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Everything posted by Apocal

  1. I was referring to you calling it "bad tactics." Since apparently it everyone swapped to doing it that way after the war...?
  2. What? I don't understand what you mean here.
  3. for starters. I just avoid posting Russian-language sources on English-speaking forums as a common courtesy. It wasn't exactly hard to find VK posts indicating dudes were moving within the country and within minutes of their passage into Ukraine, Ukrainians themselves were reporting the movement. So again, how do the Poles slip a full division into the Ukraine? And why exactly? They aren't exactly in love with the far right nationalist elements of the new government, those same guys have previously indicated a desire to reclaim land "lost" to Poland previously.
  4. :S They did just that... Smartphone vid of Russian helos flying into the Ukraine. Taken from some guy's window in the Ukraine. Taken on the highway in the Ukraine. You should ask your secret squirrel connections for the Polish invisibility cloaks, I could have used them in the sandbox.
  5. I am absolutely interested in your conspiracy theories. My interest is not, however, the contents thereof, but rather ensuring that other people don't mistake them for anything resembling truth. If the Poles managed to move a heavy division into Ukraine, then they've also figured out some way of putting that force on the roads without anyone taking their now-ubiquitous smartphone out, taking snaps and vids and having them uploaded to YouTube within a half-hour or taking a recording off their incredibly common (in that region) dash cam and doing the same, to say nothing of the fact that Poland is no longer a closed society, the Cold War is over, the country is open nowadays so if they moved several thousand troops and hundreds of vehicles, someone is going to say something.
  6. This is entirely consistent with letting you in on compartmentalized information, so you can then immediately turn around and spread the word to people on a internet wargame forum. I am also the last king of Scotland.
  7. The US is not even really posturing. No one important gives a crap if Russia beats up on nations in their sphere of influence. They've done a pretty good job of staying away from stuff the US actually cares about, so there is precious little reason to antagonize them over one of the poorest European nations around.
  8. I agree that its less of an issue with large setup zones (or underpointed maps) but defenders having some indications and warnings of an impending attack isn't the same as being able to dump artillery on the assembly area or jumping-off point for an assault. If defenders were consistently able to catch attackers that way, I imagine the tactical narratives of WW2 would be much different. Place them as early reinforcements.
  9. The weirdest thing about this post is that if you give buddy aid, they do tend to retrieve weapons and ammo. Especially if its an important one like MG, SMG, bazooka, etc.
  10. Three ways I can think of doing it: 1) by highest firepower weapon (RoF x throw weight) alone, i.e. a squad with a single MG42, three SMGs and four bolt rifles would show only where the MG42 fire was directed. Obviously not perfect, but workable. 2) by simple majority, same squad, if three guys with bolt rifles are shooting at Target C, SMGs are shooting at Target B and MG at Target A, line is displayed to Target C. Probably worse than the above, but still good enough in most circumstances. 3) Combine the two; aggregate firepower, so if the SMGs and bolt rifles are firing at target A and the MG42 at Target B, the line would be displayed towards Target A. It doesn't need to be an absolutely perfect representation, just a broad overview of where the firepower is being directed in general terms, so the player can get on with his business.
  11. Братская могила на шестерых more like... six brothers' grave.
  12. There are some campaigns and scenarios made early that are simply broken nowadays. I'm thinking specifically of CrushingLeek's Blue and Grey campaign, featuring not just one but two D-Day scenarios, complete with German crack/elite HMGs, ATGs that cover the entire beach and generally knock all the armor out within two minutes, concrete bunkers, TRPs, on-map defensive mortars, no cover for attackers who are starting in water, etc. It probably worked a lot better before the MG changes, because as it stands, its entirely possible lose a complete Ranger or engineer company inside of ten minutes, less if you actively try to advance into the storm.
  13. Nah, some guys consider it legit. And if I'm being totally honest, there are counters: any kind of medium or heavy armor is a hard counter, placing men in trucks or half-tracks and racing out of the deployment zone on FAST, larger map size or under-pointed forces, purchasing shelters. I just don't consider it fun to work around it, so I request my opponent not do it. Sometimes people request I don't run my entire force up the map edge since defending against that particular technique isn't fun for them.
  14. Like I said before, I mostly don't care about the issue. I just have no issue with following people's house-rules and personal preferences regarding the matter. Just like they have no problem with my house-rule about "no turn zero defender barrages on the attacker's setup zone." I was thought I made it clear I was referring to the defenders throughout that whole post considering I'd quoted your bit about people who complain about defenders using map edges.
  15. If the MG is hidden from the tank, what makes you think its a snap shot?
  16. Honestly, Italian armor is so bad you can't extrapolate anything from their performance against radio-equipped vehicles.
  17. Well, I almost always play RT and its not a huge issue for me, but it couldn't hurt to make tracers a bigger part of the UI: 1) more obvious from a distance 2) having a color (or color range) for each side instead of a generic yellow 3) larger, and perhaps slightly different color tracers, for small arms, medium- and large-caliber weapons.
  18. People say that as well. Its just far less common because the objectives are almost always located away from the side edges and the back-edge is usually blocked by terrain.
  19. I had the same issue and brought it up previously: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=108017
  20. Can we get them to stop bombarding in front of the startup zone the beginning of every map? Its annoying because the defender wastes a good 3/5ths to all their artillery/mortar ammo on a usually ineffective barrage (unless the player wanders forward in the first minute with troops and soft vehicles) and generally makes the rest of the battle easier than it should be. I know I can go through and edit every map to take that out of the plan, but its a pain.
  21. In general, yeah. I don't mind that much personally, but some guys get mad about it, especially when the map is built in such a way to protect the map edge from any ranged fire.
  22. Alt+I to make sure floating icons are on. Alt+P to toggle all move paths on. Other than that, practice, to be honest. I don't think there is another way, sorry.
  23. There was a sniper team that refused to cross a body of water, "huh they must be vampires or something."
  24. Oh, I know, already fixed for me, I was just mentioning it so it might get fixed and the next two dozen dudes don't have to deal with it.
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