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Everything posted by Lanzfeld

  1. A drum fed MG34 on a tripod? Hmmmmmmmm. I don't know....maybe?
  2. ...if it is any good and worthy of the BTS name.
  3. You said you would have something for us on the 18th. Well??
  4. It is past the 18th....how about some answers...
  5. What do you mean by Lack of realism"? :confused: Just curious as to what you are refering to?
  6. Also why ISNT the panzerfaust 30 or 60 included in the gallery???? Maybe...like they said...not everything is in the gallery.
  7. I was unaware that CM got it wrong in the beginning. What the bomb smaller then an 81?
  8. I guess what we need to know is if this is all the units in the game or are there more? (Like the Brumbar)
  9. and where is the Brumbar? The StuH??? :confused: I know that was in a previous pic????? WTF??? [ September 14, 2006, 05:33 PM: Message edited by: Lanzfeld ]
  10. Ummm yeah dudes... Where is the PIAT? You didn't....you would'nt.... Would you???
  11. I can't remember what it is called but it is that German defensive weapon on the tanks that hurl a grenade or motar type explosive at infantry that are close by. "Nahverteidigungswaffe" or somfink. :confused: Anyway it was a really cool realistic detail in CM and I wonder if it is in ToW? (doubt it). [ September 13, 2006, 11:38 AM: Message edited by: Lanzfeld ]
  12. Well.....I agree that we should simulate barrel changes as well but my point was that we had MG jamming in previous games and no barrel changes but now we have neither. We are going backwards here!
  13. Right, but IIRC in CM1x MGs of squads, haltracks and tanks never jammed, only the ones of the MG teams, quite unbalanced if I think about it now (or I didn't pay enough attention and the others do jam as well ) </font>
  14. I never read the signatures. Besides.....did he mean rifles or machineguns or both?
  15. They already have answered it in the second post of this thread. </font>
  16. Yes we are all aware that every type of firearm can jam at one time or another. But it is particulary important to simulate jamming of the machinegun which is the cornerstone of these weapons. The entire German squad was based around this pivitol weapon and, to a lesser extent, the US squads as well. The Devs need to step in and answer this one please. Do LMG and crew HMGs jam at all? Like I said in a post above....how many times was this a factor in CM when you were covering an advancing squad with a vickers that suddenly jammed?!?!?! :eek:
  17. Anything would be better then a machinegun not having a chance of jamming at all.
  18. Yeah...there are tons of screenshots of them. BUT NO JAMMING?!?!?!? :eek: :eek: :confused: :confused:
  19. Now that makes sense. Thank you Gunnersman
  20. Why were on map motars taken out of the game? They seemed great in CM and, in fact, they were my number 1 way to deal with dug in guns. Why no mortars???
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