on various web and ftp sites. One other nicety about putting the author's initials first is all mods by one author will be grouped together in a directory when sorted by name. Handy, eh? [bartles and James] Thank you for your support. [/bartles and James] - Chris P.S. Sorry for foisting the mods list onto ya, Manx. I guess you now know exactly why I didn't want it! [ 09-02-2001: Message edited by: Wolfe ]
  20. A recent discussion with some more recommendations and links: Hi I'm new here and I have a question And a few more links not yet mentioned: AFV Interiors Battle Tanks British Artillery in WWII Fun Facts PDF files Wargamer Guns vs Armor - Chris [ 09-01-2001: Message edited by: Wolfe ]
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy: [QB]Hmmm, 'Vierling' (quadruplet) stands for a four-barreled gun. 'Zwilling' (twin) for a two-barreled gun.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Now that part I knew. Which is why I put it in quotes. The pic is obviously wrong, but I didn't realize it was also the wrong gun (3.7cm instead of 2cm); I thought they were just showing the single-barreled version. - Chris
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by John Kettler: Please take a look at page 108 of TWENTIETH-CENTURY ARTILLERY. The illo clearly shows a 2cm Flakvierling 38 on its special trailer, not a 3.7cm Flak 43.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> OH! I thought you were comparing the single-barreled "Flakvierling 38" on page 100 to the Flak37 on page 107, which is why I was confused. But you're right; the pics on pages 100 and 108 are reversed. And the exact same mistake is also made in Bishop's Encyclopedia. In what should come as a shock to everyone: both books are published by Barnes and Noble. - Chris
  23. Great collection of posts! Definitely deserves a BUMP. Thanks for the work to both markshot and russellmz. - Chris
  24. The M36 is first available in Oct44. M36B1 (extra MG, more armor) is avail in Dec44. One serious drawback to the Jackson is its slower ROF than the 76 (~5 shells/minute compared to ~7 for 76 (regular units)). And just because it can sometimes penetrate the PzIV/70's upper hull doesn't mean it always will. I've seen rounds bounce at a bit over 700m. Particularly before Feb45 (before the Allies' guns get slightly better penetration). Why this is, I don't know (change in ammo manufacture?). BTS has, AFAIK, never explained why this changes. - Chris
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