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Everything posted by BFCElvis

  1. David...perhaps English was not studied in my childhood home as much as math..does that make me a freak!!! Wildman ..go ahead send me a setup..just rmemeber not to number. Emma You have always been sweet and funny and nice and I would number a game with you.
  2. Mace and Aitkin you both miss the point completely and have proven yourselves idiots again. Not only do I love numbers (my father is a mathematician.... no he really is a college professor) so it isn't the numbers you slackjaws.
  3. I will chose the Allies. I am sure Lizardboy will have no problem with this. He seems to prefer being German in his games against me. Now back to the issue that is really important to me. The useless numbering of files. First, my issue is not that I can't number or figure out the system you use. I understand the systems perfectly well. I just don't understand why there needs to be a system. My issues are with cluttered PBEM files and having to spend time deleting the files every week or two. Files that don't need to be there in the first place. Mr. 5308 if it nessesary for you to number files in order for your PBEM program to work then you are the first person to provide a good reason for numbering (however if it was me I would check out the one that Hiram/Phillygirl used because that wasn't needed so it might be a better program). Aside from that not a single one of you can provide a single good reason for the cluttering so I am going to assume you are all in agreement with me and my logic finally got through your numb skulls. This issue will never die with me.
  4. How isthe construction of my Blood Hamster match with Lizardboy going? I haven't heard a word since I agreed.
  5. I accept the challenge from Lizardboy. I have never done one of these somebody else sets up the game thingies so you will have to hold my hand through the process as I am a very dim and thick-headed person. I do wonder why you are the throwing down the gauntlet because we ave played many many games and think you only numbered turns in the last one we played. There will be no numbering of turns in this gae we are about to play. I still stand by my no numbering rule for games vs Elvis. The first email I send to you I will remind you that if there is numbering then there is no game. If the turn sent after that email is numbered itwill never be responded to. I will act as if we never set up a game. I will not return the file or even acknowledge that I am not returning the file...you will receive dead air. This is not open to debate with anyone I ever play again (with the exception of CMMC battles)
  6. Mr. 5308, If your PBEM helper makes you number your turns then what does it do for you? Doesn't sound like a very useful tool. I know HIrams didn't make him do that because we played games and the files weren't numbered. I will have him contact you so you can check out the one he used.
  7. Stuka, Think man think...use your head all of you. If you just take a minute and think you will avoid bad reasons to number..like the one you have just given. In your example it would take 4 emails to get back to gaming...without numbering it takes two. Stukas way: email #1 where's my file email #2 I sent you file #51 3 days ago email #3 The last I have is #50 email #4 Ok here is #51 again. Elvis way: email #1 Where's my file receiveing player checks game file and finds he has played it and it is asking for opponants password or finds he hasn't and proceeds to play the file. email #2 Here ya go. 2 emails and everyone is back to gaming faster. Think people please...I have thought this through from every angle. Stop being comformists you pathetic war game geeks.
  8. Organ, I don't see how numbering ensures that you send a file. It only ensures that you numbered it not that you sent it. And Hiram/Phillygirl used a PBEM helper and his turns weren't numbered.I thoght that was the idea with the helper that it would keep track of whose turn it is.I guess you got the cheap version. Berli, I have played hundreds of games (as I'm sure you know) and have never had a corrupted file. So in my mind it is not with the clutter and deleting on the off chance that after almost 2 years of playing this I will get a corrupted file that my opponant does not have a good copy of or that I can't download a copy from my last incoming or outgoing email. Lizardboy, Drive space is currently not a problem...if it was I would not allow the lemmings who are currently sending numbered file to continue. Please send photos of above mentioned locales and a setup file. In closing for now (you know I can't just let this go) I have never had a problem with a PBEM that numbering turns would have prevented from happening.
  9. My God, Elvis, we don't have to prove you wrong, as genetics has done that for us already. Do what ever you like with your turns, we aren't coming to your house to watch tumbleweeds blow across your empty and uncluttered hard drive. Just stop demanding that everyone else in the universe climb on board the latest quirk in your spiralling Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and allow the rest of us to do what we want with our files, Rainman. And we never said you couldn't count. What we said was 'you don't count'. Several of us, of course, did point out that you can count, but only with difficulty and by concentrating to a point that usually causes you to wet yourself. People (well, Lawyer, actually) are demanding that I apologize for inviting Grogs into the Thread, while Elvis is on his umpteenth iteration of his innumeracy rant, and no one's shot him yet. Someone run out and get a Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputy to come in here and put a warning shot through the back of his head. (edited to remove referance to an actual number that might have sent him off into another fit of gibbering. Hopefully the child will take after the mother). This is great Seanachai but why do you number?
  10. Who is Lars? And why is he bugging me? My email sits on a server and not my computer like these 1MB PBEM files. Old email gets deleted for me without me doing anything and if I want to save it I can. So shut up you lice brain unless you can be the one person that can provide me with a reason to number turns. Something no one has done yet. Oh my God....I am losing my mind...and that would suck because something that small will be very hard to find. New baby, no sleep, quit smoking, working too hard and too long are all taking their toll on me...
