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Everything posted by Joachim

  1. I'd try "No". The main gun is the 75mm, the flamer is in a MG slot.... Gruß Joachim
  2. a) search for older threads when you bring them along, make sure they are as long as possible out of sight. Once they close in, make sure you suppress anybody around. Or use them to draw fire and assault with anybody else. Read: offer other targets that - if ignored - will pose threats even worse than flamers. c) Use them in dense terrain (woods or city). d) Use them on the defense Gruß Joachim
  3. As the editor is roughly the same, maps in Mapping Mission format can be transferred to CMAK - except for those tiles not present in CMAK. They are replaced by the tile in the exact place in the selection roster (where you select the tile type). E.g factories get buildings with pavements or sumfink. The problem is getting mapping mission to read maps in CM format... only manually: - take screenshots in the editor - increase brightness of screenshot - use it as background bmp in Mapping mission - manually place each tile over the brightened background (to see the new tiles) Gruß Joachim
  4. Jens, the PzIV turret is 50mm even for the late models. This is the weak area. Especially when hull down most of the hits hit the turret. Turret hits and the poor ole Pz-IV Gruß Joachim
  5. Second that. "Strategy is the art of not playing fair". If you attack with typical odds, it would be 3:1, not 1.7:1 as in CM. In an umlimited game, you get pretty much arty that way. Likely whines: "I stood no chance... this game sucks" "Hey, I killed all he had, captured all flags but still did not win!" (too many losses) "Game was over after turn 1" (Defender set up near the flags) Gruß Joachim
  6. Second that with the great work! BCR is at http://home.swipnet.se/supersulo/biltong/ IIRC there aren't that many of your maps in the map pack. QBs on custom maps are better than on generated ones, so I usually grab maps where I get them. Yesterday I added some of your new maps to the Excel sheet from the map pack, including the usual specifics like size and terrain. Just to know which maps are available for given parameters. It would be great if somebody had a comparable directory to all of your maps! Gruß Joachom [ February 16, 2004, 05:49 AM: Message edited by: Joachim ]
  7. Andreas True or not false: If you have time to rant, you have time to sent me your turn. Gruß Joachim
  8. Oh... you sent me one tonight? Didn't check the mail after 1am GMT-1 IIRC you got one last night... after I confidently ignored your turn for 3 days, secure in the knowledge that you would not answer for one week. Or I feared the StuKas again, as did some of my men diving for cover... ...err...what was the topic of this thread... ah, yes... wait.... Is it possible to decide whether it is a lion or a bison by its you-know-what? Or did we settle that that particular crews qualification as artists is as high as mine. Thus it is the intention what the artist wanted to paint not what ha actually painted that decides whether it is lion or bison. Does the lion have a bison inside him? Damn, to waffle like that I should go to the cheery challenge... Gruß Joachim
  9. Good news on the tanks. Destroyed or burning is less crucial, abandoned is important. The kills per unit you answered is not what I meant. I mean the kill stat of an individual unit (big black unit stats window when you hit enter on the unit, "kills" page). To raise the exp of an individual unit, it is necessary to check its kills and thus read that black window... E.g. ----------------------------- 17 infantry casualties caused 1 T34-M41 destroyed ----------------------------- BTW: I strongly second Japanzers proposal to be able to select the exp and bonus for each unit. I'd even add ammo to that list! And I guess what he wants for "Read units" is exactly what I described above. R"ead units" should read not only the own losses but the losses inflicted upon the enemy, too Gruß Joachim
  10. Over here nobody would complain about any malfunction of that kind. Due to German Uber-optics, we can usually see that part of the body anyway on standard TV-channels or beaches. The threshold is if our Uber-optics are not able to spot undies under a almost-everywhere-see-thru dress though we have clear LOS to areas where you'd expect at least traces of them. Gruß Joachim
  11. Guestimate: Wild Bill's Raiders Pack The Avalon Hill Game Company Gruß Joachim
  12. It ain't proper language in a text. But in a form, I'd write the same. Just adding fixed expressions and separating with commas. Eases comparison. Gruß Joachim
  13. Cause the Altstadt is for prolls and the harbour for Schicki-Mickis And I hate Altbier. Nope, the reason is ... a beautiful girl Hey, I heard Berlin is as dead as Bonn now the government and the public servants moved there Yes! Checked with a current battle, but then recognized import does not work without prior export Experience is what you gather when you read the manual afterwards... What is needed exactly is the losses, the destroyed/burning/abandoned tanks for each side the kills per unit - a problem as separating the kills into infantry, guns, bunkers, vehicles and tanks is a problem... but exporting the kills stats to excel as graphics could do - the user then has to decide it, but does not need to switch between CM and excel. Counting the numbers of destroyed/burning/abandoned enemy tanks, guns and mortars is a tough nut to crack.... but if it doesn't work, I could change the rules... Gruß Joachim
  14. Ooops... Sorry, please re-send. Address is the same. Did they have attachments? I had to block large files once, but long ago... Gruß Joachim
