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Everything posted by Madmatt

  1. Its something that will be looked on for sure, but due to the amount of work that would require, its doubtful enhanced MP will appear in a patch. More than likely it will be part of a future add-on and would be a commerical (i.e. not free) release. MP in ToW was always advertised as deathmatch only although we would like to expand on it at some point. Madmatt
  2. Hmm, interesting. I will do some tests on my end and pass on what I see to 1C. I know I was playing a battle in the Battle for Moscow add-on last night and my armored units absolutely did not see some enemy infantry that was behind them. This could be something that was already addressed in the patch I am testing with, or it could be something else. Either way, I will have it looked into. Madmatt
  3. What you are asking for is probably not going to be offered in a patch (due to the amount of time and effort to code) but will be looked at for implementation in a future pay add-on. Madmatt
  4. Just a quick note that I got enough volunteers already so no need to continue to email me asking to help. Madmatt
  5. As a response to fan requests, wehave released a series of screenshots today that are sure to please any Armchair General. The screens depict “Base Camp Training” and “Urban combat against Unconventional troops” in more detail. In addition to these screens, we have also included a series of screenshots depicting an Unconventional fighter lobbing a hand grenade from the rooftop on the street below. CMSF Screenshot Gallery #5
  6. I have asked 1C to look over this issue. And YES the missions were heavily playtested but some of the things being reported as bugs, aren't really, although they could certainly qualify as design limitations. So right back at ya! Madmatt
  7. I just realized there were some other mission specific stuff in the patch as well that I left off. Going from memory now but I know the one issue with the French Campaign intro video showing "subtitle01" was fixed and the Defense Tutorial mission was adjusted so that it wasn't QUITE so hard anymore. There will likely be other mission tweaks and changes included in the patch as well. Madmatt
  8. I have already asked 1C to fix this (along with some other mission tweaks) in the upcoming patch.
  9. Hey guys, are promised before, I am going to try and keep everyone up to date on where things stand. Earlier this week my testing team got a new patch version from 1C and are currently testing it out along with the new Map Editor and 10 Mission Battle for Moscow Add-On. I wanted you to know about some of the stuff 1C has been working on. The following is the list of stuff in the patch I am testing now. This does not mean all of this will 100% go into the final patch (that's why we have to test this stuff) nor is this the final list of stuff, BUT I told you I would let you know whats going on, so here it is: Gameplay Patch issues and additions: * Map Editor Added (accessed via the builder.exe program or in the ToW Program Group shortcut "Map Editor" * A new 10 mission "Battle for Moscow 1941" Campaign Added. Accessed via the "Extra Campaigns" option in the Campaign List page * Improved logging functions to help with determining the causes of certain crashes * Hot keys for Unit Formations, Movement Modes, Hold Fire and Hold Position commands added * Better handling of the Reverse Command for vehicles, vehicles will now use their reverse gears instead of turning toward enemy when ordered to reverse) * Expanded sound system (better EAX implementation) * Improved sound (more sounds, and can be heard from further away) * Waypoints added for units (hold 'shift' key when issuing movement orders to place waypoints) * Units no longer stop when they receive a new orders * LOS tweaks - The visibility conditions through forest were changed (being tested still but improvements allow for each individual tree trunk and tree crown to be calculated for LOS) * AI Targeting behavior tweaked so that the default aiming location is the turret on enemy units that are hulldown * Game speed acceleration/deceleration feature added allows speed changes of up to x2 or half speed as of now) * Fixed bug with the units boarding certain vehicles * Multiplayer load bugs during client loading were fixed * Fixed: AT Guns not being able to have commands issued in some situations * Fixed Load/Save Game errors * Towsetup 'Autodetect' functions improved * Mission Editor "wrong application version error" bug fixed * Improvements to the gun towing process implemented * Units now better at holding position when they are in defensive positions * New "License Helper" utility (called License_Helper.exe) added to help those that had issues with the eLicense program freezing or locking up in the past * New manual "Unlicense" shortcut added to game program group (to unlicense game without uninstalling) Obviously, there are a lot of people with AMD and Intel multi-cre CPU's wondering how things are coming with that as well. We have identified ways to improve performance and overall game stability that are related to the game compiler version (a compiler, put very simply is basically software that pulls all the game files together and allows them interact with one another)that was used and are working at implementing and testing those changes. Because we want to get this patch out to you soon though, it looks