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Everything posted by Oddball_E8

  1. Me tooooooooooo ------------------ Wof, wof, wof, wof... Thats my other dog imitation.
  2. Hey! you have updated your german page a lot more than the english one... well what about all us Dumme Swede and other nationalitys who dont neccesarily speak (or read for that matter) german... a bit unfair if you ask me... rant mode off... other than that it is an impressive site... you have my admiration and congratulations on a job well done... ------------------ Wof, wof, wof, wof... Thats my other dog imitation.
  3. Mind if i take it too??? i know i complained before but i dont hold a grudge so i hope you wont (not that i have any grudge, but you know what i mean) besides... this one isnt brown ------------------ Wof, wof, wof, wof... Thats my other dog imitation.
  4. no wait... now it works... just dumped about 50 messages on me... dont know what went wrong, but i just couldnt log on... didnt accept my password... ok all you moderators out there... lock this one up... ------------------ Wof, wof, wof, wof... Thats my other dog imitation.
  5. There seems to be some problem with my e-mail so send the files to Oddball_E8@hotmail.com thanx ------------------ Wof, wof, wof, wof... Thats my other dog imitation.
  6. Well im sorry for the getting old comment but i have a distinct memory of you making more than the halftracks in this colour... I did not know that the colour is indeed realistic so yet again i have to apologise. sorry dude... didnt mean to hassle you like that... but i just had a notion of you having made more vehicles in these colours... ------------------ Wof, wof, wof, wof... Thats my other dog imitation.
  7. Im inclined to agree with babra there Tiger... sorry but the gray thing is getting old and isnt all that realistic... Youre still up there with the best tho... ------------------ Wof, wof, wof, wof... Thats my other dog imitation.
  8. I have actually compiled a small cd with the mods i think are the best... i made it for my friends here that play combat mission... so what im saying is: get some guy that lives near you (or at least in the same country) to put his mods on a cd and then send it to you. but dont ask me... unless you want to send me 20 swedish crowns in an envelope with return adress and staps ------------------ Wof, wof, wof, wof... Thats my other dog imitation.
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Magua: Hey Oddball_E8, hows the Urban mod coming along?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Its on hold at the moment... the operation that i made for it is not working right (not because of me tho, its the damned no-mans land thing) and we were in the middle of making buildings when some other guy came out and made these amazing buildings that just made us loose all hope of ever outdoing that... hmmm i cant seem to remember his name right now... ------------------ Wof, wof, wof, wof... Thats my other dog imitation.
  10. Send me them mods please... reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally like the tank ------------------ Wof, wof, wof, wof... Thats my other dog imitation.
  11. Very nice pics... you got any of the badger? ------------------ Wof, wof, wof, wof... Thats my other dog imitation.
  12. Sorry dude... ive been away... but that is the correct url... thanx gordon... ------------------ Wof, wof, wof, wof... Thats my other dog imitation.
  13. Please please please fulfill my long standing wish and make a cavalry version.... pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze!!!!!!! ps. i got a link to a great site if you want it ds. ------------------ Wof, wof, wof, wof... Thats my other dog imitation.
  14. I cant find it... ------------------ Wof, wof, wof, wof... Thats my other dog imitation.
  15. Are u using the original sounds or my sound mod? ------------------ Wof, wof, wof, wof... Thats my other dog imitation.
  16. And they rock!... ------------------ Wof, wof, wof, wof... Thats my other dog imitation.
  17. Mmmmm... niiiiiiice ------------------ Wof, wof, wof, wof... Thats my other dog imitation.
  18. Yup i noticed the lack of update... guess it was just down for some reason or another ------------------ Wof, wof, wof, wof... Thats my other dog imitation.
  19. Thanx for the response guys... just wondering cause i got this new `puter and its been horseing around quite a bit... ------------------ Wof, wof, wof, wof... Thats my other dog imitation.
  20. I think the sherman was nice... the tiger was pretty ugly tho... A big square box with a gun... yuck... ------------------ Wof, wof, wof, wof... Thats my other dog imitation.
  21. Or is it just me... cos i cant get in... ------------------ Wof, wof, wof, wof... Thats my other dog imitation.
  22. Well so is the Easy-Eight... ------------------ Wof, wof, wof, wof... Thats my other dog imitation.
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kingfish: I highly recomend you play "49th recce" by Germanboy. You can find it on the "Der Kessel" website. I found it well balanced, with a very nice map to boot. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thanx, but i D/L that some time ago... just havent gotten around to playing it yet... Still tied up designing scenarios myself... ------------------ Wof, wof, wof, wof... Thats my other dog imitation.
  24. I love it... i think ill divorce Tiger and marry Magua instead... or just become a bigamist... ------------------ Wof, wof, wof, wof... Thats my other dog imitation.
  25. Actually Lucky shot will change the ford tile to a pontoon bridge tile (altho flimsy... hence no vehicle crossing) in the upcoming Urban Mod... come to think of it that is probarbly the only thing left to do before release... ------------------ Wof, wof, wof, wof... Thats my other dog imitation.
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