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Everything posted by BFCElvis

  1. Thank you for your kind words Seanachjkfhei. It leads me into my next topic....Beer. Some of you may have seen me on the beercam thing. Well my thoughts are that we should try to set up a date for as many of us that have access to a local beercam to go to these bars at the same time. There is one in London, the one in Chicago is supposed to open in the next week or so...Think about it gang..Here is the link so you can see if there is a bar near you. http://www.onlinevenue.com/onlinestore/stellacam/stellacam_index.asp
  2. DavidYes it is true I am not taking resposibility for my alleged actions. A platoon knee deep in snow advanced on an enemy platoon that I knew was in position to get up close and personal shots on my boys running in the open snow. I remember thinking when I plotted the turn "ya don't want to go running into that mess until you've nicked him up a bit". I get the movie back and guess what my men are doing. I would like to formally charge David Ohmyaikenhead with cheating. He somehow was able to, thru telpathy is my guess right now, get into my head and cause me to do things I would never consider doing on my own (sit down bauhaus). That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
  3. MY HEAD.....UGH...Another drinking binge with Peng followed by this white screen...OH MY HEAD. The following people are slacker: Joanna chrissyl LEON David ohmyaikenhead Mace Hiram (Phillieboy getting rained out today) Some are biggeer slackers than others but all are slackers.
  4. I think the point of this thread was CM memories so I'll throw one from the CM wayback machine...When Moon and Fionn were posting the turn by Alpha AAR I checked it constantly..Hanging on every update..Hoping for screen shots. At the time I was reading those I thought the game may be much more difficult to play, After the Beta demo came out I found that they just wrote engaging prose. The game is easy to play...difficult to play well. And Michael all we had in high school was sex and drugs and rock and roll too..But it was mostly sex with myself and bad dope....but the rock and roll was GREAT.
  5. David (and chrisl) I received your turns last night but they were goofy again..rather than asking you to resend only to figure out why they are goofy before you have a chance to resend I have elected to figure them out. However at the moment I am waiting for Peng to finish setting up his massive defenses for a TCP/IP game we are about to start. So I may not send them until the morning and if the weather is as nice as I am told it will be then it won't be until after 18 holes of golf. I prefer to make your death slow and painful. ------------------ "When they finally put you in the ground..I'll stand on your grave and tramp the dirt down" Elvis Costello
  6. David...I liked the REM reference before I even clicked to come into our new thread...and I had forgotten about the Shoes. They were good. If Napster wasn't immoral I would go now and pull up some of their songs. ------------------ "When they finally put you in the ground..I'll stand on your grave and tramp the dirt down" Elvis Costello
  7. Wankers. ------------------ "When they finally put you in the ground..I'll stand on your grave and tramp the dirt down" Elvis Costello
  8. OGSF has fallen. After commiting one of the silliest wastes of a platoon that I have ever seen he then when on to fight me with more skill than most 5 year olds. A near perfect assault by me was too much for this young man. Elvis : win OGSF : lose ------------------ "When they finally put you in the ground..I'll stand on your grave and tramp the dirt down" Elvis Costello
  9. Wankers. ------------------ "When they finally put you in the ground..I'll stand on your grave and tramp the dirt down" Elvis Costello
  10. While I think the frog in the bucket thing is funny as hell you stop your whinning about what the computer gave you. I do not have vets but I also didn't run a platoon across 75m of open ground towards my know position thereby finding yourself light one platoon in about 90 seconds. I would say it is more like beating a badger in a bucket than a frog. ------------------ "When they finally put you in the ground..I'll stand on your grave and tramp the dirt down" Elvis Costello
  11. This just in Mr. Lorak...MarkXXOOXX has gone down hard as predicted. From what he says it was an autosurrender. He never had a chance from the 1st turn when he gave away his approach route with smoke to when my hordes overran him in the end. He was beaten badly from start to finish and we can only thank Allah that the computer put him out of his misery. Elvis : Victor MarkIV : Loser That flurry of challanges I took a while back has been working out pretty well. I am on the road to recovery with Mace. Am beating OGSF more than he knows (consult MarkIV for lessons in how to surrender when your time has come). Beaten chrisl. I won't mention the draw with Seanachi because I don't like his name. Newly started battles with chrisl, LEON, and Davidohmyaikinheaad are all to early to tip my hand at this time. And lizard boy and I just keep on crawling toward mutual death. ------------------ "When they finally put you in the ground..I'll stand on your grave and tramp the dirt down" Elvis Costello
