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Everything posted by Moriarty

  1. Ah, yes, duties. Carrying the honey pot is the duty of a serf. Quite right. But not for a Squire. Lorak scribble it thusly that Athkatla is now Squire to myself, Sir Stuka and Sir Leeo of the House of Hopeless Causes. Your first duties as such * KICK * are to lose the excuses and subservient tone. * KICK * Next, you shall commit to memory the only training you'll ever need: Go Forth to Kill, Maim, Destroy and Conquer. Granted, I am not very good at this sort of thing but those I have squired are quite respectable at it. * KICK * Do not cross Sir Berlichingen, the Evil One, lest he heap a mass of Mondays on you. * KICK * Show respect to the ladies of the MBT, all others must pay cash. That is all for now.
  2. Was that a nubian or merino wether? [ July 13, 2002, 06:52 PM: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  3. Looks to me like long-absent, or is that long on absinthe, House Geier is setting up a wee bit of internecine warfare. With what goal?
  4. Hiram vs. Geier, hmmmm. Fresh from some of Fionn's tutoring, Hiram uses a subtle tactic to pick a fight with Geier. Well done, lad, but hang onto your hat. Ah, what do I know, I've lost to both of 'em. [ July 09, 2002, 05:03 PM: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  5. Good thing the Peng thread didn't drive you away forever. Welcome back.
  6. He's cranky because it ain't the official togs of Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. Well, he's cranky anyway, but especially so because of that.
  7. Joe meant to say informers ... members of his little band of snitches.
  8. It is with deep sorrow that I find a certain amount of 'wisdom' in the otherwise 'mumbled over a paper bag filled with a bottle of white port' remarks of the Justicar. Noba's involvement with Gunny Bunny must be investigated, lest it bring deep discredit to the Cesspool. I am deeply perturbed by Noba's failure to address the several requests we've made after information. In fact, his remarks to date would seem to indicate to a merely suspicious man (as opposed to a deeply, almost pathologically paranoid one such as our Joe), that he does, indeed, have something to hide. Something more shameful than merely 'playing' in a Gunny Bunny sponsored tournament (although the gods know there's enough shame in that to paint three normal people, although it only covers one Australian by spreading it very thin). It is this deeper and darker shame, hinted at by Noba's swings between defiance, avoidance, and denial, that convinces me that the full power of the Justicar must be turned loose on Noba. Also, it's unbearably hot and humid here in Minnesota, I have no air-conditioning, and I don't see why I should be the only one on this planet that's completely miserable. Knowing that others, and especially Noba, are suffering horribly under the almost psychotic attentions of the Justicar will bring a happy smile to my face as I sit sweating in the 'suit' I've created by wiring together four window fans and suspending them from shoulder straps.</font>
  9. Nope. Only board administrators and they choose not to use it.
  10. Time for a Gamey update: Big Girl's Blousehaus is having a spot of trouble getting his armor into the town I am defending (quite well, actually) in a scenario from Andreas . In the same scenario against Herr Oberst my troops are routed on the right and the left, but he's having trouble in the wet ground. So, sad. Did I mention I gamily beat Goanna? Joe Shaw has set up an abominable QB that left me with 40 kubelwagens and a Hotchkiss. Should be no problem. Leeo has gamily moved his gamey elite Tigers and Panthers into town but they will be no match for my regular uber-PIATs and the horde of Brit Infantry waiting to feast on the carcasses of his gerbiltruppen. Lorak will win whether he likes it or not. He doesn't, so he will. That gamey, span'l-flaying Spaniard OGSF managed to eke out a minor victory in some Rune-inspired dental thingy. He was gamily abetted by the AI, which obviously erred in its calculations. So, we have switched sides and are going again. I should have nae problems as long as he doesn't let that flea-bitten Span'l issue the orders. The Bard has left the building. Steve the Rat pops in now and again for a bit of smiting, but is once again disappeared. That is all.
  11. Roight, you keep this sort of thing going and you'll end up a hopeless cause in the House of Moriarty.
  12. How'd ya get the camber over there? No more scotch for you, you're leaning again.
  13. I agree that the modders have done a phenomenal job and I'm glad that all that good stuff is available if players choose to do so. I used to run CM heavily modded ... all the vehicles, buildings, terrain, interface, etc. Now, I'm using Magua's low-res buildings, Wolf's high-contrast terrain and DD's tree bases. I do the vast majority of my viewing at levels 3-5, where the vehicle mods and uniform mods don't mean a lot to me. The high-contrast terrain may not be the most realistic but it gives me the terrain info that I value more. I've got enough horses to run the game so it was never a hardware or memory issue, just personal preference. I'm currently involved in a game restricted to levels 1 & 2 viewing where other mods would be attractive, but I haven't really missed them. Again, just personal preference. [ June 22, 2002, 06:27 PM: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  14. That one on the right probably was the last one picked for the team. And what's Mace doing behind that purse? [ June 22, 2002, 01:59 AM: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  15. Word has been received today of a pending invasion of these United States. An insidious infiltration that will no doubt have a dubious effect on the health of the US economy and the actions of industry. It seems that one of our own, an environmental engineer, scientist, gadfly and consumer of fermented malt beverages now has the necessary credentials to perpetrate his business upon the US of A. Of course, I speak of Goanna, who, word has it, managed to pass he second and final portion of the test to get his professional engineer's certification/license in the US. Of course, being Oztralian and a little bit thick as to the ways of the world, Lizard Boy-o decided to achieve this feat by studying many long hours instead of just ponying up some cash in a back alley in Chicago. No doubt it will be some time before he sobers up. Congratulations, Will.
  16. My troops were French. Need I say more? [ June 19, 2002, 12:51 AM: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  17. Joe, if I recall correctly, and I do, you did in fact win that abomination visited upon your own self by your own vassal, MrSpkr. When it was over, I asked what sort of game you wanted to do and I never heard back. And as for your Code of Jell-O, that morass of rules and regulations is the prime reason I'll act as second for anyone opposing you at any time. Your terms are acceptable. Probe. I'll defend. Don't care which side. No need for jpeg.
  18. Why thank you, sir, and I appreciate your offer of being my second but Joe's probably right on this one that there wouldn't be much for you to do.
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