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Everything posted by aka_tom_w

  1. this might not exactly be their idea of fun at BFC but folks keep posting those order numbers. Gryene reports they started around 80363 (give or take a few) so I think a running count here is a nice way to watch their NEW found financial success GROW right before out eyes. at almost ten hours after the pre sales announcement they have taken at least 304 new orders . I hope many, many more orders are placed!! -tom w
  2. any thing further here? any comment from BFC? WHAT?!! this thread settled to the FIFTH page!!! keep up the good work Can we expect any changes in EFOW in a patch after the release version (gone gold by now For sure) ships????? :confused: -tom w
  3. Tom, I'm fairly sure that either me, Mr. Spkr or Panzererfer42 were the firsts to order the game last night and my order number is 80363. I think that the order number system includes whichever non CMBB sales BFC had for this tracking period, so by the time order #80611 roilled around they were up to 248 copies sold, which might be a lower number if anyone ordered anything different like AA. $11k + is not a bad take for a day in any case! Gyrene</font>
  4. Thank you for your order! Your Order Number is: 80611 (my lower number (611) lower than claymore's (616) was because I took too long to make a post here and I'm real slow at Math (see below: ) $45 x 611= $27,495 in the first 8 hours of pre-sales I'm guessing they have made over $27,495 in non - CDV (non european sales ALONE!) Good Luck BTS Hope you all get a nice long VACATION in the fall. I'm guessing by the time the game actually ships some of them should be relaxing on vacation somewhere ! Thanks again BFC!!! The Preorder process was TOTALLY painless! -tom w [ September 07, 2002, 11:11 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  5. Sorry for the off topic post I posted to this thread in the Adobe Support forum: http://www.adobeforums.com/cgi-bin/webx?50@85.563gaKJcdfI.1@.1de59e4b Hi I administer two labs full of 25 Macs each. The first is a G4 Lab and Illustrator 10.0.3 is running in there on 9.2.2 under mulitple users as a limited user item and it works no problem. So far so good. BUT the problem is with the other lab full of B&W G3's that are running 9.2.2 and Illustrator won't run under limited multiple users. The error message is "Can't find plug-ins" when you click ok in the Big Grey dialogue box the computer crashes HARD and dies with a error Type 10 Login Crashed. I am really stumped as to why it works on the G4's and not on the G3's. Both configurations are useing Keyserver and it Works fine on the G4's. I have eliminated Keysever as a factor in the problem. The illustrator 10.0.3 app will open on the G3's when NOT in mulitple users, but only from the root (owner) account, NOT as a limited item. Some how the prefs should be stored in the limited accounts prefs file but I have done that and it still does not work. I have installed Illustrator and then turned on Mulitple users and set-up the new limited user account and still it does not work. Then I have set up the limited user account and then installed Illustrator and still no luck. I have put the illustrator plug-ins and prefs file in EVERY location on the HD that I thought was relevant to this issue and still it will not run as a limited item in mulitple users under 9.2.2 on those G3's! I think I need some magic or computer Mac Admin Voodoo to make that app run on those G3's. Any hints or suggestions on this one? Thanks -tom w [ September 07, 2002, 12:29 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  6. Moon!! Thank you so much! What a Great Explanation! I think that is PERFECT! Hull-Down is not a replacement for Hunt and SHOULD not be a replacement. The logic and implentation are exceptional! The reasoning is sound and in the end I think the new h Hull-Down command is really just the "lazy man's" Hunt command. I'll stick with Hunt most of the time thanks very much, BUT its a cool new feature none the less, Great work on the code there Charles! I can't wait to get my hands on the "FULL colour" manual (that must have COST a bundle!). Thanks again Moon! -tom w
  7. "Now, here's a question for BTS: Does the newly placed crew have to be spotted individually, or does it inherit the spotted characteristic of the gun it came from? In other words, is it possible at long range for the crew not to be seen?" Good question? EFOW is fun -tom w
  8. I am always wondering if I am playing with EFOW on.. Its the only setting I use so I must be I would be nice to have some visual reminder or clue in the interface indicating which level of FOW you are playing under. Any more comments on EFOW in the demo? -tom w
  9. many here are clammouring to pre-order When? When? a hint? anything? thanks -tom w
  10. Is this true? Can someone confirm the correct use of the hulldown command? Will the tank move along the line/path until it is hulldown to where you placed the endpoint (that little white square) of the Hulldown line/path?? :confused: Does the tank still act like it is in the "Hunt" command while attempting to seek the ideal hulldown position. Why is this command better than the old way of just use the "hunt" command up a hill to just before the the crest? (the old way) Is it possible this command was not fully detailed, documented or explained somewhere? OR did I just miss the Read-Me (RTFM) on it in my ZEAL to get right into the game?? Thanks -tom w [ September 05, 2002, 09:03 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  11. there is no doubt in EFOW that you can see a gun get knocked out. The crew appears beside it and you know it is dead. Maybe this is correct? or intended? Should that behaviour be that obvious in Extreme FOW? -tom w [ September 05, 2002, 11:43 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  12. this seems VERY curious to me with EXTREME FOW on. Sad, but true, I quess? I wonder if they will look at this to fix in a patch in the release version? Just curious -tom w