like this first patch will have at least some performance improvements with a second patch coming soon after that will boast even more. We are working with the compiler developer right now, and they are promising many improvements and optimizations in a updated compiler release but that new version is still a few weeks away and we don't want to delay the patch any longer than we have to. Of course, switching to a new compiler might also introduce unforseen issues, so this is something that needs to be tested internally and that takes time as well. Anyway, all of this compiler stuff is still being discussed internally, tested and evaulated, but I wanted you to know where everything was RIGHT NOW. Lastly, if anyone is interested in helping myself and my team with TESTING (especially MP) then I have a few open positions that I might be willing to have you fill. Email me (support@battlefront.com) a little background on yourself, gaming habits, your forum handle, your system specs, your experience with ToW and your availability for testing (how much time you can devote) and I will pick a few guys from the ToW community to get a sneak peak at both the add-on and patch. Okay, so thats where we are right now. As I get more details, I will of course enlighten you all. Madmatt [ May 22, 2007, 01:13 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  10. See this post for updated details: http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=66;t=000227 Madmatt
  11. Hey guys, are promised before, I am going to try and keep everyone up to date on where things stand. Earlier this week my testing team got a new patch version from 1C and are currently testing it out along with the new Map Editor and 10 Mission Battle for Moscow Add-On. I wanted you to know about some of the stuff 1C has been working on. The following is the list of stuff in the patch I am testing now. This does not mean all of this will 100% go into the final patch (that's why we have to test this stuff) nor is this the final list of stuff, BUT I told you I would let you know whats going on, so here it is: Gameplay Patch issues and additions: * Map Editor Added (accessed via the builder.exe program or in the ToW Program Group shortcut "Map Editor" * A new 10 mission "Battle for Moscow 1941" Campaign Added. Accessed via the "Extra Campaigns" option in the Campaign List page * Improved logging functions to help with determining the causes of certain crashes * Hot keys for Unit Formations, Movement Modes, Hold Fire and Hold Position commands added * Better handling of the Reverse Command for vehicles, vehicles will now use their reverse gears instead of turning toward enemy when ordered to reverse) * Expanded sound system (better EAX implementation) * Improved sound (more sounds, and can be heard from further away) * Waypoints added for units (hold 'shift' key when issuing movement orders to place waypoints) * Units no longer stop when they receive a new orders * LOS tweaks - The visibility conditions through forest were changed (being tested still but improvements allow for each individual tree trunk and tree crown to be calculated for LOS) * AI Targeting behavior tweaked so that the default aiming location is the turret on enemy units that are hulldown * Game speed acceleration/deceleration feature added allows speed changes of up to x2 or half speed as of now) * Fixed bug with the units boarding certain vehicles * Multiplayer load bugs during client loading were fixed * Fixed: AT Guns not being able to have commands issued in some situations * Fixed Load/Save Game errors * Towsetup 'Autodetect' functions improved * Mission Editor "wrong application version error" bug fixed * Improvements to the gun towing process implemented * Units now better at holding position when they are in defensive positions * New "License Helper" utility (called License_Helper.exe) added to help those that had issues with the eLicense program freezing or locking up in the past * New manual "Unlicense" shortcut added to game program group (to unlicense game without uninstalling) Obviously, there are a lot of people with AMD and Intel multi-cre CPU's wondering how things are coming with that as well. We have identified ways to improve performance and overall game stability that are related to the game compiler version (a compiler, put very simply is basically software that pulls all the game files together and allows them interact with one another)that was used and are working at implementing and testing those changes. Because we want to get this patch out to you soon though, it looks like this first patch will have at least some performance improvements with a second patch coming soon after that will boast even more. We are working with the compiler developer right now, and they are promising many improvements and optimizations in a updated compiler release but that new version is still a few weeks away and we don't want to delay the patch any longer than we have to. Of course, switching to a new compiler might also introduce unforseen issues, so this is something that needs to be tested internally and that takes time as well. Anyway, all of this compiler stuff is still being discussed internally, tested and evaulated, but I wanted you to know where everything was RIGHT NOW. Lastly, if anyone is interested in helping myself and my team with TESTING (especially MP) then I have a few open positions that I might be willing to have you fill. Email me (support@battlefront.com) a little background on yourself, gaming habits, your forum handle, your system specs, your experience with ToW and your availability for testing (how much time you can devote) and I will pick a few guys from the ToW community to get a sneak peak at both the add-on and patch. Okay, so thats where we are right now. As I get more details, I will of course enlighten you all. Madmatt [ May 22, 2007, 01:13 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  12. While we have not ever tested the older CM titles in house with the new Windows based Mac's, we have *heard* that they can be made to run. Your milage may vary of course. My only suggestion for your situation is to try with the various demos and see if and how they run. Madmatt
