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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Bil Hardenberger

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Everything posted by Bil Hardenberger

  1. Nope. My orders were to apply buddy aid and recover as many weapons I could.. I was hoping to do the job and withdraw before the Allied forces showed themselves. Yes, attempting to get the AT gun was worth the 5 man team... if I could have recovered it (simulated of course) then it would have made a huge difference in the follow-on battle.
  2. Hey Bud, I'm sure they are so brittle because the global morale must be extremely low with all the prep that Phil did killing off all those other teams before I got my hands on the scenario.. plus of course they are out of command so that adds to it. Being out on a limb like they were does not not help. I am consolidating near the LT by the road, so the next encounter they should behave, hopefully, closer to normal.
  3. SITREP +4 Minutes: The Pz Schreck missed the Sherman, high and long... they immediately attempted to withdraw but were caught by Sherman 75 fire suffering two casualties and with the other two panicked. That team will also be lost I fear. Other teams are either falling back on the road to delay the enemy or crossing the river with their recovered equipment. Six minutes until the detonator arrives... Burke out. [sIDEBAR: For Phil.. I am ordering the team which would have recovered the mortar at point 2 to walk normally across the bridge.. can we call it recovered if they make it to the exit zone with the mortar?]
  4. SITREP +3 Minutes: Team at point 5 spots enemy moving to front, before they can find their safeties the enemy team has opened fire, joined by the Sherman on the road: x2 casualties, x 2 surrendering (including the leader); and the final member panics and runs.. toward the enemy. Enemy identified: x4 infantry teams (x3 firm, x1 UI); and 1 Sherman 75. Pak 75 will NOT be recovered. [sIDEBAR - this is the result of having green units.. and I think having a scenario where many casualties have been taken also adds to their brittleness.. and I don't think the HQ unit being out of range helps either. They were in foxholes, and non-moving, while the enemy team was moving.. this team should have fired first, but they never even got a shot off] SITREP +3 Minutes (continued): Team at point 6 recovers the Pz Schreck and takes a shot... result: [TBD] :: Good news: Team at point 4 has completed medic duties and recovered two functional PFs :: Team at point 3 has completed medic duties and has recovered 1 LMG :: Team at point 2 is almost finsihed with medic duties :: Team at point 1 is almost complete with medic duties and has recovered 1 functional PF. NOTE: This will probably be my last turn until this evening as I have to travel to DC to meet with a CM VIP.
  5. SITREP +2 Minutes: Team at point 5, providing medical aid to two gun crew; Pak 75 is undamaged, will attempt to recover; enemy team noted slow crawling toward the surrendering soldat to team's front; will provide overwatch and interdict if possible :: At point 6 team started medical aid, found Pz Schreck on the wounded soldat :: At point 3, medical aid provided and undamaged LMG recovered :: At point 4, medical aid started, x2 Pz Fausts on the wounded soldaten; examining for functionality ;; At point 2; medium mortar crew severely wounded, starting medical aid; will bring the mortar back across the river for examination; will attempt to recover as much mortar ammo as possible ;; At point 1, one casualty with a Pz Faust, starting buddy aid, will examine the PF for functionality :: BURKE OUT At point 5: At point 3:
  6. Yep, grenades we have... there are also a few PFs and a Schreck lying on the field, so all hope is not lost.
  7. MISSION (SNIPPET): Blow the bridge, and scavenge as many of the heavy weapons as possible from the battlefield. The man with the detonators won't arrive in the AO for another 10 minutes... until he arrives I will send my teams out to quickly scavenge as much equipment as possible from the field... the numbered points below all contain casualties that need attention. I will apply first aid and gather up as much equipment as we can. The LT in charge of the scavenge/first aid teams will be moving forward to get eyes on the road... Hauptmann Burke and the LMG will remain in the rear to direct the man who will blow the bridge and to provide overwatch over the scavenge/first aid teams. There are two UI tanks on the road that I need to be careful of. Currently I have nothing to defend myself against tanks.. so I need to grab as much AT weaponry as I can find and prepare to meet them. This photo taken at the beginning of this action shows the team prior to sprinting to point 5 and a burning Sherman on the road.
  8. If we don't get NATO, then we'll never see how an M1A2 SEP v2 matches up to the Leopard 2A7
  9. Yes, excellent show DMS. You truly have earned your free copy!
  10. Good show Ken. I'm glad its over.. now I can get back to work.
  11. Hey Ken, issue with your last image in that post... what happened to the gunner??!!
  12. I know this project hasn't received a lot of love from me recently and I apologize.. I do have a company attack series, with tactical instruction and a few scenarios in the works. Not to make excuses but I have had a lot of upheaval in the past year and a half, including getting laid off, and am now in my second (and more comfortable) job in that time frame. I hope that is all over and I can again turn to the Tactical Problems project. Bil
  13. You'll be fine Ian... I command a conscript ammo bearer team and a pair of pliers. What are you bringing to the party?
  14. The FOW icons will fade with time.. and you can have echoes of old icons that stay put for quite a while.. you have to be on your toes to ensure you keep them separated.. the less transparent they are the fresher and more accurate they are. The fresh ones are the only ones you can rely upon to be accurate.
  15. Okay I have re-worked these icons in the little spare time I have Bil's Floating Icons BETA 2 Most work was done to the US icons... they now are square in shape and I have adjusted the color so they will work in any lighting conditions... (Ukrainian Icons do not have these changes yet). When selected the icons reveal the nationality (for the US the icons will flash green). NOTE: This will not work for the shared icons, including, HQs, snipers, FOs, etc.: I have also reworked the FOW icons... note the difference between the Russian and US FOW icons. NOTE: My philosophy is that FOW icons are a warning to the player that something is out there.. hence the design:
  16. I did some pre-battle analysis and thought anybody reading this (is there anyone out there?) might find it interesting. Note, I am not the overall commander of this operation so my suggestions and analysis could be thrown out the window by Oberst Kerner if he wishes. This analysis was done before the initial setup. Here it is.. be interesting to see how close it is when all is said and done:
  17. I think he's doing a fine job. Totally engrossed Bud... keep going, this is a great AAR.
  18. Not to worry, once you have the AAR bug it's hard to stop. I might have to adapt mine though to compete with these outside the box presentations.. I really dig them. Keep it up!
  19. Wish I had seen this earlier.. would have been fun. If you need a standby player for PBEM games count me in.
  20. Fantastic presentation! With your and pnzrldr's outstanding narrative AARs I just might have to retire.
  21. Glad to see you doing this mod.. excellent work! I have been working on an NTC map since early BETA (Red Pass)... I'll have to finish this up now that you have created this mod.
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