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Everything posted by aka_tom_w

  1. well??? its a legit question??? about it? on track for DEC 5 or not?? it looks like CDV is shipping in Europe or are all those European folks pulling our legs about getting their copies of CMAK (CM-Smack) already!!??? :confused: so what is it?? -tom w [ November 28, 2003, 05:46 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  2. this should be sticky and stay at the top? no? -tom w
  3. read the CMAK primer thread the answer is ONLY one target. -tom w
  4. yup that is what I see too I'm on a G4 TiBook 400 mHz but the game Demo seems to run fine thanks -tom w
  5. yup that is what I see too I'm on a G4 TiBook 400 mHz but the game Demo seems to run fine thanks -tom w
  6. So according to that theory we should be looking for some "action" around Nov 25th? is that what "10 days" means? that was ten days from Nov 15th correct? meaning around about Nov 25th for "something?" yes? no? -tom w </font>
  7. Is anyone else here watching this forum EVERYDAY for the chance to pre-order? -tom w
  8. yeah yeah yeah..... HOW CLOSE? close like tomorrow? close like next week? or close like Next Month??? Close like Christmas is coming close? -tom w
  9. If It helps I KNOW for a fact that Virtual PC on even the FASTEST MAC WON'T run panzer elite. I KNOW because I tried in vain and contacted the VPC tech support help desk and was told VERY clearly by one of the lead developers that VPC was not EVER designed or intended for use with any 3D graphically INTENSE video game. "It will NEVER Work!" end of Story! So Since I own PE (Gold Edition) and don't own a PC perhaps I should get a CHEAP PC for CMAK and PE,..... hm.... Yeah thats the ticket! -tom w
  10. Yes! Me too! My laptop is provided by my employer and the latest G4 power books are no longer dual boot. The G5 towers are fast BUT not dual boot. And the CMAK only runs in OS 9 ( NOT Classic) because of the RAVE API issue. To think I need to buy a cheap PC to run this game angers me beyond words. The old Biege G3 I actually own, won't cut it anymore and now I don't really have a good computer to run CMAK. I am seriously considering skipping the purchase ALTOGETHER except for the fact that I am A HUGE fan of that Theatre of Operations and that period of WWII This whole Damn NO RAVE in Classic/ NO CMAK in OS X thing is just STUPID beyond words!!!!! grrrr! disgruntled in Canada -tom w
  11. Hmm...'lawngnome'. I can't help but feel that I'm being mocked here somehow. LAWNGNOME! YOU HORRIBLE LITTLE MAN! ARE YOU EYEBALLING ME, BOY?! </font>
  12. yes it was the first war game like that that I ever owned I still have my copy now over 30 years old and YES it was a HUGE book keeping nightmare. that one and Wooden Ships and Iron Men were the REALLY ugly games for book keeping as EVERY round was recorded and the result of every round fired and any possible damage had to be individually recorded. I would say ALL new players to CMAK should play a scenario of Tobruk BEFORE they play CMAK on the computer just to see HOW truly ground breaking and earth shattering the tranisition to a computer game is. (Um that does not sound right..... I mean the computer MAKES everything so simple in CMBO or CMBB and in CAMK, BUT in the old days there were counters and boards and hit charts and dice and THEN there was ALL the book keeping on top of it. I guess it just means we are all board game geeks here. I am Still Playing Mega Supremacy on a large map and board game right now, you know 5-6 guys get together and you attack each other (cuts deal, back stab form alliance...you know...) and roll dice? like the "old" way! Its still FUN!! -tom w [ October 22, 2003, 12:17 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  13. any news on pre-orders? Will they offer pre-orders? have I missed the news bulletin on when they will start taking pre-orders ? :confused: -tom w
  14. OK I guess that narrows it down. I will pick the Second Week of Decemeber for it to actually start shipping meaning that anyone in Canada can actually expect their game in the mail (NON rush, NON priority post with NO tracking!) sometime in Jan 2004 after the Christmas Break But thats Just me Doubting Thomas -tom w ("again with the NEGATIVE Waves! that Bridge is gonna Be there!" But in the Movie the bridge was NOT actually there as it was destroyed while they watched JUST to add a little historical MOVIE perspective to the "Negative Wave thing" )
  15. Well, Panther (64 bits OS) is scheduled to be released in 11 days from now. </font>
  16. OK then Mid Dec between the 10th and the 20th closer to the 10th I would guess -tom w
  17. OK then Mid Dec between the 10th and the 20th closer to the 10th I would guess -tom w
  18. EXCELLENT Answer! Did it work? Do those iBooks (G3 chips in them I guess) boot into OS 9? just curious? -tom w
  19. Those buildings really do look good in those screen shots they look FANATASTIC for a CM series game. Its GREAT to see the American units again! I can't wait for CMAK! -tom w
  20. That's a rare statement from a game engineer these days. I buy it--and I will I don't mind shelling out a few bucks for good work and all the user support you guys have put into it. For Macintosh (at least) there's no competition anyway. My only request: When Bill Gates comes knocking, put that T34 in your garage to good use! Microsoft has assimulated and destroyed many a good software producer. </font>
  21. Dec 18 2003 Late for the Christmas rush (oh well) but they don't care anyway because they will all have all our pre-orders then take off for Christmas to the Carribean -tom w
  22. Dec 18 2003 Late for the Christmas rush (oh well) but they don't care anyway because they will all have all our pre-orders then take off for Christmas to the Carribean -tom w
  23. That is interesting! that is a "sort of" gamey loophole I have never looked to see if it works but I will take your word for it. thanks -tom w
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