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Everything posted by Goanna

  1. The rumours of my skinning and being made into a feminine accessory are premature, I assure you. That was merely a molt that I allowed Moriarty to fashion into a sequined clutch with which to have a purse fight with a Croda or some such. So will that be the rushing screaming and dying reds, or the burning screaming and fleeing krauts for you then cyanobacter?. [ October 01, 2002, 03:01 AM: Message edited by: Goanna ]
  2. Hmmmmm, this is starting to look like the PantyEater gets in over his head and takes on too many thread. Time to fire up the Taunt-O-Matic®, I suppose and get a few matches going myself before I end up playing wallflowers and SSN. Let's see, I've already got underway a few of the most vile opponents, but I need to add some pommy flavour. Someone who I failed to sink the boot into sufficiently last go round, someone from the land of bad teeth and boiled chicken. And most of all, someone who pumps out turns like a hyperactive shrew. In short, the imperialistic Pondscum should look down to inspect his nice shoes as I have just deposited a quivering lung oyster there as a means of calling you out. Then, since I also have a slot available for another of the send a turn every month whether you need to or not crowd, I also would like to identify Agua Perdido as a wuss of collossus proportions. I have it on good authority that he is personally responsible, through work for his employer, for arming the Iraqis as well as now selling the western world the means to defeat the Iraqis. He is the conniving lickspittle that foments arguments and battery between persons at social engagements, then scuttles off to the edge of the action to snicker. He is the lowest form of scum (notwithstanding those identified above) and must face the wrath of the AoS. You know, provided neither of you two gents is too busy. Either side is OK and no cause is too lost for me to champion (besides that whole (hee hee) quest the Bard has going). [ September 30, 2002, 07:02 PM: Message edited by: Goanna ]
  3. And wasting ammo on planes is EXACTLY what you do want to do when one appears. I don't mean waste it actually, but I do mean fire a fair bit of it downrange at the jabo if you can get a bead on it. They would be quite hard to hit unless they flew directly at you or away from you and I wouldn't try to be too economical with it prior to it dropping its bombs on me. What was army doctrine on this for the Germans do you know, Andreas?
  4. I can neither confirm nor deny the fact that I am a bastard, although the suggestion is not foreign to me. I do not own any firearms, but was educated in their care and use by the government at one point. I do own a rather sturdy Gray Nichols cricket bat, however, and find that all the home protection I need here in the Lucky Country. Of course you have your personality.
  5. ...and mine. I am currently handing Berli his ass on this very terrain. Now he will cry "Never!", but you will recognise that for the propaganda it is. [ September 27, 2002, 02:07 AM: Message edited by: Goanna ]
  6. Naw, Berli likes to wait until abunch of his mates are packing the dunny and then do the helicopter.
  7. It has arrived in Sydney. A friend and I got it on Thursday in the late post.
  8. That was my leather face mask. You ought to see the real face, it ain't pretty I can assure you. As Berli, he saw it and look what it did to him. He's only 17, you know.
  9. Get stoofed, ya poxy haggis sniffer. I notice that you DID include the one where I can't seem to get the last round of 9 mm down range, but some how DID NOT include the one where you were attempting to fire your Enfield in semi-auto mode. Bloody yellow journalists. Nice that Mace and the Bard at least noticed my excellent range practices and safety considerations, however. Rest assured that if you are ever on the business end of a pointy thing held by this Australian, you'll be wishing you were in Gaza instead. And for that, you bloated tartan sack of protoplasm, YOU can send me a setup as I am now in possession of the implement of your demise.
  10. Yeah, they might do that book someday. However, the above will be a mere parenthetical entry to a volume that will contain a plethora of AARs examining why it is that you were unable to best one of us on the battlefield, yet able to maintain this veneer of superiority. Don't you owe me a turn, beeyatch.
  11. The big question is, has BFC sent their postcard to the Bard saying that his credit card was denied and he has to go to the back of the list of orders from this point? Now there's some hate mail. Careful there, big fella, we wouldn't want you to get all spiritual and superstitious on us. Now pass me some of that freakin cheese log.
