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Everything posted by Ted

  1. They were looking for the best Strategy Game Now if they were looking for the best Tactical Simulation .....
  2. Two topics back to back with the word "Peng" in them. Gives me the willey's [ December 20, 2002, 01:30 PM: Message edited by: Ted ]
  3. I once had a tank behind a building, peaking around the corner and just clearing the side wall of the house I had a clear LOS to some infantry. Every shot that tank fired hit the house. I learned to keep some LOS clearance between me and houses when shooting at the enemy.
  4. I hate to see this on page 3, makes it difficult to hunt down. White4 as a sub? I remember having a good joust with him once and was looking forward to the possibility again.
  5. WTF... So can someone give me a good reason as to why information like that was left out of the users manual that comes with the game?</font>
  6. I’ve just finished the 1st chapter. The 1st chapter should be very familiar to the vets of CM with ideas such as keeping your units in command range of HQ’s. The tips can be informative. One such, for me anyway, was that “Shaken” units rally faster if you give them the hide command. It also seems to be a good insight into how units will react / respond given different stimuli. I would highly recommend it. I think anyone at any skill level who reads it will become a better player for it. Terrapin, you weren’t selling any electricity to California recently have you?
  7. Lane, VL = Victory Location or Flag TB, Having been the victim of a last turn flag rush in tournament play I do like the idea of the VTE. A problem, I agree, is it becomes difficult to score fairly two scenarios of varying lengths. But, drawing an opponent who is or is not averse to using gamey tactics is also a luck of the draw. I think I’d prefer to play a tournament scenario where the ending is of different lengths. I’d rather that than to take the chance I have an opponent who does a flag rush while at the same time another player in my group is playing the same scenario with someone who doesn’t. I’d also agree with you TB that if you do design a scenario with the original intention of a 30 turn game, to design it for 25 turns with VTE.
  8. Greg and David, My ISP (cablevision)is having a problem with out going mail these last couple of days. Like, there ain't none. It should be fixed by tomorrow
  9. TB, For what seems like generations THumpre and I have fought the good fight in tournaments. It's perfectly OK with me if he's in my division. About how many points is a "medium" size game?
  10. By all means count me in! Edit: Sould've read the instructions first. Some how I always seem to be saying that. Emails on the way TB. [ December 01, 2002, 11:24 AM: Message edited by: Ted ]
  11. Sure, you bet TB. Let me know how I can help. tramos1@optonline.net I've been wondering about the scenarios. It'll be fun to get a peak. And if I loose I can blame it on somebody else.
  12. Lucky 13th. Respectable. And a little better than I thought I’d do. Thanks to all for a great campaign! Ted See you in the Ukraine.
  13. I though it nearly impossible for the Germans. Every time I opened up with a gun on the mountain it was knocked out after just a couple of shots (that went wide of there mark). Fighting against tanks, aircraft and heavy artillery with just infantry, who had no AT weapons, and only Infantry guns and recoilless rifles who were a mile away, was just brutal. The ambush saved the day but then came under fire from tanks and until even they were killed. It seems if the French pushed a little they could have had the lone flag in the German zone quite easily. I like to think a late rocket barrage discouraged that. To do it again I would bring the guns off the mountain and closer to the front. That aircraft was the capper though. I wasn’t expecting that. Those 500lb’s finished me. [ September 27, 2002, 05:17 PM: Message edited by: Ted ]
  14. I thought it even if not a little skewed toward the Germans. One after another of those 88’s kept popping up. One or two shots and whatever they were shooting at were half strength and running away. I moved 2 of my Sherman’s around the Allied right clearing 2 mine fields that covered the small gap in the woods there. When I came out from behind the hill I traded 1 sherm for an 88. On the left by the road I killed an 88 only to get knocked out by a shreck from a top floor at almost 200 yards (and I can’t hit a thing at 75, sheesh!). I dropped nearly all the 81mm artillery on one 88 while firing at it with the Sherman, mg’s and 60mm’s but it just kept pummeling my troops for like 3 or 4 full minutes (seemed like days). On the left when the late reinforcements arrived they fought their way up the hill past barbed wire only to ambushed by those crack gerbils and nearly annihilated. There were enough left though to take the left front flag at the and of the game (with a little help from the reinforcement engineers.) I did what seemed a one for one trade with the armor and that left several guns left on top of the big hill. I used the 155’s to clear the hill and the 105’s to thin out opposition and isolate it from reinforcements coming up the allied left side of the board. I’m glad I waited with the 105’s until those last 88’s showed themselves. I then made a mad dash into the center valley and up the hill. I just barely made it to the top in the closing minutes. Oh a Marder jumped into the fray at one point towards the end and I had to roll my eyes “what next!” but luckily the 105 barrage immobilized it far enough away from the top of the hill that it didn’t effect the flag possession. I was lucky to take the flag It would have been doom and gloom if I had not received the eng. Platoon and the 155 spotter when they did. I wasn’t expecting it and was about ready to write off the game and salvage what I could. You could hear the troops yelling all the way back to the states. Anyway, I took all the flags but I lost so much that I think I ended on the high side of a draw or pulled out a minor victory. In my opinion I don’t know how you could have balanced it any better.
  15. OK TB thanks. But if you need me for any reason, to help out with the scoring or to round out a group of 4, filling in as a replacement or helping with the organization, anything, please don’t hesitate to ask. I’d be more than happy to help. That goes for this or any future tournament. And I am looking forward to the CMBB tourney! Ted
  16. I’ll play in the finals when I don’t win my section just so you can use the Nabla scoring system. I signed on for the duration. BUT if you’re going to use another system of scoring or for some reason you don’t need non-finalists to play I’d rather stick to CMBB and get all geared up for the tourney in January (If that’s still the target month). [ September 23, 2002, 01:38 PM: Message edited by: Ted ]
  17. I heard somewhere that they were going to ship the last order first and the first order last. Or was it just the first twenty five orders last.
  18. If it's your 1st time playing TCP start with something on a small map with not to many troops. I'd go with 1000pts or maybe less just to get the feel of talking on the "radio" feature and how long it takes to transfer turns. I'd try a meeting engagement too. Sitting on defense waiting for the attack can get a little dull You can choose a time limit but don't forget you can always disable it for a turn if you and your opponent agree. But by all means start a PBEM game ASAP. The AI is nothing like a human opponent.
  19. I'm running a 333 w/128meg RAM and 16mb graphics card and everything looks ok but it does take a long time to calculate the turns. My machine is only 3 years old and it's already time for it to retire to jurrasic park.
  20. Doh! Tell me about it. This time though I'll be writting the AAR's. I'm not writting them so I won't get skunked again but when I read the AAR of the player I played against, I felt bad that I didn't reciprocate and show what happened from my point of view. Plus (and this is a big one) the gratification of the scenario designers in seeing how their hard work drove me nuts
  21. The way the bottom half of a mg crew disappears when it sets-up in a crater.
  22. LoL, I was wondering why nobody was talking CMBB. Oh yeah, new forum. Doh! Thanks for all your responses. I’m glad to hear it wasn’t only me. Yank, I can see that area fire will be the way of it all right. And keeping the T34’s to the front (just like the news reels) helps to. Anyway it’s time for a new mindset (and a new forum ). See you there.
  23. LoL, I was wondering why nobody was talking CMBB. Oh yeah, new forum. Doh! Thanks for all your responses. I’m glad to hear it wasn’t only me. Yank, I can see that area fire will be the way of it all right. And keeping the T34’s to the front (just like the news reels) helps to. Anyway it’s time for a new mindset (and a new forum ). See you there.
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