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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by aka_tom_w

  1. Well, I understand (from others) its: "It is entertainment at its very finest!" -tom w
  2. this may surpise some folks but the main reason I bought CMBB was to financially support the development of CMII the re-write, and because I am loyal and I REALLY have enjoyed CMBO enough to buy their next offering even if I have VERY LITTLE interest in the Eastern Front. I am ALOT less interested in the Eastern Front because I speak NIETHER German or Russian so I sort of feel "alienated" from the action in the battles in the game. YES it is historically accurate, but I REALLY hope a sound mod comes out for english voice overs for all that German and Russian they are speaking. LOOK...even Panzer Elite that is MADE in GERMANY offers english speakers with a great German accent. I like the fact that the game came out with historically accurate native german and russian voices BUT I would feel WAY more comfortable with CMBB if I could play either the German side or the Russian side (any side that is) and listen to english speakers (ok with native german or russian accents would be cool), so that I could tell what was happening on the battlefield. In CMBO I prefer the ALLIES (CND Brit or American) so that I can hear and understand what is being said down on the ground in the middle of the battle, I don't like to play other nationalities because I can't understand what they are saying and that leaves me sort of feeling somewhat "alienated" from the battle and the action. That's only my opinion and I will bet most folks here really don't care about the non-english dialogue in CMBB. BUT I really did buy CMBB to financially support the NEXT BIG THING (CMII) which "should" be absolutely revolutionary after their experience with CMBO and CMBB and 2.5 years of development! That's my sales pitch for CMBB ... "Buy it to support CMII!" I wonder if any BTS/BFC guys bother to read this forum anymore? :confused: -tom w [ September 21, 2002, 09:53 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  3. <--- toronto maybe LATE this week if we are LUCKY probably next week I'm guessing Customs could really slow things up... remember CMBO? -tom w [ September 21, 2002, 09:57 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  4. um.... Sorry, but it also stops some folks (who know how) from getting a manual for only $10.00 U.S. after they downloaded the "not official" verison (without ANY copy protection) from those disreputable FREE game download places, if you know what I mean..... -tom w
  5. I think this is VERY important Spoiler Warning.... Like This * * * * * * * * * * * * * just post in the scenario's forum about canned scenario's on the disk and no one will get on your case. -tom w
  6. no rubble in the floor? Maybe its only partially destroyed? can you destroy it some more until the floor turns to rubble? just curious -tom w
  7. well I am a little dissappointed this thread has fallen off the first page? its sad sort of -tom w
  8. Hi Yes I was refering to a couple of guys like Fred in the last ugly thread about this issue that was recently locked, yeah you know, ... those dissenters as per ... " given the amount of wailing that was going on here recently!" in that previously locked thread. thats all -tom w [ September 21, 2002, 07:15 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  9. As the title says... "What's in the manual?" How does the game arrive? What does it look like? Is the manual in colour? 266 pages? How big is it? Did it have the CD in it like CMBO? Details!!! Who's got it ! about 2-3 folks posted here that they reveiced it today in Maine and Cape Cod. Spill the BEANS! will ya!?? -tom w
  10. ok I admit it I keep checking this thread to see who will in fact post the first real image of this Fantasy PostMistress? :eek: anyone? -tom w
  11. WHAT the hell does it Look Like!?? Seriously! Is is a book/manual in a "largish" brown envelope, or is it a box? Last time CMBO was a big surprise because it came in a plain brown envelope. Who got it via the mail in the US and WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE!!!???? Is there COLOUR in the Manual??? I can't wait to see the manual and I can appreciate why the europeans were getting rather bent out of shape over the lack of a REAL 266 page full colour manual. Please update us on the manual. Thanks -tom w
