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Everything posted by Goanna

  1. ...and can someone from BFC also confirm the 69 MB size for those of us planning home invasions of people with DSL or cable modem service.
  2. Hear, hear, Mace They are welcome to him. Let's hope he spreads the kind of "tem spirit" he did in N. Melbourne and the Crows can spend the next 3-4 on the bottom couple of rungs. Leaves more room up above for Geelong. PS: Even though I am Australian, I would like to offer my assistance to the Bard on his next trip down south to sort out the whole Slapdragon thing. I'm quite good with a stake and can bring my own accelerant.
  3. Well, frankly, it's a bit more than just bashing box art and also shows precisely why BFC were correct originally in their marketing strategy. First off and most important is the fact that the game is NOT called CM2 as this and the previous CDV box art have shown. This may seem trivual to you, but in a marketing sense it is called dilution of your brand. Allowing shoddy operators or your competitors to dilute your brand, your punch, the main message that you are trying to get out to the marketplace is considered very serious by all major companies. It confuses the market as to what you are actually offering and makes you appear disorganised and out of control. BFC got into this game (from their often restated messages) to provide the best, most accurate wargame possible and to market that game to people who are serious about their accuracy and representation. No matter what these marketing resellers have told BFC to allow them to resell the product under a different banner, it is pretty clear (like a lot of marketing people I have been involved with) that they only want to know as much about the actual product as is necessary to flog it. Selling CM only through battlefront.com may look like a better route as time goes on. If I was BFC (and I'm not, but I play one on tv) I would get anyone who approaches me to market CMBO, CMBB or any of the later iterations into a room and force them to play me in a TCP/IP match to prove to me that they really knew the product or they'd be out on their arse quick smart.
  4. Anyone at BFC know if you plan to let the Inside Mac Games folks distribute the demo on their regular MacGames CD? Also, if you have not considered it, would you do so? I would be happy to arrange it with Tuncer Deniz for you if you like.
  5. OGSF, who's snow are you using? No time for a full ÜberLizard Update but suffice it to say that I recently treated bauhaus like a red headed stepchild. We defended in depth, we ambushed and displaced, we flanked, we enveloped and we annihilated in such a way to make you think Ghengis Khan had arisen again. It was fecking beyooodifull mate. Pimples were also burst in his direction and we have agreed to taunt him another time on the CMBB demo.
  6. Mike you are a poor man's MarkVI and not even fit to hold his soiled jocks. You deserve nothing more than to beaten about the head and neck with the Brick until silent and twitchless.
  7. Of course not. This is a scenario for Pengers, by Pengers and featuring Pengers. Hell, even the man himself gave a review, so I would expect nothing less from each and every kanigget (SSN and johnny come latelys need not apply). At least get in theri and give me a review of the rank, unit and uniform I put you in. And ghost written reviews by your old gran and all your dead uncles are also accepted.
  8. {serious}BTW Berli, sorry I wasn't able to get you comments on "Teeth Enough to Bite" before you posted it. This is, of course, wildman's fault as he was a non-returning bastige for quite a while about a month back. I will still post you my comments in the usual way at the Depot when we are done.{/serious}
  9. I think the lot of you aren't fit to get caught in the strainer when this Cesspool gets drained. Quit talking about some worthless piece of crap that neither mrspkr or shaw could come up with singly and get your arse over to the Scenario Depot and keep "Where Eagles Dare" from slipping from the top ten. And give it some awards while you are their you pack of nittering fools.
  10. Very good point, since we know there's supposed to be a rifleman in ALL of your kind. Granted, you're no Charles Whitman or Lee Oswald, but I'd suspect even you could nail a head the size of either of those two mooks. Say it with me now: This is my rifle There are many, but this one is mine . . . PS: What was her name Berli?
