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Everything posted by Lanzfeld

  1. Well I'm from the north and we do not have accents.
  2. I do really look forward to the begining of Barbarossa. The flood of Germans heading east while the Russians trying delaying tactics with very little equipment.
  3. I worry about this as well. I would love to play a human but even at 10 turns a day PBEM we are talking a looooong time.
  4. Okay...I went through the website and answered question number 1. What about names? Is there a way to put my name in the "database"?
  5. Hey, I have CMBO (one of the first!) and CMAK. I have a few questions before I get CMBB (the CMC looks like a dream). 1. With respect to the "engine" of the game, what does CMAK have that CMBB doesn't? I know CMAK has dust and multi-turret and CMBB does not. Does CMBB have covered arcs? Does CMBB have "move to contact"? Does CMBB have trenches? What are the other changes to CMAK? 2. What was the big change from CMBO with respect to MG's? I remember that there was a problem with CMBO's MG's that was fixed in CMBB and CMAK. Just curious.... 3. To make CMAK more "Europe" so we can stop using CMBO are there any plans to add the "missing" vehicles to CMAK or am I just dreaming? 4. Last question is a designer question. When I make a battle and test-play it vs the AI with "Fog Of War" off (so I can see how AI plays) does the AI see me all the time or is it still bound by LOS?
  6. When a player sends me a turn it come inside the e-mail with a line that says "play by e-mail data follows this line" or something to that effect. I have no idea how to open the turn when I get it this way. How do I do it? I have tried everything I can think of. When the player sends the turn as a seperate zipped file then I can unzip it alone and it works but most other players dont know how to send it to me this way. HELP!
  7. Good point about the ammo. I agree....it is very stratigic to make your troops SAVE ammo for the longer battles (90+ minutes).
  8. I finally figured out something about what I, personally, like and dislike about certain battles. It hit me like a ton of bricks that battles with time limits (15 minutes or so) really are not fun or realistic. At the company level I think that one to two hours to complete a battle is much more realistic. When you have two hours you can really plan an attack and see how it developes. You can pull back and try different avenues. You can try longer flanks too. As the defender you can rotate troops to defend and try different ambushes. Anyway....I am going to try to modify all my battles to two hours and enjoy. Just my thoughts....... Merry Christmas......
  9. Yup....that is for sure. Even if you find a certain tactic that works it is no guarantee that it will work twice. This is very true for this "misfortunes" battle.
  10. "A Series Of Misfortunes" that is.... The second time I played it I got a "Draw". I doubt I can do THAT again and I had many little instances of luck to get it! What a nightmare. I got as many tanks as I could down the side of the map and then tried to get as many of the guns to keep turning as I could. They seem to traverse slow so I tried to exploit that handicapp. I did defeat every gun but I took too many losses and it was a draw. Are we suppost to be able to beat this one? No way that can happen without an incredible stroke of luck. This battle should be called "Take The Beating Like A Man." I loved it though.
  11. or if I may add..... Is there a place where I can download CMBO scenarios for redone for CMAK?
  12. So is there a "one stop" file I can download to make my bin copy have the SS Units of the Battlefront copy?
  13. It is not worth it then? Even with the realtime aspect?
  14. Is this second version of Squad Assault (Mr. Eric Young I believe) any good? I ask here because everyone knows the best wargammers are here! [ November 15, 2005, 12:33 PM: Message edited by: Lanzfeld ]
  15. After a long time away from the CM series I just picked up CMAK in the store. Trying to get back into this frame of mind. Getting my butt handed to me. I'll be looking for PBEM soon! Lanzfeld
  16. At what time will the AI become "self-aware"???
  17. From what I have read in here this is just a MUCH better version of CMBO which I already have? In fact I was one of the first to get it! I have played and enjoyed the demo. Have people reproduced all the great battles of CMBO in this game? What is the next game going to involve?
  18. Yes...my schreck does fire from buildings...just no fausts in DEMO.
  19. They are unmolested in a house with an anti-tank arc. It is not only this one time though. I have seen this situation many times in the demo with never a faust shot. They DO use grenade bundles and that other German anti-tank thingy but NEVER the fausts. Mayby because they are inside a house?????
  20. I have only the CMAK demo right now. I have been playing the battles and I noticed, as I play the Germans, that my boys never use their panzerfausts. I know that they are panzerfaust-30's but I get to within 15 meters of enemy tanks and they still don't use them. Is it because my boys are in houses or is it a known problem with the demo?
  21. Well.....I beat it finally. I went up the right flank to the oasis and sent a platoon of tanks to the midle-of-the-map ridge which I didn't notice before. Still....those M3's took many many hits to kill. I sent most my troops up that dried up riverbed in the middle. I did NOT use the default setup for the AI so it put an arty spotter with great LOS to that riverbed. OUCH! Still....great fun! Much better then CMBO. I will order soon. I really hope that most of my favorite battles from CMBO are redone with this engine! ALL OR NOTHING comes to mind.
  22. I downloaded the demo to CMAK and played the battle where I, as the Germans, attack across the desert. Now I am a CMBO vet from long ago but I got schooled HARD! I have 15 panzers to press this attack with so I thought that I would just "gangbang" the defenders. I push on my left flank. I layed down some smoke plus set up my tanks and 20mm cars to create a huge covering dustcloud to close with the enemy M3's and get around them. HOW THE HECK ARE YOU SUPPOST TO KILL THOSE M3'S?!?!? Almost every shot bounced off of them or did no damage if it did penetrate! My plan was great but my P-III's are almost usless against those M3's! Did I just have really bad luck or is it really hard to kill a M3? I am trying the battle again and this time I am trying the right flank. I will make my way to the oasis and trees and will try to harrass the M3's from there. Did anyone else find this demo battle hard as hell????? I am getting plenty of hits but NO KILLS!
  23. Oh.....theres a demo? Geeeezzz...didn't even think of it....I'll take a look. Thanks
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