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Bil Hardenberger

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Everything posted by Bil Hardenberger

  1. MOS, yeah I expected that there would be a lot of people who are not familiar with Excel. I'll work up a little tutorial for setting up a workbook and try to answer all of your questions.
  2. Hehheh, I already fixed the code, new Workbook is attached.. thanks MOS!! Set the time as seen in the game clock (with the period to separate the hour from the minute) and the calculations will all now work correctly,IOW you can enter the times as 1.00 and 2.00 and they will still work. BATTLE LOG-PzG Battalion 21JUNY15.zip
  3. That is a great catch! Thanks, I will need to add a blurb on the time setting into the rules or less simple, fix the formulas.
  4. INITIATIVE I wanted to go ahead and post the parts of the rules on using Initiative.. Warren could use Initiative with the other tanks in his tank platoon if they meet the requirements. Initiative is meant to be an individual unit reaction to enemy contact, and they are designed to be temporary tasks and are not meant to replace teh current assigned Task. I also have attached the full set of rules to this post now that all aspects of the system have been explained. COMMAND FRICTION For CM RULES 24MAY15.pdf
  5. LLF, I meant to say thanks for posting that, I'm a big fan of Siegfried Sassoon. Ian, from my playtest the big time invenstment in this system is the original workbook setup and Task assignment, Tasks are not changed, in most cases, every turn, so the workbook does not require a huge amount of labor... I think the way I'm presenting it might make it look like it is more time intensive than it really is becasue I'm trying to explain everything as I go.
  6. In the next turn Warren is using Emergency react as described above to extricate his Pz-IV from my Sherman's fire... I think, from what he described, that he is using Option 3 to get the tank out of my line of fire. Seeing as his tank platoon is on a Defense Task he can freely move within his tank platoon's defense zone to get away from the incoming fire.
  7. Thanks weta_nz, I appreciate the comments. I too am surprised that there hasn't been more interest, but I suspect most people are waiting, like you, to see how it develops. I would love to see someone use the workbook and rules against the AI. Let me know what you think about the workbook and its ease of use.
  8. Game time: 1.27 My HQ Sherman moved forward, spotted and engaged the left most enemy Pz-IV... both rounds went high... As a reminder this is the workbook at game time 1:28: At game time 1:27 the gametime matches the time that was input into the LOCK-IN column... so I can change the Task (must be the same as that set in the NEW TASK column).. then I clear the LOCK-IN and NEW TASK columns... ...then I give the unit the appropriate orders:
  9. Hoien, well I am hoping to get a free shot off with him concentrating on my ATG and scouts. Time will tell whether it's a good idea or not for me to go over the top, but regardless I need to give him something else to think about.
  10. The Fifth Minute The contacts on Finnochio Ridge have resolved into an HMG team and a mortar team. The HMG team quickly began laying fire into the woods I am moving through (no casualties)... the mortar team I believe is setting up. My mortar teams on the S Road Ridge did fire a few rounds, both of which fell short. They will concentrate on the enemy teams on Finnochio Ridge next turn. Knocking out these enemy teams would be a good return on investment for these mortars. Also identified this turn were two more UI infantry teams moving up Finnochio RIdge and another on the right side of Doug's AO... Panther 2 is in a ridiculously good position, not only did it open fire on my ATG (causing three casualties)... ...it also fired on my lead recon team causing one casualty,,, I think I have been very sloppy and not really engaged in this fight to this point.. time to tighten up and start paying attention. This is a challenging map for sure (I did not choose wisely I guess), and I am outgunned, at least as far as AT capability goes... I believe I should be fine with regards to infantry and infantry support. First thing I need to so is come over the top with my M10 and at least try to make Doug re-position his Panthers... they are very well sited and they are seriously hampering my maneuverability.
  11. MOS, yes recreating Boyd's OODA loop is why I wanted to do this... it's going to get really interesting when one or the other of us cannot react quickly enough to the other's moves.
  12. I'll have to check but I think the wind is either nonexistent or very light... I would like to see it moving left to right from my point of view... I didn't mean for the ATG to be up front like that... it got ahead of the infantry as it was towed by the truck much faster than the infantry could travel and its getting pushed into position a lot quicker than I suspected... as this is an ME I think it'll be okay as he also needs to move forward, and if he's moving through his thick woods like I am then he will have trouble getting all his combat power on line too.. my infantry will pass the gun by in a turn or two. I mainly want to cover the dead ground in front of his Panthers in case he moves them in there... should not have visibility into the areas his tanks are now sitting. These guns can kill a Panther from the side... if they get the opportunity.