  12. Thats GREAT I think that is EXCEPTIONAL customer service from a Video Game company that is really only 5 guys doing the BEST they can to make the kinds of games THEY THEMSELVES enjoy playing. (Isn't that what CMBO was all about in the first place?) Anyway... Where are the dissenters now?? For $10 US you can get the manual and thats mostly shipping and handling, AND they might even be losing money on the deal (I hope not) to keep some folks happy. That is a GREAT announcement, given the amount of wailing that was going on here recently! -tom w [ September 21, 2002, 02:48 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  13. THAT ROCKS!!! Please keep us up to date on where it is available for download! Nice Work! -tom w
  14. Hi Dan Did you mean..... "Btw, anyone wanting to see optics in action " -tom w
  15. HOLY CRAP!! This is one helluva BITCH Session/Complaint thread. There seems to be a whole lot of yelling going on here. How about this: Thanks to Steve for all his patience and his time and effort posting to this thread..... NOW if you are a complainer and you just met Steve or Dan or Charles at a BTS/BFC convention or on the floor of a gaming trade show IN PERSON, would you be that rude to them.....????? Seriously.....? Steve and I have disagreed about a few things in the past but if I met in person I would first thank him for his efforts and passion to make the BEST game I have ever played, I might engage him in a theoretical debate about the implimentation of Relative Spotting in CMII but I would never yell or rant or carry on IN PERSON the way some folks in this thread have done. Please think about it!! How would you speak to Steve if you met in person, sure there is PLENTY to complain about in the CDV version....BUT get this, you have THREE choices... i)Buy the Retail CDV version (easy) ii) Don't buy the game and Go AWAY (don't go away mad, just go away) iii) Have someone over here send you the American version once it ships. (Sure you have to wait a while there have been a few sincere and kind offers to purchase and send the US version to anyone who wants it). (I did not make that offer but a few folks in the forum have done so already). AND AGAIN... Suppose you were speaking to Steve in person, would you really be saying all the same things you are typing while happily hiding behind your computer screen? Kudos to Steve for telling it like it is! The one thing you can count on around here is the TRUTH! -tom w [ September 20, 2002, 07:34 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  16. yup thats normal it is a TURN Based strategy game apparently the real game, full verison "crunches" the turn faster than the demo. Or so we are told from folks here posting about the FULL CDV version they have already received in Germany BEFORE the weekend so they can PLAY ALL WEEKEND unlike the rest of the world (except South Africa) that has to wait until some time next week or next MONTH to get it. (oh NO, .... I'm NOT bitter) -tom w
  17. ITS SHIPPING TODAY! I hope that means my (pre-ordered )copy went out on a truck today! After all whats that $7 dollars (U.S.!) shipping and HANDLING for if my preorderd copy does not ship TODAY??! the Real race is on now to who gets theirs first in the US then (Weeks later) in Canada. My credit card has been charged and in Canadian dollars the total bill game to $84.00 BUCKS CND for a bloody video game! it had better be GOOD! So far the reviews from the German players are glowing in the extreme ! -tom w [ September 20, 2002, 09:53 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  18. OK that's pretty funny!! MadMatt's post was Hillarious as well ROTFL (Great sense of humour gentlemen!) -tom w
  19. ASL Stoumont is BIG Nice Map 60 turns Good Tank battle Germans attack with Pieper's Kampfgruppe Americasn defend the map is a work of art! -tom w
  20. congrats guys NOW spill ALL the beans what are those "surprises" they only want us to see when we get the game??? Are there any surprises left? :cool: Any other Germans get it yet? Did it come in the mail? -tom w
  21. The term used in the original is "Handhabung", which can mean "handling", but I think in this case refers to "learning curve/ease of use"; I think it could also mean "stability" (in a software sense). I think by motivation he means "immersion factor". I'll defer to the native speakers on this.</font>
  22. "Now order! / now ersteigern! 1 Handling (1-20) 16 2 Play depth (1-20) 20 1 Motivation (1-20) 18 Total valuation 84 Your opinion to the play | this report further-recommend " OK, "Play depth" well at 20/20 I sort of "get" what they mean there BUT.... 1 Handling (1-20) 16 Whats that? AND 1 Motivation (1-20) 18 What the hell is Motivation? what does that really mean? anyone the Babelfish translation was actually pretty good for FREE and via a computer IMHO Thanks -tom w [ September 18, 2002, 02:03 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
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