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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Ted

  1. Looks like we’re all kind of in the same boat, I’m a Jets fan. And a Giants fan. Look at the bright side at least you get to say "There's always next year" in December and not September. Matt, you mean to say you don’t even get Sundays off?! Sheesh. You must work for a couple of slave drivers. Anyway, I kind of hope it’s my machine because I went nuts and bought a Dell. (I had to justify it to my wife and not being able to load CMAK was the best excuse.) I’ll have the machine by the 17th. I know I’ll get the new disk first, I’ll try it and let you know how it works either way.
  2. The customer service (aka MadMatt)is the best I've ever encountered. Seems like Matt is just sitting around waiting for me to have a problem so he can help with it. It's quiet today though. He's probably at a Peal Harbor memorial or something. I guess Steve and Charles have to give Matt a day off now and then. It's the Christmas season after all. Good Luck Kurt!
  3. Whew. I was beginning to think it was my machine and not the CD. Kurt, you say you also copied all the files to your hard drive and tried to run install with the exact same results?
  4. Yes I did contact sales and told them "Matt sent me" and they're sending one out on Monday. Last time I did get to the CMAK folder but all that was in it were two uninstall aps. I'll try again tomorrow. And thanks for your help in this, you've been great.
  5. Right Will do. I'll get back to you shortly. (I have 512MB memory) Edit: I can't get as far as seeing the directory with common.exe. The green bar loading bar gets about a third of the way across when I get: Error: C:\Program files\Battlefront\Combat Mission Africa Korps\common.exe An error occured while trying to copy a file: The source file is corrupted. Click retry abort…..etc” I click ignore and I get the folder but there's no Common.exe in it. [ December 06, 2003, 02:33 PM: Message edited by: Ted ]
  6. Yes as soon as the error popped up I went to the install location (program files\battlefront) and that's all that was in there. I have 23Gig of hard drive space left so that should be no problem. This is a good one huh. I'm going to email sales unless there's anything else you can think of. And thanks Matt.
  7. All that's in the program files\battlefront location is a Combat Mission Africa Korps folder with two unins.000 files One has 0k bytes the other 75k
  8. (I've moved this from Can't Install thread. I don't want it to get lost there.) OK. Seems that no matter what I do I get the same error everytime “Error: C:\Program files\Battlefront\Combat Mission Africa Korps\common.exe An error occured while trying to copy a file: The source file is corrupted. Click retry abort…..etc” I’ve disabled the anti-virus and Ad-ware and rebooted. I’ve tried loading from the disc. I’ve tried moving all the files from the disc to the hard drive and then running setup. I’ve removed all files that were installed after each load attempt. I tried installing into a custom folder and the default folder. No other application is running in my task manager. I’ve cleaned the CD. I’ve tried all of the above in both my CD and DVD drives. What else can I do?
  9. OK. Seems that no matter what I do I get the same error everytime “Error: C:\Program files\Battlefront\Combat Mission Africa Korps\common.exe An error occured while trying to copy a file: The source file is corrupted. Click retry abort…..etc” I’ve disabled the anti-virus and Ad-ware and rebooted. I’ve tried loading from the disc. I’ve tried moving all the files from the disc to the hard drive and then running setup. I’ve removed all files that were installed after each load attempt. I tried installing into a custom folder and the default folder. No other application is running in my task manager. I’ve cleaned the CD. I’ve tried all of the above in both my CD and DVD drives. Help! Edit: I've moved this to it's own thread. [ December 05, 2003, 10:54 AM: Message edited by: Ted ]
  10. I don't have an english icon. Maybe because I get an error when the install reaches the english.exe file.
  11. I’ve done all of what Schrullenhaft has suggested and still…. The install goes smoothly until what I think is the end of loading the file common.exe. I ignore this and the 1st file I see loading is wav.5000 I ignore this and again the install stops at english.exe At the end, I get the error message: Unable to execute file Common.exe Create Process failed; code 2 Cannot find specified file Says the same for english.exe Then the install window locks up I’m running windows xp 2 gig athalon Edit: I get the exact same results if I load from the cd or the hard drive
  12. I read in the CMBB Strategy Guide that giving the Hide command to tired/exhausted troops will bring them back to a Ready or Rested status quicker. I've never really tested it though. I'll check the exact quote later.
  13. Text-schmext Am I the only one who registered in the year 100!?
  14. When they come to a stop put them in the "hide" mode. I understand they recoup faster that way.
  15. Perhaps then a different shade of green? [ November 23, 2003, 10:21 AM: Message edited by: Ted ]
  16. Let me be the 1st to congratulate you guys. Now I know who to watch out for and am looking forward to playing each of you in RoW-IV. Another great tournament finished. I’d like to thank Treeburst for starting it and Kingfish for ending. Well done guys. Well, catch you all in the desert. Ted
  17. Good question. I've just started a A Small Melee via TCP. Great stuff. I've downloaded a couple more but 26 you say? Is there a way to get them all at once? I hope there will be "Small Battles" in Africa and Italy. Keep up the good work!
  18. My brother and I can’t connect via TCP. Fixed it. How to Ping using WindowsXP Hit - Start, All Programs, Accessories, Command Prompt. This will open a DOS window. Type - Ping (the IP address) It should send out 4 packets of data and receive them back. If not... The fix: Open the Network Connections in the Control Panel. Right Click. Click on Properties. Click on the Advanced tab. Uncheck the box for Internet Connection Firewall. I hope this helps somebody someday. Good Luck! [ November 07, 2003, 07:56 AM: Message edited by: Ted ]
  19. I think there’s one very important point about what will be covered in CMX2. I think the Battlefront guys are tank grogs. I mean, I think Steve even collects them. If they get tired of WWII I believe they would move into the future and not the past. I’m thinking they’d move towards possible Cold War conflicts and Arab-Israeli wars. (First though I’d like to see a whole WWII package with the new engine) Oh and … Hi Matt!
  20. I think there’s one very important point about what will be covered in CMX2. I think the Battlefront guys are tank grogs. I mean, I think Steve even collects them. If they get tired of WWII I believe they would move into the future and not the past. I’m thinking they’d move towards possible Cold War conflicts and Arab-Israeli wars. (First though I’d like to see a whole WWII package with the new engine) Oh and … Hi Matt!
  21. I like the way the schurzen doesn't line up and you can see the wheel behind. It's the attention to detail that makes this combat simulation so great. Well done!
  22. SO If your refering to Battlefront I think they're based in Maine.
  23. You can turn them off if it bugs you to much.
  24. KF, Did you get an email from me about the games and asking for the results spreadsheet?
  25. First off let me welcome you to the forum. Welcome. Let me assure you it is very easy to load maps and mods. Also there are just a ton of Mods/Maps/Scenarios out there located at many different websites. Probably more than you could ever use. And can’t you just cancel the Amazon order?
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