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Everything posted by Apocal

  1. You straight dunked on those three StuGs.
  2. Setup zones are reversed for attackers and defenders on this map. Asslt Med Village QB-059.btt
  3. Honestly, the only things that (somewhat) put me off playing were issues like MGs being ineffective.
  4. I know there are a lot of East Front uber alles grogs here and I was just wondering where I might find a good account of East Front battalion or company level narratives of combat? Most of the scholarly stuff resides at a much higher level than anything CM scale and I barely played CMBB. Thanks in advance.
  5. US Army, infantry, 1944. I know what a real cannon company was, I simply thought it was puzzling to put a larger indirect fire asset under the infantry tab along with an on-map headquarters section.
  6. Been getting back into CMBN recently and just noticed a unit called "cannon company" under the infantry tab. It has an on-map HQ unit and vehicle, cool. But added it and no on-map guns, just the HQ...? Uh, what's the point? Or does it require Market Garden to get the on-map tubes?
  7. You can actually see (with on-map mortars at least) the rounds fired from longer ranges go much higher than those fired at short ranges and hang in the air for greater lengths of time. Its very obvious, especially when you're on the receiving end. Hitting a moving unit depends on luck more than anything, although multiple mortars impacting in succession helps on occasion as nearby impacts sometimes add up to a cower state that slows the unit down. Other than that though, not really useful in most circumstances, especially since mortars have limited ammo. But if they aren't already moving and the fire for effect (not spotting round) is inbound, I generally don't recommend trying to "dance" your way out of a mortar barrage because the impact area + bursting radius is greater than your men can typically cover on FAST orders... but at extreme ranges when its large caliber mortars that are going to wipe the troops out anyway might as well give it a shot.
  8. Dude, don't take this the wrong way, but do you actually play this game?
  9. Just finished 11 test runs and I'm fairly certain that its simply because its so much more obvious when you've lost a leader than one of the otherwise undifferentiated riflemen.
  10. I'm not really a historian in this regard, but I recall accounts (both German and Soviet) that the Soviets would regularly hit defending Germans with one unit and, if they held, again with a second unit within the same tactical fight. It seems to me pointless to use echelon attacks if you aren't actually going to attack with those follow-on echelons.
  11. "Recently declassified United States documents reveal that the president of the United States knew about the impending attack on Pearl Harbor and did nothing about it. In fact, he and his administration took measures to hide it. Not only did they know about it in advance, but they also instigated it. They would do anything to bring America into WW2, and since Japan was a friend and ally of Germany, they knew that by instigating a war with Japan, Germany would have to follow. They violated Japan's waters. They even strafed her boats with machine gun fire. The information is out there, take the time to find it." This sounds like it dude, the inside, reliable source.
  12. Sherman 75 crews weren't "most" armor crews the way most people use the word though, which is what JasonC was saying. Off top I seem to recall 20 SP TD battalions in Normandy, along side however around 35 tank battalions (I'm not sure off the top of my head and my source is down) and maybe close equal numbers of both tank and SP TD battalions during Luttich, when they were actually called to fight large numbers of Panthers.
  13. Or the gun is slightly elevated, the tank is negotiating some slight incline or microterrain, etc.
  14. Uh, battalions being reduced to around reinforced company strength before abandoning their mission is not what you'd generally expect in real life.
  15. Fortunately for the Soviets, the Germans had a flexibility problem after 1943.
  16. Combat flight sims are doing fine. New IL2 coming out, various DCS games, War Thunder being a fairly big hit, etc. The response in the gaming media has been muted because in all the above cases its Russian devs and Russian publishing houses pushing out a product at least somewhat orientated towards Russian audiences. It isn't really the same thing with land wargames. I don't remember how exactly I heard about CMSF, but I'd been away from CM for quite awhile (I was the stereotypical "filthy casual" -- played CMBO for a few months then bailed) and I do remember guys I played ArmA with talking about a dearth of good company/battalion scale tactical wargames and going hunting around for something (anything). Somehow I stumbled onto CMSF. I don't know why no one got the word out that CMx2 existed, but there were quite a few dudes who were (and are) interested in something like CMx2 generally but have no idea it exists.
  17. I'm familiar with the phrase "jumped the shark" but was not aware of its origins, thanks. I'm actually nowhere near the youngest regular CMer. There were quite a few others around my age, but most of them are waiting for CMx2 Modern 2.
  18. Can anyone explain this Fonzi reference to me?
  19. I don't think anyone is going to complain about CMx2's pricing as long as Matrix Games exists.
  20. Off the top of my head, anything above 40 rounds per minute is considered rapid fire for the M2HB and leads to heat building up in the weapon. Three minutes of rapid fire is considered a "hot" gun and more than five minutes at rapid fire means you have a risk of rounds cooking off. Between 15-40 would be considered slow fire but even that wouldn't allow the gun to cool, just prevent it from building up more heat. The 50cal is somewhat exceptional in that regard though. Other machine guns are more tolerant and can employ more aggressive firing rates without concern, due to the quick-change barrels, smaller rounds, etc.
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