  11. What say Pat picks a champion kanigget to whup old Baldys (unbolded because he and his buddy Fionn are rule making wussies) arse something good in a Blood Hamster taunt fest for the right to post here as Roxy henceforth. Then we can inflict Moriarty on it as its master and teach it the lesson it so richly deserves. [ August 20, 2002, 10:07 PM: Message edited by: Goanna ]
  12. Well it might be a decent idea, but TCP players would be crap at it so forget it.
  13. Hiram, I've got a suggestion for you. How bout returning a damn file occassionally, hmmmm? I mean, I'm letting you have delusions of grandeur and everything in our current Marlow abortion. Once more into the breech then is it Peng? Seems last time you tried to attack the Army of Scaliness Group South, you didn't get your tanks off the first hill and your infantry didn't clear the last treeline. Best to forget all that really and just take on the latest newbies or Pissl and his time machine. Yeah, Pat ougt to do you nicely. Pity though, since if you could waste the time to fill out the app to play Fionn and got a draw, logic says I would hand him an industrial sized can of whup ass.
  14. Rune you nincowpoop. First, how can these "annual" award nominations all come from years prior to 2001? this should be the first thing to tip you off that the Stella awards are total BS. Second, the Stella awards always show up as e-mail spam after each and every new "frivolous" lawsuit in any country in the western world. The last time I saw it was in Sydney when some dumbass on ecstasy and piss decided to dive into the ankle deep surf at Bondi and broke his freaking neck then successfully sued the local council for failing to warn him. I think the appeal is centred on whether they should have warned him about the surf, the shifting sea floor (which of course council has full control of) or if the local hospital failed to tattoo "I'm a total dumbass" on his forhead at birth. Anyhoo, while I am always ready for a good beat up of the legal profession, any of the Cesspool ambulance chasers with a Westlaw connection could tell you quite easily that each and every one of the cases cited above other than Stella's case above is complete and utter bollocks. Sure, let's line up all the attorneys and knee cap the rat bastards, but lets do it with actual facts rather than made up ones. Otherwise they might sue us after.
  15. Damn, and I thought that focker would remain in the old thread posting to himself ad infinitum. BTW YOU ARE ALL STILL A PACK OF MEWLING SURRENDER MONKEYS AND AS OF THIS MORNING AT 0630 MST (in the Great Satan) YOU ALL STILL OWE ME A TURN. I ask one thing of my vict... uh opponents and that is promptness. You wanna have a go at the Army of Scaliness? Then keep em coming sweetheart. Otherwise I'm likely to show up in your hometown, pull off your arm and beat you with the wet end like the proverbial red-headed stepchild. Think I won't? Ask the denizens of deep southern Wisconsin if it was pretty. They had to abort three cats, do thousands in renovations and get one lawyer reinstated to the bar after my last visit. So, ON YOUR BICYCLE!
  16. I beg your pardon, but I do believe I own the IP for reptilian cruelty in this cesspool. That'll be a 20c piece. Oh, I am, and thank you for the imagery. I’d kick his lily white arse with a taunt so withering he’d be begging for forgiveness over that Playgirl spread. And I’d use the brick on her a good one. Take that "concerned over all the dead bodies" look right off her mug. When I watch the news I want ugly. Butt ugly. I say bring back Cronkite and that skeletal Garrick Utley. OK, OK, so if there's still a vote on I got for A or C, I can't remember and refuse to page back that far. Shiite, go away for half a day and look at all the crap that builds up in here. Personally, I too blame Croda ATTENTION YOU PACK OF MEWLING SURRENDER MONKEYS: If you are reading this you owe me a turn. Yes that includes you Hiram, Bard, the J-stroker and the skirt wearing haggis muncher
  17. Especially considering that the game is called CMBB and not CM2. These guys obviously aren't that clued in to the development of CM2 which will be a differnt game engine entirely. Typical marketers.
