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Everything posted by Moriarty

  1. There's a bone waiting for you in Coventry. Be a good lad and fetch it.
  2. Mebbe, DjB will bring his set over, had a catchy ring to it before he deleted them. You beat him to the post only by a whit, a jot, an iota.
  3. Ahhh, lutefisk coagulating on the stove ... or is it cess. Looks like the 'Pool. The aroma's right. It must be. Just needs a "wankers" to be official.
  4. Nah, he's a cut-n-paste sort of guy, rounded-tip scissors and mucilage, and all that.
  5. Bah! DjB, I confer upon you the title of Knight of the House of Hopeless Causes long enough to start a new thread or until someone of consequence, i.e. above the rank of Justicar, i.e. a consensus of the Olde Ones, says you ain't. [ July 31, 2002, 07:19 PM: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  6. Little Sam (whatever) is just fine playing ball in a busy street, thank you very little.
  7. The message you refer to was for file No. 15, the previous one you lost/misplaced. And you're still a simpering lackwit git.
  8. [yawn]Joe, you simpering lackwit, I sent you file No. 17 on 13 July 2002. [/yawn]
  9. Are the outer boards that bad that someone of the stature, the notoriety, the fame of Doug Beman, someone with a three-digit member number, [bauhaus] ah, said member number ya bunch of raging pillocks[/bauhaus] would deign to muck about in the MBT? Ya might try taunting someone ... a serf or SSN perchance. [ July 15, 2002, 06:15 PM: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  10. Good point, Flicker. To my erstwhile CM opponents of the MBT, it is my intention to continue any and all CM:BO games under way to their conclusion regardless of the receipt of CM:BB. If you are of a mind to drop the CM:BO game when you have received your copy of CM:BB, I will agree to cease-fire the game in progress and let the AI tally up the points.
  11. Herr Oberst, regarding your previous simpering, File 60 was sent to you in the early a.m. 13 July 2002. So, no excuses for not attending to sheetrock, etc., etc. [ July 15, 2002, 05:04 PM: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  12. Ah'm wi' ye, Moriarty, ye scab on a camel's gum. Af'n Ah want a tournemant *sneer* Ah'd gi' tae tha feckin' Ooterboards an' join wun. Thas as worse than tha teem Seanachai ainveeted all thaim stankin' grogs aintae tha 'Pool fer bugger knoos why. Ah think tha Just-a-friar hae o'er staipped tha marrk! Taken tha opportunity o' Seanachai baein' oot o' boonds ain Canada, tae avoid a stankin' Olde Wuns majority agin haim! Stenographers!! Ah demand Stenographers!!</font>
  13. Jo, this is really beyond the pale. Required to participate? Not only a ladder tourney, but with Clans!?! This is Madness. </font>
  14. I'll play any and all. I don't know a lot about the EF, so there's plenty to learn playing 'em all.
  15. You have no need to know anything until you are taught, pisspot boy-o
  16. Bah, you're not exactly objective in this as you and Persephone have always, well nearly always, had a great fondness for stunyeknod.
  17. Looks like the old goat ... er, Justiflatus, will have to look it up. I'll abide by an official decision, i.e. not your assertion Spaniard or the blatherings of Pantywaist
  18. Did either of you two gits specifically state that you had taken Athkatla as Squire? Or did bo-da-yas just stand around like a couple of toothless hags yammerin' at the cauldron? The answers would be No and Yes in that order.
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