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Everything posted by Madmatt

  1. Devildog, This appears to be related to an elicense issue. For some reason the editor is not properly "seeing" that the game is licensed. We should be able to get you fixed though, do me a favor and email us at elicense@battlefront.com and I will give you a few things to try. Madmatt
  2. Yeah, that should be ok, just rename it later before you launch it. Madmatt
  3. Hartmn, This was reported recently by a few reviewers as well. Try and download the very latest update for DX 9.0c from Microsoft. Its available from this link: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=2DA43D38-DB71-4C1B-BC6A-9B6652CD92A3&displaylang=en
  4. Well I certainly understand that but at the end of the day it was and is 1c's game design, not ours. Of course we (BFC) noticed this issue but it was not something that could be changed. Madmatt
  5. I mentioned this before already. This was due to the Allied Campaign being added very late in the deisgn of the game (after principal voice recordings were completed for all other nations). In the limited time they had, they were unable to contract enough usueable British voices so the voice sets had to be combined. Madmatt
  6. Juhhe, clear out any parital files that GetRight might still have as well as any "saved" urls it might have for this file (they wont work) and just try again. You have to go through the http://battlefront.elicense.com/download.asp page again. I think some of you guys are just trusting your Download Managers to be able to find the file again, but that wont work. We dont permit direct linking to the file so you have to be a little smarter than your DM's and make sure and clear our its "history" so it thinks you are trying to download the file for the first time. Madmatt
  7. Try either with NO download manager or a different one perhaps. The file is there! Also make sure that you have followed the security info located here: http://www.battlefront.com/fileburst/403.html Madmatt
  8. Close, there are a few little tricks to get it to look perfect and show up properly with the intro briefings etc... The key is your utf8.txt files... those are your friends....
  9. Morten, ToW requires a 9600 series video card or higher because it needs to be able to render shaders 2.0. The 9200 series of Radeons are not powerful enough so won't work according to 1c. This is why the system specs list a 9600 as the minimum. Adamk22, you do have a 9600 though so we are looking into your issue although your CPU is under the min. too. Madmatt
  10. Chanss, please post your IP and we can see about altering our upstream datapath to help you out a bit. You can get your ip from www.whatismyip.com We will need another winmtr report as well please. Thanks! madmatt
  11. Looks like there is a bottleneck at the ninth hop nyk-bb2-pos5-0-0.telia.net , thats about halfway between our server and your connection so its beyond out control to do anything. Madmatt
  12. There is also a way to make all of the campaign missions appear in the Single Mission list, but I want to see if one of you guys figures that out on your own first. Madmatt
  13. Have a look at my Download Manager Guide located here: http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=63;t=000734 Madmatt
  14. How to Download with: GetRight Right click on the Download text link (not the Download Button). Select the "Download with GetRight" or "Download with GetRight Pro" option. A GetRight Download window will appear. It may show the file you wish to download listed as "dndfile.php". That is okay though. Just select the SAVE button. It should connect to the download server and then find the correct file. How to Download with: Download Express Right click on the Download text link (not the Download Button). Select the "+Download Express: download this file" option. A file download box will appear but will list the file to download as "dnldfile.php", thats okay, just click the OK button. You will then see a MetaProducts Download Express Save File As window. You will need to change the file name from dnldfile.php name to "Theatre of War Setup.exe" and change the file type from "PHP Script (*.php)" to "All files (*.*)". Click the SAVE button. That will launch the download. Madmatt [ April 19, 2007, 01:02 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  15. UPDATE.... I am going to make a change to make our system more download manager friendly so the info below might be already outdated.... You should now be able to just right click on the Download Text link, choose your favorite Download Program and be good to go! >>>>>> Hi guys, seems some of you guys are having some issues with your Download Managers. Let me offer some help! First off, if you have already tried to download with a Download Manager before and now get the "file not found error" that is because you need to clear your Download Managers History or Completed Transfers list or basically anything else that still shows the file so that it doesn't realize you have grabbed the file before. We do not permit direct links to the download either, you MUST connect first to http://battlefront.elicense.com/download.asp and enter your license code to get to the download page again. Your DM may be thinking its sneaky by trying to go directly to the file, but that will NOT work! For DAP (Download Accelerator Plus) Right click on the "Download" text link (not the Download Button) Select "Download with DAP" option. DAP will want to save the file as "Default" we need to change that. To rename the file, click the yellow folder on the right hand side of the DAP window. Select your download folder and change the File Name to "Theatre of War Setup.exe" (without quotes) Click SAVE Button. Click Start Download. Directions on Download Express and GetRight coming right up! Madmatt [ April 19, 2007, 09:49 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  16. DOH! One for the bug-book I guess. Madmatt
  17. Its something on "The list" for possible future inclusion. Madmatt
