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ng cavscout

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Everything posted by ng cavscout

  1. It's just so DAMN cute. Almost exactly like watching two baby Howler Monkeys just learning to fling feces at each other, only less graceful. Brings a tear to my eye it does.
  2. Wisconsin on the other hand has such eminently sensible laws as "State Law made it illegal to serve apple pie in public restaurants without cheese." "Butter substitutes are not allowed to be served in state prisons." and "It is a class A misdemeanor to wave a burning torch around in the air." That last one is good news for Boo Radley, stops the peasants from chasing him down with torches and pitchforks. Now they can only use the pitchfork.
  3. "In Ohio, if you ignore an orator on Decoration day to such an extent as to publicly play croquet or pitch horseshoes within one mile of the speaker’s stand, you can be fined $25." It is also illegal to get a fish drunk or to fish for whales on a Sunday in Ohio. Yep, that Ohio, quite the beacon of enlightenment and modernity....
  4. No one from Ohio should be commenting on who is and isn't a true member of the human family...
  5. Ummm hmmm, Lucky for you I am not in the mood to screen shot our PM conversation... yet Watch out, some black feathers and a beak on the corner of your mouth, here is a napkin.
  6. I think someone, * cough, cough, Nidan1, cough, cough* has some crow to eat regarding some "unsent turns".
  7. Well, Joe Shaw managed to fumble his way out of a Major Victory that I handed him by basically gifting him the death of my sole AFV, a Tiger, apparently commanded by a syphillitic, opium addicted, drunk that decided to give up a flank shot to an SU-122. How did Joe Shaw not come out with a totally dominating major victory you ask? How did Joe Shaw manage to end the final turn with one of his "heroic" SMG infantry kneeling in supplication with his hands in the air you question with arched eyebrow? Well, you see, Joe Shaw has an affinity for running squads of infantry out into the boulevard in the teeth of several MG-42's dug into buildings with overlapping fields of fire. The cease fire negotiating parties had to pick their way towards each other over carpets of dead Soviets and through gutters running red with the blood of the Workers and the Peasants valiant defenders, poorly used by their hunched, twitching, and maniacally cackling master.
  8. Bah Joe Shaw mistakenly claims victory in a Red Thunder game that isn't even over yet and Nidan1 accuses me of not sending turns, when clearly I haven't received.... Umm... Hmm... Nevermind. It's a plot I tell you. Well at least Joe Shaw is proven wrong. Nidan1's large butterfly collar must have blocking my view of the Dropbox folder.
  9. Ah, Joe Shaw is disappointed. Now he knows how we feel every time the door opens, we turn expectantly to see what witty engaging character is popping by for a visit, and he walks through the door....
  10. Here is an example of one of Nidan1's stronger suits
  11. Do you want a Fatwa? Because that is how you get a Fatwa....
  12. Well not with you of course. I'm sure the local ladies have some standards. I still don't understand how you were able to bamboozle the lovely Lydia...
  13. Bah, what do you all know of queasiness, pain, and unremitting pain? Did I say pain twice? I meant to. Add some fear to the mix and you may begin to understand. Want to do more than understand? Want to actually experience this Lovecraftian level of horror? Try being a Bears fan.
  14. What is that foul and musty smell roiling through the depths of the Cesspool? Why are fleas suddenly jumping hither and yon like Seanachai on a laudanum binge? Who brought in that dusty tumbleweed now stuck in the corner, reeking of double wide trailers and disappointment? Oh. Stoat is back.... hooray.. break out the pepper spray and pitbulls. Maybe we can drive it away before it takes root.
  15. Like a good wine, my turns improve with age. After all, what is time but a flat circle spinning inwards and, like Jormungandr the world serpent, eating it's own tail? In some universes you have already received my turn. Put your perspective into that alternate universe and be glad at how prompt I am in returning turns.
  16. Going to sharpen his teeth for him? At least one thing about him wouldn't be dull.
  17. Nidan1's German SMG'S are doing quite a number on my defenders of the workers paradise. We are battling it out on a dark wooded hill late at night and I am not seeing any problems with the performance of the MP40.
  18. Quiet Donkey. He of whom you speak is becalmed and adrift in the doldrums of Minnysoda, land of bad drivers ( although not as bad as those from Ill-annoy) and abnormally short kayakers.
  19. I think my final few molecules of faith in humanity have been destroyed. I just saw a commercial for the 200th episode of Ghost Hunters. Firefly couldn't make it to a second season?
  20. I discovered a similar site called good old games.com. Maybe they could put some of the CMx1 games on there to see how sales go. But I am no marketing wizard, & I am sure that BFC has a better handle on their marketing and sales strategies than I do.
  21. He also misspelled "excuse".... Attention to detail people (I use that term loosely), just some attention to detail.
  22. I see what you did there. Clever.... at least for those from Ohio.
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