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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

ng cavscout

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Everything posted by ng cavscout

  1. The vital question hasn't been asked. Will there be a title or module covering Bren tripods?
  2. That reminds me. I've been wanting to ask someone...It seems like most of the pictures I see of the guys in Iraq have them wearing gloves and I've been wondering about that. What is the reason behind the glove wearing? In prior wars of the last hundred years I only recall soldiers wearing gloves if it was cold or for some special reason, like they were in the horse cavalry. So what's the story here? Seems to me that gloves would make your hands more clumsy for small tasks, like loading clips for instance. Are they at heightened risk to receive cuts, abrasions, or burns on the hands? Michael </font>
  3. So, I was digging around in the archives. My, my, my, how things change. Does this mean there might be a NATO vs WP module/mod somewhere down the road? I was amazed to read a different post from the 1999 archives stating the exact order of games, west front - east front - north africa - modern. I know, asked and answered already. [ November 20, 2005, 11:00 PM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]
  4. I never get the crab legs. They only have plastic flatware at the dining facility, and the sharp exo-skeleton hurts my fingers when I try to twist it open... I guess I could bring my bayonet to chow.....
  5. Let me tell you toff's what I hate. I hate scraggly SSN's coming into the MBT and spouting off about this and that and not bothering to read the bleedin' rules. Challenge someone you Ponce, or get thee behind me SSN!!!! I hate Serfs that don't place their Liege's identity in their Sig line. They just wander in and about like a loose puppy, spattering urine hither and yon. I hate tracers flying across the highway in front of you and almost making you spray a quart of hot piss into your just from the laundry ACU's. A quart is like almost a liter for you Europeans out there. Last but not least, I hate non turn senders. Here I am in a freaking combat zone (well sometimes) and I am better at it than you, you, you.... civilians!!! [ November 20, 2005, 11:14 AM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]
  6. ummm, ok, remember how Charlie Brown's teacher sounded? That is what I heard as I read that brilliant, incisive description of your trade. I may have to get some advice from you later though, consider it just payment for the pleasure of my virtual company.
  7. One more thing before I start getting yelled at for being political. I always found it ironic how as a Police Officer back home, I am allowed to use hollow point bullets in my pistol, which are banned by the Geneval Convention for military use!
  8. The point, to me at least, seems to be that if the western media, and many citizens of the west refuse to see anything the U.S. does in Iraq in a positive light, I don't know what difference it makes what the U.S. says to the press. Do you really think that a media that focuses exclusively on every mis-step by the U.S. and coalition forces, but glosses over atrocities perpetrated by Anti Iraqi Forces on a regular basis really cares whether WP is banned or not? AIF bombers consistently target Iraqi civilians, and there seems to be no moral outrage in the western media. Decapitations of civilians become commonplace, and where is the anguish in the editorial pages? Whether or not WP is actually a banned weapon seems to be a debatable point. But I don't think it would matter what the lawyers decided. Many people seem to have already made up their minds that anything the U.S. does is bad. Myself, I would hate to get hit by a WP munition, but I would also hate to be shot with a 7.62 round, or have my neck sawed through with a butcher knife while some insurgent video taped it. What about using CS or other irritant agents as a method of "flushing out" suspected enemy positions? I believe those could be classified as chemical weapons as well. Fighting this kind of war is a nasty dirty excercise, believe me, I know. I just wish the enemy was held to a standard of decency. In no way am I condoning the violations of the laws of war by Coalition forces. Soldiers who cross the line should be, and are, believe it or not, punished to the fullest extent of the law. We are fighting, once again IMHO, an enemy that needs to be defeated so we can let the Iraqi's determine their own future. The Iraqi's, not the Americans, not the Jihadists, the Iraqi's. It should be noted that the Insurgents, and I can't believe that some people call them freedom fighters with a straight face, are the ones that try to derail free elections. I am not trying to be political, but I guess I was. But I don't really think the outrage about WP use is about legal technicalities regarding weapon classification. I think it is sentiment about the U.S. involvement in Iraq. But then perception is reality in matters such as these. Of course, I could be wrong, it has been known to happen.
  9. As for the claymore, whether explosive or edged, they can be confusing. They have wires, and threaded bits, and stuff. Or they are sharp and cutty. I miss National Guard training, I had finally gotten down the drill for reloading our Springfield Model 1861 muskets, and now we need to learn about M-4's, grenades, and this night vision stuff. Makes my head hurt. The good news is that, as I get "beefier", my crew decided to smear the door jamb with butter so they could squeeze me into the TC seat. As a bonus, if I start to feel "snacky" during the mission, I can lick the edges of the door!! oh happy day. Joe Shaw serious question here, as a mortgage banker, what exactly do you do? Do you decide whether or not to approve loans? Do you do the foreclosing, or do you help people get mortgages?