  13. Your CPU is great, its your 3 year old video chipset that is the problem. Its a 9800 which is just barely supported and to add insult to injury, its also the mobility version which is even slower than the full card based 9800. Madmatt
  14. Here is the correct link, try this: ftp://ftp.battlefront.com/pub/patches/tow/Theatre_of_War_DVD_patch.exe
  15. I have made up a special patch for this problem. You no longer need to do the offline process as detailed above. Please read below if you have this issue to find the patch. eLicense Freeze Fix Patch.... This patch should address the issue of the eLicense Program freezing when you enter your license code, or when trying to unlicense the game. On the next screen, please make sure that the Destination Location for the patch is where you currently have the game installed (Default location is C:\Program Files\Battlefront\Theatre of War). Once the patch is installed, you will be prompoted to license the game and it should work without freezing. Once you have licensed the game, you should launch the game normally (via the desktop shortcut or the Theatre of War Program Group). To unlicense your game, click on the Unlicense Theatre of War icon from the Theatre of War Program Group. <a href="ftp://ftp.battlefront.com/pub/patches/tow/ToW_elicense_patch.exe" target="_blank">Download the Theatre of War eLicense Freeze Fix Patch Here (1.23Mb) </a>
  16. Looks like Pak40 pretty much said what I was going to. I wrote that troubleshooting guide for cases exactly like this one. If you follow my recommendations, I think you will find the game will perform much much better (and hopefully after the first patch, even better than that!). Madmatt
  17. Actually, that list is no longer current. Some stuff was changed, added or removed. I am going to work with Steve and in the coming weeks I will be posting a revised list. Madmatt
  18. Lon thanks for the offer but CMSF already has some exceptional custom music from a very well known and critically acclaimed game and movie composer, Daniel Sadowski. In the future though, you should contact me via email (matt@battlefront.com) with your resume and audio samples and perhaps we could work with you. Madmatt
  19. While the editor allows you to do a lot of stuff, some people forget that you can also edit the mission.xml file by hand. By doing that, you *may* be able to rename your troops and change their weapon loadouts to whatever you want, even if the editor itself tries to maintain a little more order. I havent tried this myself (with swapping weapons from one nation to another) but it should be very easy to test and see what you get. Madmatt
  20. Sure he has a story, but its a short one. He is dead in the middle of the road...End of story. Madmatt
  21. Since it has been a few weeks since we posted any screenshots we figured you might like to see the sort of progress we have been making with Combat Mission: Shock Force. You will notice a lot of new flavor objects, many new buildings with ledges and balconies, the impressive Mosque model as well as, for the first time, glimpses of some of the Syrian Uncon (unconventional) troops including Uncon Fighters (better trained and equipped) and Uncon Combatants (more ad-hoc units with little training and less organization). Combat Mission: Shock Force Screenshot Galleries Madmatt
  22. For the record, the only type of MP in T-72 that was offered was via LAN not the internet. True, MP stability even in LAN was rather suspect in that title and the developer was never able to get it working as intended. That's the #1 reason why I don't even list MP in the feature list for that game anymore. While some people were able to get it to work, it just wasn't ever reliable enough. Now as to TOW, I have been able to launch, host and play in all 8 of the MP missions in the relerase version of the game but we are aware that crashes and lockups are occuring far too frequently. In earlier pre-release versions we routinely played large 4-6 people MP matches with no lockups at all, but it appears that some bug was introduced in the MP code just before the game was approved for production. 1C has confirmed the bug and its one of the many things scheduled to be included in the first patch. Madmatt
  23. If you got the download version, you would not need the patch, your version is already patched. Just reinstall from the download file and you should be fine. Madmatt
  24. That actually would not make any difference. Its an earlier version true (by about a day or two), but not in a way that would have ANY performance differences at all. Madmatt
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