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Everything posted by Lanzfeld

  1. I was around back in the old days of the Alpha AAR. I have one of the first copies of CMBO (you can see my member number here)and I still play it now and again. I never bought CMBB but I have read all about it. I have read that it is great in its own way but alot more "strategic" then CMBO. People say that CMBO just seems to be more fun. I know they fixed much with CMBB (like the MG's and running troops) and rebuilt the way that arty works??? Anyway....I was wondering, in a nutshell, how much better CMAK is over the other two. Is it fun? What are the major highlights of gameplay? Is this really just CMBO cleaned up another step or is it a new game entirely? I really don't have time to go through all these threads trying to get a feel for what people think so I was hoping that you could just tell me here......for an "old-timer". (I am really only 34 but hey.....)
  2. I am looking for that small program that lets you play a few turns as a movie. Anyone know how well it works and where I can get it? Thanks
  3. Thanks for the info. Shame about the no-fix. It seems they could do it in no time but what do I know? "Blue-ribbon Lurker"? You mean my low member number? Yup...I was around since day one. On and off though.
  4. I love CMBO and I will probably get the re-release but two things really get to me. 1. The MG bug. I am not really sure what it is but as MG's can very well be the epicenter of many local defenses it should be addressed. 2. Many of my U.S. tanks STILL refuse to use thier "T" rounds even while dueling it out with a Tiger at long range. Same with many AT guns. The howitzers in "Merry X-Mas at Hemroulle" will not use the "C" rounds.
  5. I have CMBO (just look at my member number) but I think I will buy this new addition anyway to support the team. I still have to get CMBB though.
  6. Saturate the area around the KT with smoke. Flank like crazy with Russian tanks. Repeat if nessisary.
  7. I really hate the boring maps that are made with a QB so I pefer a human made map. I wish you could download a map that a person made and then play a QB on that map.
  8. GI COMBAT demo on Sept 27th. Different game then CMBB but I must say that I am really looking forward to the real time aspect and individual soldier animations. 94 death animations!!! WOW!!! :eek: [ September 10, 2002, 02:46 PM: Message edited by: Lanzfeld ]
  9. Thanks for the link ECHO! I collect firearms and a semi-auto thompson is in my future if I don't blow all my $$$ on a Christen Eagle that I have my eye on.
  10. I'll take a Thompson over an MP-40 anyday. Can I special order???
  11. I can't believe how often I still play CMBO nowadays. I mean the game is old! I love it though. I just got done reading about the new MG effectiveness in the upcomming CMBB. It really highlights the MG "bug" in CMBO. I wonder if there is any chance that, after CMBB is finished and released, BTS could maybe backtrack and fix the MG's in CMBO for all of us western front fans. I am not sure if this is even possible but it would be nice.
  12. Hi Fellas, Long time CM player here. I took a look at this new game comming out next month (yeah...right) called G.I. Combat. It looks like CM but it is real time. I guess it is a combo of CM and CC. I have to admit that this appeals to me. No more planning out with unrealistic detail each "turn". Even though I am a CM lover for life this new dynamic time-critical style should be a nice change. Imagine your enemy commander panicing in REAL LIFE because your boys came over a rise in landscape that he never expected you to! I imagine him trying to redeploy his troops while his hand shakes and his positions are over-run! I just hope that it is done right. I didn't think that the CC series was all that realistic but maybe there was improvement. They will, however, model each individual soldier. From what I read you will control each squad as a whole unit. You can also enter and fight inside of bunkers and buildings! One story only though. Battles will be understrength company size with about 100-200 troops per side. Maps can be up to 800 meters square I think. I imagine more than that would just be too much to control in realtime (the obvious limitation of this style of play). I also hope the game isn't just a clickfest. Anyway....the site is www.gicombat.com for anyone who wants to see it. [ June 26, 2002, 08:37 AM: Message edited by: Lanzfeld ]
  13. I agree with Beavis. I hate how the troops piss away valuable ammo on that last bastard who wont die or give up. In real life it just wouldn't happen that way.
  14. Wow, thanks redwolf, I never knew.
  15. Guys I've been gone for awhile playing other sims but I am back now! (Note the old member number!) I have not heard of this "Flak Truck Bug". I did a search but I only got this thread. Please explain.
  16. Maybe it is easier to stay unbogged in light trees in bad weather (mud, snow, ect...) because the crew can use fallen branches in the mud for traction. Works in real life. [ May 16, 2002, 12:15 PM: Message edited by: Lanzfeld ]
  17. Is there any chance that your squads wouldn't fire for fear of hurting other squads near the target? Is this modeled in the game? I think it is. If a faust hits the M8 and it goes BOOM it may wipe out some close squads. It's the only other thing I can think of. Move all squads away except for one behind the target at a range of lets say 20 meters and see what happens. Keep them in command too. The battle is over by now probably though. [ March 10, 2002, 11:23 AM: Message edited by: Lanzfeld ]
  18. The battle that came with the game called "All Or Nothing" has some churchills I believe. It is one of the best battles on the disc.
  19. LIGUR.... You said that your squads were about 50m from the M8? What kind of faust's did you have? If you had the 30's.....no way. Even the 60's you would probably need to get closer to the M8. I find the infantry will usually fire around 50% of the fausts range.
  20. LOL...... Want to play a PBEM and see if your theory holds water?
  22. Well I tried to play by these rules for the first time today and I have to say it makes CM hard as hell! The restricted views kill me! HQ's get zoom 2X and Sharpshooters, tanks (Allied too?), and AT guns get zoom 8X. What about German HMG's? Did'nt they have optics? [ 11-01-2001: Message edited by: Lanzfeld ]</p>
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