  12. Wankers. ------------------ "When they finally put you in the ground..I'll stand on your grave and tramp the dirt down" Elvis Costello
  13. An exrecise in semantics to follow.... Goanna, you are going to be the one crying when you discover that you have only seen a fraction of my troops and have run out of your silly arty barrages. (the semantics play can be displayed if someone doesn't get it on their own) ------------------ "When they finally put you in the ground..I'll stand on your grave and tramp the dirt down" Elvis Costello
  14. Updates that nobody cares about. Mark78976: Soon to be dead. It is a bloody nasty rune thing. rune truely id all things evil. I have about twice as much infantry left ready to finish Markymark as he probably thinks and my armor is in at least as good of shape as his. This has been a fun and horrible thing this game..but it was over before it started because he was playing me. OSGGIBAYF: After doing one of the silliest early in the game suicide missions I have ever seen, he seems to have gotten his testeserone undercontrol and decided to fight like a civilized person. He too will be dead soon. LEON : The game has just started but he is dead. OhmyAikenhead : I haven't even seen the 1st movie yet but already I know he has no chance in this snowy thriller. I am armed to the teeth and have a plan that can't fail. Joanna : This is a strange one that I don't think anyone will win. By game end I predict that neither one of us will have a soul still alive. If we do it will be me with one guy left. Macy : Now that I have decided to continue with our game I feel I must tell you that I am pissed. There is no worse enemy you could face than a pissed Elvis. Consider yourself warned...surrender now. That is all for now. I am assuming that chrisl will still want a rematch and may feel free to send a set up file whenever he wants. Any other of you pikers can just wait until I'm done. ------------------ "When they finally put you in the ground..I'll stand on your grave and tramp the dirt down" Elvis Costello
  15. Wankers. (didn't know this was the new official Peng thread) ------------------ "When they finally put you in the ground..I'll stand on your grave and tramp the dirt down" Elvis Costello
  16. Peng is NOT a dish best served cold. ------------------ "When they finally put you in the ground..I'll stand on your grave and tramp the dirt down" Elvis Costello
  17. Shawnachi may not know it yet but his gamey tactics have earned hima draw against me. Lorak please note this draw at your earliest convieniencce. Don't bother noting the Peng loss. He got lucky and it shouldn't count. How did he get lucky you ask? Well here is one example. I ran an entire heathy platoon into a two story buiding which immediately came under fire from 3 tanks. By all rights the building should have blown up and collapsed INSTEAD it caught fire and my men ran away to their deaths. Had the building collapsed on my platoon like it should have I am sure it would have been a much different game. Seanachi : Draw Elvis : Draw Peng : VERY lucky win Elvis : not as lucky or winning ------------------ "When they finally put you in the ground..I'll stand on your grave and tramp the dirt down" Elvis Costello
  18. Mace my boy...I had a couple thoughts about our game after my post and I think I might know of a way to pull this one out. So unless you are bored too I think I'll play on a bit. Once I have received Mark69s surrender I will give him a rematch..it is the sporting thing to do. chrisl I will also open my arms to you (sit down bauhaus) in a rematch. Seanachi...I expect you'll be looking for one too after you send me the final turn in your close loss to me. David and LLEEEOONN in an effort to be all things to all people feel free to send me a set up file whenever you want. My DSL will be turned on at 6pm EST tomorrow and what time I pickup in download time I cam spend playing you waterheads. Kitty, Kitty, Kitty..I think someone must remind you of what Matt has asked of us. If someone were to start spouting off about doing things to your gender specific parts it would be seen as very wrong and out of line and I think it is only right if someone points out that your comments about unspeakable things to someone elses gender specific bits is out of line. You might want to keep you taunts focused on people intelligence (or lack of) and other things along those lines. Don't mean to be heavy but I have seen similar posts of yours escalate to bad levels and Matt has asked us to police ourselves to a certain extent. Oh course all will be simply overlooked if it is just "that time of the month" (smilie inserted to make sure the previous comment is understood to be a playful joke and in no way meant to insult...I do not use smilies lightly). ------------------ "When they finally put you in the ground..I'll stand on your grave and tramp the dirt down" Elvis Costello