  18. Oh sure, that's easy to say until you wake up next to "her" and out of the corner of your eye spot that huge adam's apple. I for one will not be taunting YK2 or Persephone but will not be not doing it for the deluded reasons of the Bard. I instead choose the following reasons: Persephone has skills and makes me laugh, even when I am the subject of her "art". I also squired Patch back when that was the done thing and it just wouldn't be cricket to begin wanton abuse now. Also, I still view Patch as a bit of cherished oddity around here, a flower that somehow manages to flourish and maintain her demeanor despite the constant diet of effluent. YK2 takes care of the French, and what need more be said, really. Pat (which is a really apt temporary handle despite it's emergence from the mouth of the latest Gay Focker to wander in who doesn't even have the pills to stand up for his own misstatements - NOT A STEP BACK MAN, THEY CAN SMELL THE FEAR ON YOU!) {ahem} Anyway Pat will be treated with the same fair if unmercilessly cruel hand that any newbie would. Given the fact that Pat actually plays CM, I reckon we ought to see how it goes with the first few games and get some reports from those who have participated (provided they have a couple of glowing synapses at the top of their spinal cord) to find out if Pat will be a useful human oddity addition to the Cesspool or not. So, this basically rules out Dorosh since he is an admitted grog and can't be trusted and would likely just want to swap faux uniform sewing tips. Horse Ovaries will probably be a fair reporter, but we need a couple others to step up to the plate. I vote for the Justiciar himself to have a game with Pat since that's what we pay him for and he fancies himself capable of shaping gold from ****e in the past. [ August 14, 2002, 10:32 AM: Message edited by: Goanna ]
  19. AJ, I hope you do know that admitting to watching that IQ thingy (down bau . . . ah bugger it he ain't around anyway) and Conan are not exactly listing you as the sharpest tack in anyone's box. And Bard I couldn't give a fat rat's sphincter who she is, she'll die like all the rest. Unless of course she is really Maddmatt posting incognito. That would really piss me off since it would be really wasting my time to read anything by him if it went out to all you lot at te same time and wasn't just addressed to me only. Because I'm way more important than all that you understand.
  20. OK, I'm not ashamed to admit it, she made me chuckle. Cutting and self deprecating. Hmmm, now if she can just make Dorosh cry, I'm all for letting her stay, or at least killing her last. Edited due to the fact that my secret Germanboy anal retentive decoder ring got lost in the wash. [ August 11, 2002, 10:56 AM: Message edited by: Goanna ]
  21. Oh, of course. So, what coulour is the sky in your world? And where's me fecking turn?
  22. Ah, and I almost forgot some victory conditions. When you lose Bemoan you will thereafter restrict yourself to no more than the starting of one thread per week and no more than 10 posts a day unless taunted into further response. Furthermore, none of the above threads will eve again be allowed to stray into subjects such as: (*) your love life (P) your job (%) what a hopeless shut-in or other form of insufferable pillock you are
  23. Thank you Hiram for so succinctly putting words to the thoughts that many of the silent majority must have been thinking ad nauseam since Beman recently became a serial thread starter and made his long overdue dip in the foetid waters. He has, however, not been keen on the etiquette of a challenge as he has been too busy afflicting his slack-ass posterboy™ style on the Outerboard hordes. Roxy Horror has also obviously missed a few things in her reading, but then again she did chip a nail so I suppose we should cut her some slack lest we cause her to cry again so soon and dry up her recently overworked tear ducts. With that in mind, let me go back and cover some standard ed subjects for you two wet behind the ears, overanxious, lackwit oxygen thieves. {Where is that damn Justiciar when you need him?} It is standard practice for the SSN (read you two miscreants) to send the setup upon offer and acceptance of a proper challenge to a veteran of the pool, especially one who has a member number as low and venerable as mine. Given the fact that neither of you two could find your ass with both hands and a road map, we veterans will possibly overlook the former requirement and deem your tepid challenges as adequate, but we cannot (and I am sure Herr Horse Ovaries will join me in this sentiment) overlook the latter. Therefore, Beman, you will be allowed to provide whatever sort of gamey-ass setup you can come up with to me should you choose to do so. Might I suggest another of the scenarios you have been designing so I can humiliate you in it as I did in our last. I still have your hoodoo here somewhere and I am sure I can dust it off and put it to proper use again.
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