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Everything posted by Madmatt

  1. There are only 3 Polish Campaign battles but it should have taken you back to the Campaign Selection Screen, not this blank screen. I will look into this. Madmatt
  2. Anyone? This seemed to be a big issue from before so I was surprised no one has replied to this yet... Madmatt
  3. As soon as we hear for sure from the warehouse we will post it. It should be literally any day now though. Madmatt
  4. FanzerPaust, I am begining to question your intent with the posts you are making but this guy has a min spec system and its working fine for him so far. http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=66;t=000136 As we have said numerous times, we are working on the issues reported (ALL OF THEM) and when we have new info and tips/fixes to post/release, we will do so. Madmatt
  5. Hmmm..try and reinstall DirectX from this link: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=2DA43D38-DB71-4C1B-BC6A-9B6652CD92A3&displaylang=en Madmatt
  6. People have been demanding to see more of Combat Mission: Shock Force in action so today we have answered with two new beta videos. The first video, Force Recon, shows a US unit run into heavy resistance during a House-to-House sweep on the outskirts of a Syrian town. The second video shows off another innovation in Combat Mission: Shock Force, the Support Interface. Artillery and Air Support are two of the the most important factors in modern combat, yet no game has truly captured them in a realistic way. CM:SF features a unique Support Panel which allows the player to call for Air and Artillery support using realistic procedures and options without having to go through months of Forward Observer training. Both videos were taken from a Beta version of the game so all models, textures and especially sound effects are still "works in progress" and do not represent finished product. Combat Mission: Shock Force Video Page Madmatt
  7. Hey guys,we got a new thing we want you to try that has worked for a few people. Browse into your Theatre of War game folder. COPY (not move but COPY) the files "msvcr71.dll" and "msvcp71.dll" Now go into your 'MissionEditor' directory and PASTE those files there. Thats it! Try and launch editor now. Madmatt [ April 27, 2007, 10:08 AM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  8. It's not seeing the core.dll file properly. Did your game install and then license properly? Did you have any problems launching it? Madmatt
  9. Vista should allow you to install DX9 over the top of DX10 with no problems. Madmatt
  10. Right now there is no way to unlicense an "offline" computer but we have asked eLicense to come up with a solution for this. Madmatt
  11. It's something we would like to add in the future, but not a high priority at the moment. Madmatt
  12. Also, just to clarify, the amount of missions on the DVD is the same as on the Download version. Madmatt
  13. We do plan on releasing some free new missions (for everyone) but as it was said above, right now I am focusing more on Tech Support and haven't had time to work on mission design like I had hoped. Madmatt
  14. Hi mx02nx02, I wanted to get some more info about that "corrupt save" game issue before I added it to the Guide but I am aware of it occuring to some people. Can you do me a favor and send me a few of the save game files that you know will crash the game please? I want to have a look at whats happening directly. Thanks! Madmatt [ April 25, 2007, 09:38 AM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  15. There are different versions of CMBO out and released by different companies (Us, CDV a few other companies). The original release had about 42 scenarios. Future releases had extra special edition content "added" and I think the final scenario amount did reach about 150 or so. All of the added content is available from various CM fan sites free of charge. Just so we are clear though, no one is accusing you of a being a pirate or having a pirate version, but technically, game support here is reserved for people that bought it directly from us online. Madmatt
  16. General Disarray, if you have nothing constructive to add to the discussion I would prefer you refrain from posting. We are trying to address and solve all of the reported issues and the game DOES work for many people, in fact the majority of customers have no issues at all with the game. We are not asking you to jump through hoops but with the myriad of configurations now possible, its inevitable that some tweaking from time to time may be required to get a game to work as well as it should. That's not to say ToW doesn't have real issues that need to be fixed, it does, but you will have to try and work with us on this, not against. I just posted a troubleshooting guide today that also should help a lot of people. Its a sticky at the top of this forum. Madmatt [ April 24, 2007, 07:51 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  17. Try disabling SLI mode and set it to use only one video card. I am not sure how specifically to do that but I believe there is a setting in the video driver control panel. I have heard from at least one other person that had SLI configured that by using just a single card, their performance went back up to what it should be. Madmatt
  18. In order to try and provide one place to go for info, i have made up the first version of the Theatre of War Troubleshooting Guide. There are a lot of reports coming in of various issues, and even more info going back out, so I wanted to try and collect as much as I could in order to help those people that are having problems. Let me just say, that we ARE working on getting these things fixed/patched as fast as we can. We can't stress enough how appreciative we are of the patience and understanding that has been extended so far to us. And for those that have been angry or called me names in email (yes, that happens too), its okay, you have every right to be mad, although try and be a little more creative when you come up with some new cursewords, I have heard all of these already. I didn't list every single issue yet, but I will update this guide as often as I can with whatever new info that I can come up with. 1C has pledged their support to get this issues fixed and you know that I aint going anywhere either, so just hang with us and we will get this stuff all sorted out. Thanks again, and don't hesitate to comment, add or correct what I have written. Theatre of War Troubleshooting Guide and FAQ Madmatt
  19. we have already said that we are working on the problems, please dont keep asking the same questions repeatedly. Madmatt
  20. In addition to the info posted above, we have gotten reports that setting Anistropic Filtering and Anti-Aliasing to "application preference" also allowed the game to launch when in the past it did not (Just got black screen for a second and then back to desktop), so you might want to try that as well. Madmatt
  21. Jeremy, I totally understand your opinion, but the fact is with so many thousands of different system configurations, some tweaking is ineviatable from time to time. All i can say though is that we are trying to provide accurate info for people with problems. There have been some success for people with Nvidia cards though that had problems originally. Please read this thread for more details: http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=66;t=000119 Madmatt
  22. There are three setting you can set which *seem* to help those that are getting stability problems. 1. Turn off EAX 2. Turn off the music 3. Turn off the shadows. I would try them one at a time, and then altogether and see if they make a difference for you (and report back what you find!). Thanks! Madmatt
  23. No appologies needed. Trust me, I know how frustrating this is for you guys. More than anything I want to try and get updated and accurate information out to you (and fixes of course) but its not easy but we are making headway. Just bare with us a little longer. Thanks! Madmatt
  24. Actually FanzerPaust, there are some people that do have that Intel Chipset and he has also confirmed issues we are seeing with the ATI Xpress Intergrated Chipset, so this info is important to get out. I am working on a full status update and troubleshooting guide to help try and consolidate all the information into one easy-to-assess format. Madmatt
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