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Everything posted by aka_tom_w

  1. It should work if its dual boot is the G4 550 a Tibook? What video card are you using? (It "should" work?) -tom w
  2. um.... Apple is currently unloading G4 Towers that ARE dual boot as fast as they can and they are cheap. See the thread in the tech support forum about Macs and CMxx and BFC for more info. -tom w
  3. The shape and architecture of the new Apple stores look like the old Cube computer. does that make sense? -tom w
  4. this thread is IMHO a nearly complete treatise on the entire subject of borg spotting and the concept of how to make relative spotting "workable" http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=1;t=024461;p=1 I suggest you read it if you want more ideas and opinions and see what Steve and Charles have to say about he issue -tom w
  5. I think you may be mistaken redwolf Even in CMBO (even in the demo of CMBO) an AP rounds were/are tracked by the game engine and could cause collateral damage or take out another vehicle after a ricochet. IMHO am I wrong? -tom w
  6. I thought that richochets (AP rounds only) were tracked by the game engine and could indeed cause collateral damage. this is correct? -tom w MrSpkr Member Member # 5297 posted June 11, 2002 10:56 PM ------------------------------------------------------------------------ But, as I understood it, a deflected round (not a pentrating round) is tracked in the game -- so Fionn's shameless reference to CMBB was accurate, but claims that a Sherman shot through a halftrack to kill an adjacent halftrack are specious. Right? Steve
  7. I agree with that completely. playing QB's and "buying" units is the totally gamey and a-historical to begin with. I totally support the suggestion to allow recreating as many CMBO scenarios as possible in CMAK. BUT from a marketing and sales point of view it all depends on what they plan to do with CMX2? :confused: Maybe CMX2 is the ETO all over again? if it is though I REALLY don't think including CMBO (ETO) vehicles in CMAK will hurt CMX2 sales anyway because we all know we will all buy CMX2 no matter what era or period it will cover because by the time it is released it "should" be TOTALLY ground breaking and it "should" make CMAK looked like CMBO compared to CMBB (and Then SOME!) So my point is CMBO (ETO) vehicles in CMACK could not possibly hurt CMX2 sales because we will ALL want CMX2 anyway for all its COOL new features (full playback, mulit-multi player Relative Spotting (simulated). So... They should throw in ALL the vehicles and units and terrain from CMBO and CMBB (likely won't happend though) -tom w [ July 22, 2003, 11:34 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  8. I agree completely. I am REALLY looking forward to recreating as many CMBO battles as possible. But I will bet they will only put in "just" the historically correct vehicles and units for the period of the war covered by CMAK. oh well -tom w [ July 22, 2003, 11:25 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  9. Hell Has No Heroes It is really non-fiction but it is written as fiction it is the account of a D-Day landing on a Duplex Drive Sherman from someone who was THERE. They are a lucky crew and stick with the Sherm right through the ETO and they meet Piper head on at Bastonage. it is the BEST Story of a US tank crew in the ETO I have ever read. I HIGHLY recommend it! -tom w
  10. Great idea I think somthing like this suggestion has come up in the past If you are interested you can search for SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) One thing that should be noted is that if you have a big battle with LOTS like 50-100 units then give the special SOP orders to each unit individually could be a REAL big time waster. I like the idea of SOP's but they should be easy to use and band-boxable or be able to issue the orders to a group of selected units. I would like to suggest that the Tac AI should also work well (as reasonably well as the CMBB Tac AI) for newer or lazier players that don't want to program additional SOP orders for each and every unit after every move or turn. search for SOP for more on this one -tom w [ July 13, 2003, 12:10 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  11. Play pre-built scenario's only the problem isn't the KV-1's and KV-2's its the notion the "buying" units to play make a battle is a fair way to start. It is not IMHO. :eek: Use only pre-built scenario's and read the reviews regarding how well balanced they are at the scenario depot before you play and you won't see all that much invinicible heavy armour any more. But that is JUST my opinion on how to best enjoy CMBB. -tom w
  12. this is a good point in cmbb as it is now the variable game ending almost always kicks into overtime and you can count on 2-3-4-5 minutes of extra play. The CMBB variable game ending NEVER ends early and rarely ends on the last turn. If you turn a flag or dispute one in the final minutes you are guarenteed extra time. It is somewhat predictable I think. The thing sonar is looking for is a PC program that both players agree to abide by the randomizes the VERY latest turn. When BOTH players agree to this they have to end there battle on the turn that the end game randomizer tells them and both agree to a ceasefire and tally the points at that time voluntarily. the thing about this PC only program was that it did in fact end the battle early sometimes and it NEVER cared who just turned or disputed a flag in the final minute or two, in that one way it was MORE simple and more effective that the more predictable variable ending in CMBB now -tom w
  13. is there any interest in a Mac version :confused: ?? -tom w [ July 11, 2003, 10:48 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  14. is it possible that was just and coincidence? "Turning off cover arcs led to spotting some units part way through a subsequent turn" :confused: -tom w
  15. ok thanks was that "Armour on the Boulevard"? I have played that one but never against the AI. Thanks for the prompt reply -tom w It was premade, Armoured Boulevard (available at the scenario depot), a 3000 point armored non-historical ME battle in a very good urban map. For some reason two large armored units wage war in dense urban setting with very few infantry units on the map (well, that DID happen but rarely). I had nothing much to do and heard it was fun so I played it vs the AI to kill time. Of course it wasn't hard but OT34 En Fuego spiced up the fun somewhat. Perhaps you could recreate the action if you tried 100 times... No save games from those fatal minutes. </font>
  16. GREAT thanks for the tech update Mark Mark and I are not technical wizards (not hard core unix C+ programer geeks :eek: anyway ) and we figured it out NO problem this iChat technology from Apple REALLY works and it is REALLY simple and virtually idiot proof. As Mark says the next version of AIM and windows messenger will be using the exact same technology so by the time CMX2 comes out this video conferencing technology should be most popular and out there for folks other than "early adopters" like Mark and I . CMX2 and the BFC team should really look into the virtues of the iChat video conferencing. It's FREE and it works in OS X RIGHT NOW (unlike CMBB or CMBO ). -tom w [ July 08, 2003, 11:23 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  17. HEY it worked! we connected live Via iChat Toronto to Sydney crystal clear video and audio and FREE via broadband Internet connection. and really worked! -tom w [ July 08, 2003, 10:15 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  18. HI I am in the EST toronto I can only run iChat on the OSX mac true (same problem here) but I can play CMBB while we video chat (OSX) at the same time on my Tibook laptop (OS9) Can you e-mail me to set up a time? thanks ! -tom w
  19. was it a pre-built scenario? do you have a save game file? can I play that one too? do you have a save or your starting line-up or opening move? that sound too fanatastic to be true do you think it would ever happen like that again? thanks for the War Story and AAR Very cool! -tom w
  20. you can sort of do that NOW in iChat on a Mac. iChat the free beta demo from Apple is FREE Apple video conferencing. I am still looking for someone online here who is set up to connect via video with me? thanks -tom w
  21. I find this very interesting is there any official comment from BFC? :confused: Good find Redwolf (I think :confused: ) -tom w
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