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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Ted

  1. Hey Von Shrad, Has any other group but GroupD finished?
  2. Yeah I know where to hide and when to run. Alex, I'm sorry to hear aout your family I hope things are getting better for you. I'm looking forward to playing again someday. Your emails were good for a grin. To be fair with the map we played on I had a distinct advantage. You really didn't have an avenue of approach.
  3. Sneak, With 5 minutes left I have the flags all right but I think Jester has it mind to take them away from me (foolish boy ). He sounds disgruntled but he's closer than he thinks. He's just laying down some more smoke and getting ready for a second charge. Man, these last three games I've been under so much artillery it's like playing in high explosive rain.
  4. I have two games left. One against Sneaky and the other Jester. Just a few minutes remain in each and should be no problem finishing by the end of the month.
  5. Sneak, You know when I moved up that slope to get a shot at your Panther, I plotted the hunt command, moved the camera up and I swear I could see over that hill. I have a hard time getting armor into a hull down position. Oh stop it with the dire position. LoL. You’re the one sitting on the largest victory flag. I feel I’ll be lucky to pull this out. And as far as timing goes we only had 10 min left so I had to do something. Balls to the walls and all that. I still have to kick the platoon out of the house in the middle before there’s any cross fire going on against the woods and you’re talking about more incoming artillery (of which I’m getting very sick of by the way). It sure would have made the difference if that 81mm was falling while I was advancing. Brandon and I have only 9min left and for the last two turns nothing has moved, the only sounds are birds chirping. Any second I’m sure all hell is going to start raining down on me (more artillery ). How about a time check on your other two games.
  6. Sneaky You know it was the AI that fired that smoke not me. That’s a good second in command. It makes me nervous standing in one spot with my armor for more than a minute or two. You never know who’s going to pop up. Those schreck guys sure are “sneaky” I came up that slope thinking I was going to slug it out with the Panther and you backed him into the woods. Trying to lure me into an ambush perhaps? Jester sure is the artillery master. It feels like I’ve been rained on the whole game, first over here then over there. Now it’s real quite. He has to come to me as I have the flags and the last movie, nothing at all happened, just the birds peacefully chirping away. I’ll bet the next turn they’ll be some serious incoming. I gotta take Alex off of my email list. Every now and then I send him Hendrix’s turn. What are the odds of playing two people with an x at the end of their name. I think Von Shrad set up that way just to play with my head. I’m surprised Brandon wasn’t a Max or something. (ok, I’m done making excuses).
  7. GroupE: One game finished. Sneaky and I have been playing a kind of hide-and-seek. He pops out his Panther and backs up behind some woods, I run a quick slant with my TD across the board and hide. I had one hit on the Panther at 400m and it ricocheted. It makes me a leery to show my turret again. I hate that cat. But a major squeeze play is in effect and we should know by the time I get home whose armor will survive and that will make the difference in the game. Brandon (Jester) sits up on the Hill looking down on my troops who are sitting in houses guarding the flags. I have a TD left but it’s raining artillery shells like there’s no tomorrow. I’m getting ready for his rush down the hill. About 10min’s left to this game too. Hey Hendrix, Brandon goes to the U of Pa. Maybe he’s wasting his time preparing for his future instead of playing CM. The nerve.
  8. I won't be around this Saturday, heading up to Dutchess County, but keep me posted for future meetings.
  9. I like the part where he say's "What?" (Reminded me of something from Firesign Theater.)
  10. That's 100BC. Looks like the Millennium Bug struck. Thanks for the info. I was plotting my moves when a little light went on and I said "wait a minute can I do that". If I didn't think of asking, all my troops would be going out into the street and having a big block party but not having much fun.
  11. I just started playing a WildBill Scenario, A Second Job, which contains a lot of row houses, large two story stone houses side by side. Is movement permitted from one house to another via the sides or do you have to, like, blow a whole using a satchel charge. Has anybody tried this?
  12. Alex, well what can I say, lost his armor to my Panther sitting on a hill in the first two minutes of the game. It was all over but the bleeding from that point. He surrendered to me on Sunday. Sneaky is exactly that. It took four or five turns before we saw each other. (I wasn’t going to loose my armor to no Panther sitting on a hill) I guess I waited him out (having a Victory Flag on my side) now he’s sending out half squad probes. The roar of battle should be about to begin. Brandon (Jester) started Area firing into some woods using a half-track with a 75mm so I peaked a TD from around a corner and popped him one. All the good cover is in the middle of the board so we’re about to run head long into each other. Von Shrad, is it ok to just post who beat who without using the points or even what games are over in what groups?
  13. Chear up Preacher, not many of us will go 3-0. Just get as many points as you can and whup up on the next guy. Good Hunting.
  14. I used to have fun playing the AI. I joined a tournament here on the forum and started PBEM. Now the only time I play the AI is giving out a few orders while waiting for my modem to connect to the net so I can send out my turn files. Right now I’m playing 3 different PBEM’s and I’m finding that might not be enough.
  15. Just something I’d like to clarify, it’s not so much to do with hill crests but more like a ridge crest, a sharp rise in elevation (e.g. a river bank). I know this isn’t Squad Leader but in that game Infantry that was fired on within the “covered arc” of the bank was afforded the same protection as a foxhole. What I conclude here is that Battlefront has not coded the game so as to detect the direction of fire on Infantry. Is that correct?
  16. LOL. I wasn't going to say anything. I figure as soon as I said how well I was doing you'd catch one of my Cats with a PIAT, turn the whole thing around and I have to come back here and hang my head in shame. Didn't someone once say, "It ain't over 'till the last round is fired".
  17. I've never had the problem. The 1st thing to do is make sure you have the latest DirectX (5.0?) and drivers for your video card.
  18. I should have checked for a SuperBowl thread before I posted a new one. Here's an update again anyway. E1 - hasn't started yet. (Blue Macs, where are you?) E4 - Turn 2 E6 - Turn 9
  19. How goes the war? Just wondering how things are progressing in the other groups. For me it's: E1 - hasn't started yet. (Blue Macs, where are you?) E4 - Turn 2 E6 - Turn 9
  20. Just a note-The larger the caliber the longer the smoke lasts.
  21. Always keep your infantry in the command radius of your HQ’s. Squads tend to break sooner if not in command and it takes longer for them to carry out orders.
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