  13. Bud, it is detached from the truck and being pushed into position. It has not yet been setup.
  14. The Fourth Minute Little action this turn.. Doug's Panther 2 fired some MG at one of my trucks causing one casualty to one of the squads it was carrying... one new infantry contact popped up at the end of this turn.. it will get some attention from a couple mortars next turn. The two Panthers did not move this turn. Easy Company has started moving off the S Road Ridge into the defile behind the tank's smoke screen. Dog Company's 3rd Platoon supported by one ATG (unlimbered and moving forward) is my lead reconnaissance effort..
  15. Game time 1.29: At 1.29 game time the workbook looks like this, note the Tank Platoon commander's intent and orders: Game time 1.28: One turn later I have a clear firm spot on two enemy tanks (from 4th platoon HQ): Selecting the tank platoon the HQ (actually both tanks) has the enemy tanks as contact icons, and 1 M4A3 is in command.. this means they can be given a change of Task. Expanding the New Task columns I enter the time that 1 M4A3 can change task (the yellow entry in the Lock-In column), this tank cannot change orders until gametime matches this entry. I have also entered the new task in the NEW TASK column for 1 M4A3. HQ M4A3 however can change task in this turn (note that the CHANGE TASK AT entry for this vehicle matches the current game time and is green): With this in mind, I must set the proper orders for HQ M4A3 while 1 M4A3 must wait. This illustrates the friction inherent in a formation move as all units might not be as flexible and responsive.
  16. The Third Minute As it withdrew, M4A1 - 1 took another shot from Panther 2 this turn, the round penetrated but damage was minimal. I popped smoke and got M4A1 - 2 off the hill, though Panther 2 apparently got a spot on it as it maneuvered into the trees and fired one round at the end of the turn.. this round impacted harmlessly in the trees.
  17. The M10 "might" have a chance from the front.. but I hope to get Doug to maneuver the Panthers so my M10 on the hill can get a good enfilade shot or two. I do not plan on bringing the M10 into view until he maneuvers like I want... if that doesn't happen then I'll do something else.
  18. Bud, I can't realistically ever expect a frontal penetration on those Panthers... I need to get in very close with my tanks in order to do any damage to them. But I think for now the best policy is to not engage them in a fight that clearly favors them.
  19. The Second Minute The Sherman that engaged the Panther last turn fired again getting another hit.. I would settle for a gun hit, but alas this one hit and bounced off the front hull. Doug raced this Panther forward a bit on the road, and it was joined by a second Panther a bit further up the hill... this one spotted my Sherman (which had withdrawn slightly) .. this Panther (also buttoned) spots and fires at the above mentioned Sherman... due to the extreme angles involved the round bounced harmlessly off the front hull.. there is no way I can stay and exchange fire with a couple of Panthers so I will be popping smoke and getting my Shermans off the hill. All I have seen so far are the two Panthers... I need to get some infantry closer to get eyes on more of his territory so I can get an idea of how he is maneuvering. Currently I am way too far away to get any infantry sound contacts. Regarding the Panthers, I did a test and two Panthers of Veteran quality cost 792 points (out of 853 total available), which leaves pretty much nothing for any other armor.. he could probably buy a halftrack to go with them I guess, but as far as real armor combat power, I think I am looking at it.
  20. Okay, vacation mission has come to a successful conclusion.. turn report coming up as soon as I relax a bit. By the way, if you ever get a chance to go to the Norwegian fyords, take it! Probably the most most beautiful scenery I have ever seen.
  21. In NY waiting for our international flight. Sorry about this, but I'd rather go to Norway than hang around here with you yahoos. BTW I will be meeting Fizou in Copenhagen for a beer. We'll take a photo.
  22. Second turn is in.. unfortunately I am going on vacation tomorrow and won't be able to get to it until I get back in the states 16 June... Quickly, a second Panther appears in this turn and takes my 1-M4A1 under fire hitting once and the round bounced.. that is the advantage of being on high ground.... my Sherman did hit the first Panther again in the front hull which of course bounced as well.. More in a couple weeks.
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