  13. you might be interested in this thread.... http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=23;t=000253;p= -tom w
  14. I wondered if i was the only one to notice the "clue" of the victory points going up in EFOW when the only thing firing was arty (before any confirmed contact with the enemy) :confused: . Thanks -tom w [ September 04, 2002, 07:04 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  15. page two? EFOW deserves better then just getting bumped all the way down to page 2 :confused: ! -tom w
  16. Has anyone else noticed: Is it possible that the victory level (while playing in EFOW) goes up indicating some form of advanced knoweldge of KILLS that you are inflicting from the arty that is hitting the enemy BEFORE you know where they are or if you are even targeting where they might be??? :confused: In the Yelina Stare scenario is is possible as the Soviets to watch the victory score go up as that 76 mm arty falls in the first few turns and determine that you are in fact hitting something? (because your victory points score is going up indicating something has been knocked out or killed?) Maybe I am TOTALLY decieving myself (I hope so) but I thought I was getting advanced knowledge of the impact of the arty on the enemy by seeing the score for the Soviets go up before I had made contact or fired any rounds other than arty? Can anyone else confirm this or am I dreaming? Is it possible that that when playing under EFOW that the victory points should be not shown or modified in someway so that you don't know if you are winning or losing? (I'm not sure about this so I just thought I would add my suggestions and observations). Thanks Comments? suggestions? -tom w
  17. Good points I agree with all of them. "Play EFOW, the Secret Realism of CMBB" (don't forget to join us in the lobby for MORE realism :cool: )
  18. What? on the second page already :confused: Too many new topics pushed this important issue off the main page. any other Extreme FOW observations? -tom w
  19. More importantly, it is even possible for infantry to be targeted and hit DIRECTLY through a tank or pillbox that is not burning. Tanks that arn't burning don't block LOS or in coming fire in any way. -tom w
  20. How about this for an Extreme FOW issue: fytinghellfish Member Member # 3701 posted September 03, 2002 12:13 PM quote: Originally posted by Red 6: How can you identify which tank or vehicle is the Command tank or vehicle? So that you can knock them out first. I'm pretty sure you can just click on the vehicle and the little figure on the left hand side (a soldier with a flag behind him) will indicate 'officer' or 'enlisted.' Of course, you have to know what an officer's uniform in either army looks like... And I don't think this works in extreme FOW. -------------------- IP: Logged Wicky Member Member # 7974 posted September 03, 2002 12:18 PM quote: And I don't think this works in extreme FOW. I think it do.... Similar targeting tactics as with infantry will thus come into play. Also not launching your HQ tanks into frays. -------------------- "The box said Windows 95 or better, so I bought a Mac." IP: Logged Cameroon Member Member # 7030 posted September 03, 2002 12:19 PM quote: Originally posted by fytinghellfish: quote: Originally posted by Red 6: How can you identify which tank or vehicle is the Command tank or vehicle? So that you can knock them out first. I'm pretty sure you can just click on the vehicle and the little figure on the left hand side (a soldier with a flag behind him) will indicate 'officer' or 'enlisted.' Of course, you have to know what an officer's uniform in either army looks like... And I don't think this works in extreme FOW. Actually, it does but it is not instantaneous. Identification of command vehicles by your troops takes a little time." any further Comments? Sorry I hi-jacked these post from another thread but it is still an Extreme FOW issue. -tom w
  21. yes I agree... that and not being able to select Warning Labels (shift G I believe), as well. one might expect Extreme FOW not to have "extra" hints like Detailed Armour Hits and Warning labels available (edit) for enemy units :confused: . -tom w [ September 03, 2002, 01:51 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  22. Detailed armour hits and Warning labels (I think) can still be turned on with Extreme FOW. I think that with the warning labels on you can get a label on the the enemy unit that says its knocked out or reveal some other info about its battle ready condition. Is that correct? So it sounds like Extreme FOW works best (if thats what you want) by voluntarily turning off Warning Labels and Detailed Armour Hits. Any other thoughts? -tom w
  23. I have played with this rotate/translate/scroll thing now a little bit more in the demo. I think I can get used to it. There is some fidelity to the location of the boundary between rotate and translate. I say this because it is my opinion that the edge boundary for rotate is about the upper two thirds of the screen and its only about the lower third that is for the camera move to scroll or translate. This is not as bad as I first thought because in CMBO you don't really gain anything with from the use the entire side of the screen for the rotate. Here (in CMBB) the only thing about it, (as has been pointed out) is that you now have to be VERY mindful of where you place the curser on the edge of the screen for rotate or translate (scroll). This is not as bad as I first though it will jst take some getting used to be always be mindful of where on the edge of the screen you are moving the curser to. So far I would say this issue "feels" like the biggest change to the interface. -tom w
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