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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Pak40

  1. I have yet to test the new overlay function. From what I read in the manual, it seems as though you have no control over the scale. How does one know that 8 meters on the photo = 8 meters in the map editor? If you zoom in does the overlay keep it's scale properly?
  2. LOL, Steve, I knew that I liked you for a reason. However, Firefly was cancelled by Fox which is free to anybody with rabbit ears. But I get your point, it was probably replaced by a crap reality show.
  3. How are we supposed to beat you in a multiplayer game if you're as good as us?
  4. The major problem people are having is that they don't read the readme directions and are surprised to see weird graphics and text caused by their mods. You are supposed to uninstall ALL mods before applying the 1.11 and 2.0. versions. This means take them out of your /data/Z folder. Once the upgrades are done then you can safely put mods back in the folder. Some mods are not compatible with 2.0 - especially uniform mods.
  5. I'm playing KG Engel right now. Amazing job, especially with the maps. I'm hard to impress but the designer of this campaign has exceeded my expectations. BF should hire him to do battles and campaigns for upcoming releases.
  6. After reading the Sigma post in context I'm pretty sure that Jason226 is either a troll or completely off his rocker. Looks like it's his first post ever, obviously trying stir up some sort of reaction here on this board.
  7. It doesn't have grammar check though.
  8. No doubt it's been covered many times, but it is confusing to many casual and new players and, quite frankly, can and should be brought up periodically. If no other reason than to educate players (and hopefully persuade BFC to improve the targeting system to include facades of buildings and hedgerows and not just action spots.)
  9. Yes, please do because the original link has been taken down since the CMFI patch.
  10. LOL, this almost begs for a LOS blocking text to let us dunces know exactly what is blocking our LOS.
  11. Phil, I'm not sure what Seedor81's technical issue was but, it seems to me that a lot of Tech support issues could have been avoided if the 3 following things had been done with the latest round of patch & upgrade: 1. Have the upgrade verify that patch 1.11 was installed before proceeding. 2. Either have the patch & upgrade check to see if there is any data inside the Z folder or, at the least, pop up a message warning that mods should be uninstalled before proceeding [with a yes/no option to proceed]. I know that people should read the readme before executing these but the fact is a lot of people don't and it leads to a lot of people posting "Issues with patch" threads. 3. Change the wording on the license/key input screen. First we need a "download key" to get the upgrade, then when installing we need a license number to activate the software. It took me a little searching figure out that the two things are one and the same. If you just change the wording to match what is in the email, then you've solved the problem. Thanks, Cheers, and Thanks to the whole BFC team for a wonder game.
  12. Yea, this is purely an "action spot" issue. It is frustrating at times. In my opinion they should make walls target-able as well, independent of the 'action spot' system. Hedgerows should be treated as walls in this respect so that units can use area fire on hedgerows themselves instead of the ground in front of the hedgerow.
  13. I haven't looked either but my guess is that they're only in single vehicle purchase because they weren't party of any typical TOE at this point in the war.
  14. Those sound like normal limbering and unlimbering times for an AT gun. I think I remember the Pak40 took 4 minutes to pack up and about 2.5 to setup.
  15. I can confirm. v2.0 has lynx in single vehicle purchase
  16. Well, Tom Hanks and a handfull of Rangers were able to take out a HMG 42 with only one loss. I never once thought to myself that this was an unbelievable situation.
  17. Everyone, do not worry. I have a good source who tells me that BFC has spent the last 2 weeks perfecting the perfect pot of tea! They nearly had it 3 weeks ago but they found a bug in the kettle and had to start over.
  18. CMBN really needs a YouTube tutorial for the basics. Once you're comfortable with the basics then you can move on to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZ6dDlqye9Q. However, this will be helpful regardless of whether you've got the basics down or not.
  19. Interesting test. I wonder if this is an issue squarely with on board mortars?
  20. Obviously, the precision is not the issue that Sublime is seeing. I just copy/pasted the patch artillery related notes. Quite possibly, he is seeing the artillery go off target because the spotting rounds are not being spotted. The TRP issue that he claims happened is either extremely rare or possibly his mistake. It's obviously not a recurring problem otherwise we'd see a lot of posts about this.
  21. Absolutely I read your post. You said the FO has LOS or TRP. I just chalked the TRP up as a rare freak occurrence since it's never happened to me. I sense your real beef is with the inaccuracy of the artillery FFE in general. Honestly, I've been quite pleased with the accuracy and have often thought it a little too accurate overall. BTW, 10-20 meters off is really considered quite accurate, to me at least. If artillery is going to be off then 200 meters off is more realistic.
  22. Sublime, from the 1.01 patch readme: Artillery is a little less precise. When a forward observer cannot see where spotting rounds impact, he will usually require another round to be fired rather than skip ahead to fire-for-effect with poor accuracy.This leads me to believe that what you're seeing is not a bug and is intentional. WWII artillery was off sometimes and BFC was taking that into consideration when they modeled this system. CMBN artillery at release was off more frequently so they dialed back the inaccuracy to appease the consumers. That doesn't mean that you'll get 100% accuracy 100% of the time.
  23. 1. I agree about the AA guns. The Germans scrounged a lot of them for use as support weapons since artillery was scarce in the Arnhem area early on . 2. Assuming this module will cover Sig Line also, there might also be some dragon's teeth or additional pill boxes.
  24. It's quite obvious from the screen shot that the truck will get to where it's going faster by going down the road. Putting a truck on open ground will slow it down to a crawl anyway, so your theory is flawed.
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