  18. Maybe we ratcheted up the difficulty on that one just a wee bit much? We wanted it to be challenging though because its an important concept to drive home... We can always tweak it for the future though if overall consensus seems to indicate thats its too unbalanced. Madmatt
  19. Heheh, I will have to check that. Some of the max ranges I saw in the interface really seemed to look like "theorticial max ranges" as opposed to "combat environment ones". Hopefully one of the 1c guys can swing in and clarify it though. Madmatt
  20. Okay guys, everyone has been pretty even tempered and I appreciate that, but the man has a right to his opinion, even if you don't agree with it. Of course, he also has an obligation to defend his opinions in the light of public scrutiny. So everyone please continue to be respectful of one another and carry on. Madmatt
  21. Okay, this is the announcement that many of you have been waiting on and its the announcement that I wasn't able to write before because I simply didn't have all the answers to give. Now I do. First the good news. The Download file for Theatre of War is currently being prepared for its release to all Pre-Order customers. That prep time will extend into tomorrow though but as soon as the file is ready, you will be receiving your "Ready To Download Email Notifications". The exact moment that will occur still depends on many factors, chiefly how fast I can get the file uploaded. We have done extensive tests with our filehost and they are confident that they can deliver exceptional speed for the amount of download requests we are expecting. I realize that tomorrow is the 19th, the official release date, and I realize that we had hoped to have the download ready before the 19th, but the fact of the matter is that due to a last minute issue with the Mission Editor that was detected this past weekend, we have been working feverishly to get a fix in place and update the download file. This fix took longer, MUCH longer than anticipated to implement, test and confirm, but its now done, and that's why the file is being (finally) prepared for you. There was an expectation here on the forum that the downloads would have been ready much sooner that we had ever planned to have them. While we NEVER stated an exact time, we had pretty much always intended to be not more than 2 days earlier. We obviously missed that window as well, and I do apologize for that. MY focus all this week was getting the Mission Editor issue cleared up and it has literally absorbed every waking moment of my week. This has not been some dark conspiracy, we are not sitting here laughing that your faith and money was misplaced somehow and we certainly aren't sipping martini's on a beach at your expense. Delivering a quality product to you was my ONLY intent, and if that means I missed a due date, then so be it. I will accept your anger with no excuses. Tomorrow, April 19th is STILL the official release date as well and sometime before the end of the day (probably right before midnight EST) we will switch over from pre-orders, to normal orders. That means the 10 dollar off deal will end, and people will then be able to choose a download option, a mail option or both. Please understand that the RELEASE DATE is not the MAILING DATE. The DVD's will still not be shipping until they are physically on-hand at the warehouse and I am not sure when that date will be. Martin could probably shed more light on that. I am truly sorry that the pre-order download window is not going to be longer than about half a day, but this is how it turned out. Some of you may be wondering about the Mission Editor issue I found and whether it will be on the DVD version or not. Yes, it might be, but we will have a 0-Day patch ready for you to apply well before anyone actually gets their DVD in the mail. You will just need to install the game as normal then run the special patch. In fact, not all people would even ever encounter the issue but we are still going to play it safe and make the patch available to everyone. The patch itself will be small (should be less than 1 meg) and will be widely available. In addition to the small patch, we are also going to be working on a free "mission pack" with a undetermined number of extra missions for you. I don't have the exact timing of this pack just yet, but if I can get it out to you before the DVD's arrive, I will. That's my plan at least. Sure, you can make your own missions with the Editor, but why go through all that work when i will do it for you first? Some of you may be wondering why we didn't announce this delay earlier, well we wanted to wait until we knew EXACTLY what was going on before we did. We kept hoping that we could make our release as scheduled but once that became obvious that we would miss it (which was yesterday, we had planned to open downloads on Tuesday) we thought we could get the fix in by today, and then again it took longer to get done. I just didn't want to tell you something, only to have another unexpected event pop up and screw it all up again. Okay, so that's where this all stands. You WILL get your email notification tomorrow, you WILL get to download before the game is released and the game WILL get released late tomorrow, but still on the 19th. This will not please everyone, but it is the truth. I thank you for your continued patience and faith in us. Madmatt [ April 18, 2007, 07:44 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  22. Please post into the TOW Tech Support forum and lists all of your hardware specs and OS type please. Madmatt
  23. You guys with the camera issues, have you noticed that by holding the middle mouse button (which you can change in the options panel) you can FREELOOK with it? Madmatt
  24. I don't know, Martin was pretty clear in several posts about what was going on. And the plan is STILL to open up pre-order downloads early, just not AS early as I had originally thought they would be. Madmatt
  25. ColonelBlimp, Your system is far faster than the original poster and your video card is also pretty good. You shouldn't have any problems. Madmatt
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