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Everything posted by Madmatt

  1. I believe the Editor does actually autobackup the files you are working with and stores them in a "History" subdirectory in the specific mission folders themselves, but I have not for myself checked out how that works (I noticed that folder before and have meant to investigate it). Try that and see what you get. Madmatt
  2. Marto, According to the developer 1c, Theatre of War will NOT work with that video chipset (Mobile Intel® 945GM/GU Express Chipset Family). Madmatt
  3. Thanks for the update Speedee, we are trying to collect as much info as we can like this to help pinpoint the exact issues/fixes/workarounds as we can. Madmatt
  4. Right now just keep posting here to the forum, 1C is reading all your posts and working on the issues as they come in. Madmatt
  5. Here is a screenshot of that screen. We actually did post it as a sticky but the title is misleading, i will fix that. Rune found that also selecting "threaded optimization" to off helped a great deal as well. Also, if your running a Dual Display, disable the secondary window. Madmatt
  6. Rune found that also selecting "threaded optimization" to "off" helps a great deal. Other people had great results when they turned off "extension limits" Also, if your running a Dual Display, disable the secondary window. Madmatt Also, if your running a Dual Display, disable the secondary window. Madmatt
  7. You dont happen to have a save game with those animation glitches in them do you? If you see it again, please save the game at once and email the save game file (please zip it up first) to support@battlefront.com And make your subject "ToW Animation Bug" Thanks! Madmatt
  8. The Mission Editor will NOT run under Vista 64, thats actually stated in the System Specs section of the Features and Order pages. That is due to a conflict with the new 64 bit version of .Net Framework and the Editor and NOT something that we can fix, at least at this time. Normal Vista (32 bit) should be able to run the editor. Now, obviously, other people here aren't able to get the editor to work either with their OS's (XP Home and Pro, Vista 32, Media Center Edition etc...), but thats a different issue than the Vista 64 one and one in which we should have a new *test* fix to try and out shortly. Let me just add, that Vista is actually not *officially* support by ToW. If you notice, we only list Windows XP as the OS, but in testing of the game, many of our guys did run it successfully under Vista so we are still dedicating the same effort into fixing reported issues by people with Vista. Madmatt
  9. Well, you are using a 4 year old video card... I had a 9800 too, and loved it, but it's really at the backend of the tech curve these days. Madmatt
  10. Bloodstar44, Although the others might pick fun at you, but I understand the situation. The game locked up, forcing you to hard reset which apparently affected Mozilla. We are working with 1C to get to the root of the lockups some people are experiencing, and that will hopefully minimize such "chain-reactions" as what you encountered. I am sorry that your game crash caused you such a problem. Madmatt
  11. Yes we are working on several different issues and are passing ahead everything we see to 1C's developement team. That includes issue such as stability, MP reliablity, and the various elicense conflicts which can cause either the game or mission editor to not launch properly. We want to get these biggie issues locked down immediately and then will be looking at other issues and gameplay additions. Madmatt
  12. This particulat issue has been fixed. If you still get a 501 error doublecheck that you are entering the code EXACTLY as you received it. It should be 36 digits long and that includes the dashes. All 0's are zeroes (not o's) All 1's are ones (not i's) Madmatt
  13. Okay, thanks guys, I will take your results and try and come up with another fix. Madmatt
  14. So it connected but you got lag? Make sure the "use only one CPU option" is set in the video options panel. We have seen that for some reason setting can really help with decreasing lag. By the way, thats a pretty big battle with that much infantry. While a battle that large should be playable over a LAN across the net it might just be too large. Madmatt
  15. Okay guys try this, run that file again but this time tell it to install into a TOTALLY NEW DIRECTORY. Once the install is complete, allow the installer to launch the editor. Tell me if that works. Note, if you do that, you won't be able to edit missions and campaings yet because it wont see the game files, but I just want to see if we can get the editor to come up all by itself. Thanks guys! Madmatt
  16. Were you downloading just with your browser or with a Download Manager? Due to the size of this file we STRONGLY SUGGEST using a downlaod manager. We even link to several on the download page itself including a new one (FlashGet) which is toally freeware (although the others all have trial versions that work for free too!). Madmatt
  17. What are your system specs? I have seen this issues before when the video card was not powerful enough to run the game. It needs to support Shaders 2.0. If you have an ATI based card, that means it needs to be a Radeon 9600 or higher, for nVidia, it needs to be a GeFroce 4600 or higher. Madmatt
  18. Your Radeon 9000 doesnt support Shaders 2.0 and is below spec for this game. As such, I am not sure you will be able to get it to work. You need to have a Radeon 9600 or higher. Madmatt
  19. Make sure both the host and client pick the same speed, I would try 25.000 Cable for now, also uncheck the Smooth Movement Option. Give that a try. How many people are you trying to play with? Madmatt
  20. Please try the current workaround posted here. http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=66;t=000005
  21. Okay guys, I know that some of you are having a problem with the game launching but the Mission Editor won't. It reports a weird "wrong game version" type error. I am testing a fix so if you get this error, please download and run this file and then report back to THIS thread what you get. http://www.battlefront.com/products/tow/misc/Mission_Editor_Test_Fix.exe This fix COULD even work for people that have the problem of the Editor launching but not the game, or even possibly the problem where neither will open, so all of you are welcome to try out as well. Please just give it a shot, and reply back with what happens. Thanks! Madmatt
  22. Guys, please check out this thread for a test fix. http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=66;t=000091 Madmatt
  23. Also, its important that EVERYONE selects the same speed setting, otherwise you can get very long load times and lag. Madmatt
  24. Okay, it looks like we fixed this issue. If anyone still gets a 501 error, FIRST make sure you are entering the code properly (some people reported a problem but were not typing the code right) and that doesnt work, then email us at elicense@battlefront.com Have a good weekend and enjoy the game! Madmatt
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