  12. Thanks for this detail, and thanks to Rob for all your efforts in putting on and keeping up with this tourney. I went out early, but still appreciate the chance to stay up to date with the happenings.
  13. Oh, the quivering ball of anxiety that is the AoS at present. How the men stretch and moan, aching to shake off the tension and join the fray. But we must wait (we're always waiting) and be patient. Prepare our weapons. Review our tactics. And feed the hate. The hate that longs to join the eurotrash in the streets for some Rattenkrieg. The hate that wants plunge a bayonet into the bullet riddled body over and over while cackling insanely. Soon, very soon, my precious. Then they'll be sorry.
  14. No problemo. When I get my copy I will send you an attack/defend setup of the standard size of one of our thousand other games. It, of course, will be patently unfair to you and leave you complaining to your old boss upstairs.
  15. You know, for a retired attorney, that Arax isn't the sharpest tack in the box is he? Not that being an attorney means you have any base intellegence at all, mind you, just look at mrsqkr for example of that. But you would figure that if you found something you didn't like on the bbs and it was clearly marked each and every time with the words Peng and Challenge that you could avoid it without too many worries. Unless you are adumbass cowboy I guess. Must come from living in WY and sucking in all that industrial waste so readily.
  16. So how about an update, you spiteful little man. How much of the hole have you got to fill? How bout a digital shot of the progress? Perhaps one of the other propellor heads from Minnyscrotum can come over and get one for you to post, since a dole bludging filthy layabout such as yourself could never afford a digital camera or the developing. I suppose you'll be asking for a second round from the faithful anytime now. Bloody liberal scum.
  17. Technically, I think his next words after that shot were: You went and shot all my ammo up, so you can just get in there and clean all the buggers before I put my spaniel on ya!
  18. Mrsqkr you total goose. It's a well known fact that they are handling preorders by MEMBER # so suck rocks.
  19. dalem, I suggest you dig through your dresser for your old pairs of those skin tight and very sort nylon jobs that you used to wear in the eighties then. But avoid smoking in them as I think they were banned as a fire hazard. [ September 16, 2002, 01:18 AM: Message edited by: Goanna ]
  20. Although it took OGSF feeding his spaniel several large bowls of franks and beans the night before to generate large quantities of poisonous gas to be used during his eventual assault on the positions of the AoS Group Süd, I must regretfully concur with his report on the result of our Yelina battle. He pushed into the woods and rolled my left flank like an old Dachsund that just piddled on the rug. He also wore me out with conversation the night before and with a dazzling display of vintage WWII hardware in the early hours of Friday the 13th so that I could barely lift a mouse in my defeat. After practicing the rapid delivery downrange of dozens of rounds from his Enfield, M1 carbine and P-38, we both proclaimed ourselves quite capable of holding off the Hun, Al Quaida or half a dozen ATF officers for extended periods. Stills and home movies of this extravaganza will be available after I transfer the lot to CD and shoot him a copy. Contrary to popular belief, OGSF was a most gracious host and was also quite capable of conversing in English. And although partner took quite ill after meeting me the first evening, the occurrence was entirely coincidental I am sure.
  21. I'm waiting until last so that I don't create a statistical anomoly in the results, since you know how you hate that.
  22. Speaking of twats, I suggest a cesspool poll with the following questions: Is the Andreas or original Germanboy persona more arrogant, bitter and japanese looking? and... If he wasn't such a good map maker, how many people who attended the CMBB prieview at his place were actually planning to attend in order to beat Andreas to death with a copy of the Skeptical Environmnetalist? Edited to give him just another reason to berate me. [ September 10, 2002, 09:57 AM: Message edited by: Goanna ]
  23. If Steve sanctions it, I'm in since technically, I did suggest it first.
  24. Perhaps you should add that I am running on a time limit over here as well as the fact that those 8" shells are targeted at the the far end of the only bridge to your side of the map. Don't worry Bemoan I'll be stomping around in the goo that was previously your slack-ass posterboy midsection relatively soon and we will have you back posting about the pros and cons of calling back the last trollop you tricked into dating you rather than take on the likes of the mighty Army of Scaliness again.
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