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Everything posted by Madmatt

  1. You guys should be getting an email from us with download info already. Madmatt
  2. Tool tips are on the list of things we still want to implement at a later date but the thing to remember is that the most used tools IN the game are the various commands and why would you need a tool tip for the order to "FIRE" when the button that issues that command says "FIRE" on it? After threats of pain and death, I also got Charles to include a full Hotkey list that you can bring up in game at anytime. Madmatt
  3. Yeah, but your Australian! Your used to ignoring what people say! Madmatt
  4. It's less than a week before CMSF is released worldwide so to help ease the anticipation we have released two new gameplay videos. In 'MOUT Warfare' follow close behind a platoon of mechanized US infantry and they face a Syrian force firmly entrenched in an urban setting. the video 'Javelin Strike' showcases a US javelin missile team as they hold off an armored Syrian thrust. Download them all or view them directly on Youtube by visiting ourCombat Mission: Shock Force Video Gallery Madmatt
  5. We have a batch of new screenshots posted today which show off some of the truly impressive vehicle models in the game. Pay attention to the details on the T-72, Bradley and Abrams models. Also check out some of the new explosion, missile, vehicle exhaust and special effects graphics recently added. Combat Mission: Shock Force Screenshot Gallery's Enjoy! Madmatt
  6. Willie, we responded to you last week with the order details, code and everything you would need. I will resend that info right now but please check your Spam filters. Madmatt
  7. It's the same patch you already have in the Battle for Moscow Add-on, just their version of it. Madmatt
  8. Just a quick note that the CMSF website has been updated with a final Vehicle/Weapon list page and Review Section. Check it out! http://www.battlefront.com/products/cmsf/news.html Madmatt
  9. Eventually a new DVD disk image will be re-mastered which includes this patch content (or whatever patch add-on is out) but not for the near future. We like to have the download versions and disk images synch up though, but with ToW, due to the huge size of the files, that may not be possible. Because of issues with handling of files in excess of 2 gigs in size (which it would be if the patch content was included) we are not going to update the download version with the patch content at this time. If I can get the full installer to compress down to less than 2 gigs, we will, but I have not yet been successful at that and I don't want to force a multi-file install unless I have to. Madmatt
  10. You have the best results if you leave the MP settings on their defaults. That means leave HOST IP as "localhost" and the Server Public Port at "22345". Set Private Ports to use range and set the range at 22400 Minimum and 22500 Maximum. Uncheck "Use Smooth Unit Movement". Set Clint port to be 2334. Make sure everyone has the SAME speed setting. Now, whoever is hosting (if on the internet) needs to go to a website like "www.whatismyip.com" to get their IP address. For those trying to connect, typin the ip like this xxx.xxx.xxx.xxxx:22345 They have to include the colon and the port number like that. See if that works for you. Madmatt
  11. posted July 13, 2007 11:58 AM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Many people have asked if there was a way to "unlock" all the campaign missions without first playing through them all. There is, and here it is. This file is a special 'user profile save game" where all the missions have already been completed. Note, this will erase any progress in campaigns you currently have. ftp://ftp.battlefront.com/pub/misc/tow/ToW_Campaigns_Finished_Save.exe Run the file and when asked where to extract it, point it at your Theatre of War>users>player1 folder. Now when you go to play any of the original campaigns, you can choose any of the individual missions. Madmatt
  12. Many people have asked if there was a way to "unlock" all the campaign missions without first playing through them all. There is, and here it is. This file is a special 'user profile save game" where all the missions have already been completed. Note, this will erase any progress in campaigns you currently have. ftp://ftp.battlefront.com/pub/misc/tow/ToW_Campaigns_Finished_Save.exe Run the file and when asked where to extract it, point it at your Theatre of War>users>player1 folder. Now when you go to play any of the original campaigns, you can choose any of the individual missions. Madmatt
  13. Just to clarify, the download version is not YET updated with the patch content, although it will be in the very near future. Madmatt
  14. I think your issue is related to the DEP settings, please review the following to fix your problem: http://www.battlefront.com/elicense_faq.html specifically this part: http://www.battlefront.com/elicense_faq.html#nothingappears Madmatt
  15. I have updated this file to add the Moscow Campaign missions now. Freeboy, that *trick* does work but unless you do some hand editing of text files, you wont get the initial mission briefings. My save game is much more easy, and an elegant of a way to do this. Madmatt
  16. What do you get when you try and run the Mission Editor or the towsetup.exe program? Did you ever get to the point where it asked you to enter your license code? Madmatt
  17. Yeah, but you could use this file I just uploaded to "unlock" all the older campaign missions as well. http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=63;t=001465;p=1#000004 Madmatt
  18. Okay, go here: ftp://ftp.battlefront.com/pub/misc/tow/ToW_Campaigns_Finished_Save.exe Run the file and when asked where to extract it, point it at your Theatre of War>users>player1 folder. Now when you go to play any of the original campaigns, you can choose any of the individual missions. Note: This particular file does NOT unlock the new Battle For Moscow campaign, yet... I will get a version that does in the next few days. Madmatt
  19. Thats a great idea but rather difficult since we all live in different places seperated by thousands of miles! In the entire history of Battlefront, we have only ever gotten together all at the same time and place one time. It was fun though and while drunk we came up with the legendary idea for the Death Clock in CMBB (its what allows the AI to continue to fire on vehicles when they are unsure if its really dead or not)...well it was actually my idea, but Charles named it. Madmatt
  20. The specs were actually based on the same ones posted for ToW since on comperable systems, they seem to run about the same. As with any CM game though, the size of the map and battle affects performance more than anything so if you create some massive bloodbath, your performance is going to suffer more than a smaller platoon level firefight. Keep this in mind because the scale of CMSF was designed to be far smaller than earlier CM titles. Madmatt
  21. Your welcome, seemed like it was time. Madmatt
  22. I haven't built the final download version installer yet so that filesize is an approximation (although its going to be around 350-400 megs more than likely) but yes the data files DO compress very well now. The games installed footprint is about 1 gig. Also, the credit card is charged immediately. Madmatt
  23. Actually, that card should work, I just can't predict how well. The specs currently listed on the order page are still *best guess* based on our internal testing and I was a little more conservative than maybe I should have been but CMSF does like a powerful system, that much is for sure! Madmatt
  24. Well, there seems to be a problem with the unlock file (its not unlocking! Doh!)so I am sorry but it won't be ready tonight, unless I can figure out why its not working. I have emailed 1C about this so I should have it all worked out by tomorrow. Madmatt
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