  19. Jeff I didn't see a question in there but I think what you are talking about is modeled in the game. The other night in a TCP/IP game I fired a Hellcat at a target about 250 meters away. The round caught the edge of a hill directly in front of me and the Hellcat ended up blowing itself up. ------------------ "When they finally put you in the ground..I'll stand on your grave and tramp the dirt down" Elvis Costello
  20. I have a couple of questions about etiquette. First, I am playing a game against Mace right now and we are about 15 turns into a 40 turn game. It is the silliest rune game I have played and it has become tedious and devoid of fun. I assume at this point that I will lose the game although I may be able to pull a win out of my ass. But the game just isn't enjoyable in the least. I feel to just send him a surrender file would be unfair to him because we have already spent a great deal of time playing it. However it is just a drag. Do I send a surrender and offer him a rematch or plod on through to the end? Second, I just finished a game this morning (results posted at bottom) and am about to finish a couple others. The losers and soon to be losers have implied that they would be interested in a rematch. It would be proper for me to give these patheic souls a rematch however I have promised David and LLLEEEEOOONN game when I finish off some of the slugs I am playing now. I can not deal with more games than I am currently playing. Should I grant the rematchs or deliver on my commitment to David and LLEEEOONN? In one of the more exciting and fun games I have played by email I have defeated the tenatious chrisl. It was a bloodbath (not unlike our game Mark25). Bigtime fun...I wish we could have both won but I am happy it was me. Elvis - Winner chrisl - Loser ------------------ "When they finally put you in the ground..I'll stand on your grave and tramp the dirt down" Elvis Costello
  21. Schrullenhaft I understand what you are saying but being a lurker for a year or year and half before the beta demo I can tell you that there seemed to be a great deal of conversation about the development very very very early on. I don't mean to imply that BTS should/has to/feel the need to provide that kind of interaction again..just putting out a feeler about whether they plan to do that type of thing again. I think it was Madonna that said "you can never go home"...maybe it was Scott Baio..but whoever it was they were probably right. ------------------ "When they finally put you in the ground..I'll stand on your grave and tramp the dirt down" Elvis Costello
  22. I am in absolutely no rush for CM2 at all. I still feel I haven't scratched the surface of Cm yet and I waited a very very long time for that. Having said that...I read a passing comment in a thread a few days ago (can't even rememeber which one) that said something about you guys keeping a lid on the features of CM2 and its developement. Is this true? One of the things that I loved about this forum while CM was being made was checking it daily for tidbits of information about gameplay, equipment, ect.. Another great thing about it was the feedback from people and discussion of all aspects of the game. Much of the feedback was from nonbeta testers who were giving what seemed like valuble information and insights. Just wanted to check if it was your intention to have the board as much of a part of the developement of CM2 as I felt it was during the building of CM. ------------------ "When they finally put you in the ground..I'll stand on your grave and tramp the dirt down" Elvis Costello
  23. Wankers. ------------------ "When they finally put you in the ground..I'll stand on your grave and tramp the dirt down" Elvis Costello
  24. David.....your time is coming....a death rattle can be heard with MarkXLX and chrisl. Both are on their last legs and are not long for this world. Pity them. I must admit..the games with them are a couple of the more exciting PBEMs I've played in a while. My only regret is that we all can't be winners. So with that in mind....I am happy it is me. ------------------ "When they finally put you in the ground..I'll stand on your grave and tramp the dirt down" Elvis Costello
  25. Just returned from an afternoon viewing. I liked the movie VERY much. Stalingrad had the look that had always been in my head. The love story didn't bother me or detract from the movie at all. Sometimes when I leave a movie I'll think to myself..."well there's two hours of my life I can never get back"...Today I was saying "There's two hours well spent" ------------------ "When they finally put you in the ground..I'll stand on your grave and tramp the dirt down" Elvis Costello
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