  10. Lars, don't you think that Arawn or Morrigan would be a better choice? Ahhh, yes, give me that old time religion! Seanachai, I am touched, not in the head like you, but sentimentally I mean. I am getting all misty. Who was silly enough to give you a job? Dang, Joe Shaw found his way back, who let him in this time?
  11. The game companies put out what sells. The gaming public seems to want style over substance, luckily for us, there is good content coming out still, CM, OFP2 (I hope), IL-2, etc. You just need to look harder. I just am very discriminatory in my buying habits. Like the BFC guys say, you can't put 2-3 years into a game like CMBB, that has a limited appeal to the "masses" because it doesn't have the latest killer graphics, and expect to stay a going concern. It is a business after all, they have families to support. A game like CMBB, you buy it once, and that is all the money the company gets from it, because it is a polished product, that I expect to be playing for years to come. But then I still play X-com1 and OFP1. I can't understand why we get upset at the BFC crew for making sound business decisions. Even if the CMx2 games will have much narrower foci than CMBO, CMBB, and CMAK, they will still, I expect, have 5-10 times the bang for my gaming buck than the mass of ****e cluttering the shelves in the computer game sections of stores. If you want to support the company and spread the word, buy the games for birthday and xmas presents, that is what I do. [ November 17, 2005, 12:13 PM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]
  12. yeah, I just don't quite fit in with a Calvin Klein underwear model like you now do I? Actually, they only serve Spaghetti once a week here, but it is Thursday. Wednesday is steak and lobster and shrimp and crab legs night. that last sentence isn't a joke. every wednesday.
  13. I think we will be ok as long as we don't use WP rounds for the Ma Deuce. Hey, what about tracers?
  14. We were issued camelbacks, and Wile-X ballistic sunglasses. Unfortunately, if you wear a prescription, like me, you have to pay for your own lenses, about $150 or so. We were issued this ballistic eyewear that took prescription inserts, like for a protective maski, but it was crap, mine broke after about 3 weeks of use. We were issued the new IBA, and nomex gloves, and all kinds of high speed stuff. No one in my unit had to buy their own gear, unless you count the Wiley-X prescription lenses, or stuff they bought because they didn't like the Army issue gear. One example is holsters. Alot of guys don't like the issue low-ride thigh holsters, they bought shoulder holsters, or hip holsters on their own.
  15. I brought it down with a photo of Vin Diesel. Pilot took one look at it and ejected. Didn't do him any good, Vin sensed his near escape and made his head explode, just by thinking it. So, I rode the pilotless plane down, just like Slim Pickens in Dr. Strangelove, and branded it with the great and holy mark of the MBT.
  16. Not as easily overlooked as you... by the way [ November 16, 2005, 01:03 AM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]
  17. Well, I have returned from the Dragon's Lair, and without a scratch I might add, except for the Gout acting up in my right big toe. I have always thougt of the Gout as an affliction limited to obese 19th century newspapermen, elderly noblemen living in drafty manor estates, and Lars. I propose an amendment levying an "existence tax" on any and all Minnesotannies desiring to post in the MBT. They come in here spouting their drivel about the glories of Lutefisk, the Vikings, and large bottomed girls of Swedish descent, and while I am a wholehearted devotee of the third, are we are just supposed to give them an audience out of the goodness of our hearts? I think not. Seanachai, all out of Elven girls, how about a nice bowl of soup? Either way, all you are going to do is make a mess and dribble all down your chin.
  18. Well, finding out it was a girl and not a boy threw the name Pharoah Cam'ron right out the window!!!
  19. ----- [ November 10, 2005, 08:27 AM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]
  20. Doesn't anyone qualifying as your "peer" already have piss on their heads? And many thanks for the invitation to your burrow. Is it sized correctly for non-hobbits? I may have to take you up on that. and an update on my daughter that you so rightly called darling, well, she is getting cuter every day. I would post a photo, but this is the cesspoool after all..... I do like Anwyn, but we already have an Anna. Siobhan is a definite possibility, or it would be if I could pronounce it. We are kicking the name Gwendolyn or maybe Gueneviere (either way, we could call her Gwen) around right now. Speaking of the Celts, the wife sent me a carving of Cuchulain that I have on my locker.
  21. The blood of Arab civilians works better if you let it colagulate for a few minutes first. If you want a sample, I am sure you can get it from the floor of the Radisson hotel in Jordan... You must be feeling better Seanachai. Was it the nurse? Or the enemas? By the way, my wife and I are expecting another child, and at the ultrasound yesterday, she found out that is going to be a girl. I shall have to mail out some cigars in March to cesspool members.
  22. Oh boy, here come the Nazi's. And 2 whole posts to his credit, wow
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