  15. Gonna have to get them... Those theike announced will be great as usual, too...
  16. Ok... did learn VBA the same way- though I spared the graphics and only used it for comparing and formatting lists Düsseldorf The idea is basically the old Steel Panthers long campaign. Take a core force thru a long period, add some auxiliaries now and then who stay a bit and local support for every battle. Now you have a generator that is based on certain "given" parameters (given means someone comes up with a viable batch of parameters) that change over time. This generator provides the parameters for a CM battle a) Date. Based on Last battle, last result, amount of fighting in that period etc. Calculate random weather. Parameters for summers favor warm weather with clear skies, dawn is more often foggy than mid day etc. c) Calculate a random support force and a random enemy. d) Start QB with that parameters, usually after creating a scenario with a map and your core force. e) Buy support as it is allowed f) Play QB g) Note results for every unit h) Increase/decrease experience of units based on losses and kills i) Note which units are not there in the next battle. j) Next (quick) battle Sometimes your core force changes (usually twice a year, as formations/units are outdated). The problem is much book-keeping. So I wrote a tool that rolls a battle. The tool is under construction, next step is to ease the book-keeping on units, i.e you have an excel "units sheet" were you insert the kills and losses and Excel generates the new experience and availability for the next battle. What I'd like is a) a possibility to read the kill stats and the losses (probably not covered by your app) to insert them into the units sheet Some kind of automated buy routine for your core force based on the unit sheets of my tool And the ultimate goal: c) Some automated routine doing the whole buy process for each qb... ... ok... ignore this one Checking your tool till the weekend... Gruß Joachim
  17. Wenn das hält, was die Webseite verspricht... err... If it works as advertised, it will be a great tool. Definitely will test that! Is there a possibility that it exports/imports the unit data to/from excel? It would ease most (single player) campaign tools, who do their bookkeeping on spreadsheets. Generating the rules for a long campaign is not such a big problem... available time is the big factor. Two questions: a) Which programming language is used? Where do you live? Gruß Joachim
  18. Number of Wisents during WW2: less than 100. Doubtful the artist ever saw one alive...doubtful he painted it accurately. Judge yourself: Painted picture of Wisent Picture of Wisent More pictures Gruß Joachim
  19. ???? There are Marders in my version... IIRC it is the one from the CDV-CD (not the demo).. cause usually I don't overwrite scens. Forces: Starting with 222s, the 250/11s and recce inf. Reinforcements are a plt of PzIII(j or L, 50L60 variety with 70mm frontal armor), then a plt of marders and a plt of PzIIIn. In between some Rifle Co. Have to check that... Gruß Joachim
  20. Infiltrated my infantry in the center and flanks while I waited for the German reinforcements that can kill the M3s frontally (I like scenarios where you can not flank outside cover or effective range) Shoot and scoot with recce units at HTs, provoking ATG fire. Some Lees moved and showed me their sided Then finally showed the PzIII(50L60)s and killed with the Marders. Lost one PzIII there. The infantry reinforcements went right and center vs demoralized US forces. The last two Shermans were tough, as they stayed keyholed and I had to close in on them - with infantry leading A quick dash by recce and 2-3 PzIIIn's on the left flank resulted in the loss of a tank and 2 ACs when they outran their meager inf support. But they distracted the last Sherman. Gruß Joachim BTW: There is another thread about the demo where some people won as Allies vs AI by just pressing "Go".
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