  11. Leon last email receied by you : Date: 07/17/2001 9:51:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: leeo@continet.com (Lee Owen) last email sent to you: Date: 07/17/2001 10:17:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time To: leeo@continet.com I will resend if you like.
  12. That's swell knowing how you guys name the files and how you delete them but no one has really provided me with the reason of why you do. As long a you have the most recent file that is all you need. Why do you need the last file you received AND the last file you sent? You should only need the last file you sent in case the hammehead you're playing loses it. And to do that renaming the file isn't needed. It is not a hardship to delete the files but it is a drag and clutter....for what purpose?
  13. I can't let this issue go..it has been bugging me for to long and has now reached the boiling point. Before any of you post a reply trying to shoot me down just do this one thing (esp. you people that hve many games going). Go look in your PBEM file and wherever else you download turns and look at it...then ask yourself "do I realy nee all this junk?". I think you will answer no.
  14. Several of you have taken shots at me and my effeminate behavior...I am just as God made me so you cruel people should stop picking on me for being such a girl...It is very mean. There now I feel better. I took the time to read your retorts and have only seen one with a reason beyond "it's what everyone else does so I do it too". And that came from the Lizardboy. I almost never go back and rewatch movies. If you are a person who does it very often then I can see why you might want to save every file. When I want to save a file for future watching (which I have done on very rare occasions...I still have two movies from when I beat Kitty with my conscript Poles against her Vet. German armor and a file or two from SSpantywad {no a pooler}) I save the file under different name. I don't see the need to junk up my PBEM with 40/50/60 files per game being played so that I might want to watch one or two movie files again.....Doesn't seem worth the effort. So I put it to you hammerheads that not only can no one give me a reason that numbering "must" be done but no one can even give me a good reason for doing. Use your heads people...don't let conformity own your lives. You have found a spot in the world where you finally feel accepted, unlike the real world, and you are trying to make sure you "fit in" the only society that will have you by obeying some silly waste of space and cause of clutter (much like my postings). Now someone who has a pair take your best shot of telling me why I'm wrong instead of the "he can't count" lines (which are hilarious by the way). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 That's as high as I can count.
  15. Sure go ahead and line up to make fun of the guy who finally says stop the madness...each of you lemmings go back and ask your "I want to be loved" selfs why you number. I bet not a single one of you fools can come up wih a better reason than "everyone numbers files..it's what we do". Wankers.
  16. After careful consideration I am taking a more militant stance on something I feel very strongly about and have had enough of. From this point on I will not play anyone who insists on numbering turns (the only exception being CMMC battles because they represent the only real reason I can think of to number turns at all). When a game begins with one of you cretins I will remind you of this and if the return file I receive is numbered I will not even give the curtouesy of letting you know why I am stopping the game I will just delete the file and not answer questions as to where the file is. Any curent games that I have going that people are numbering (I never number mine I just send back the same file name that was sent to me) will continue and you may do as you see fit with regard to numbering. I wish I knew who started this whole numbering thing because it is the only truely stupid thing that people do. There is only one real reason that someone might want to number turns and that is if they are writing an AAR.. Any other reason I have ever heard has been answered by and shown to be silly. I do not wish to debate this issue any more than I already have with some of you (jd and Markymark4 come quickly to mind). I doubt this will stop any of you hat want a shot at the unbeatable Elvis from challanging me. If it does Idon't care because I usually have more games going than I can handle anyway ya yellow cowards. I will allow a brief bit of debate but it will most likely jus involve me copy/pasting emails sent to jd and Mark69 as they seemed pretty much to sum it up and answer any weak reasons you hammerheads try to come up with. Since I am on typing roll here I will cover the major bases. 1) "you can keep track ofwhose turn it is" ARE YOU NUTS!!! If you are not sureif it is your turn try to open the file..if it asks for your password then it is your turn...if it doesn't then it is your opponants turn. 2)"But if I have it numbered I don't have do that". What takes up more time....doing what I stated above the very few occations you wll have to do it or cleaning out all the piles of game files in your PBEM folder. I don't know about you but I don't lose track of wose turn it isvery often but I do find myself cleaning out my cluttered PBEM folder pretty often. 3) It is not a problem for me at this point but those files eat up a decent amount of drive space. 4) And another thing about "it lets me know if it's my turn or not" What if you numbered the file like a good little conformist but forgot to email it? You don't know that anymore if you number it than if you don't. I have many many more reasons but I am at work and duty calls.
  17. I am about to light this thread up with controversy. Before I do I want to go sit down and make sure this is what I really want to do.
  18. MikeyD...not even close to bored. I am like jhdeerslayer, I have no idea what I will do with CM2. That is probably why I am in such a minority...it could take a year or two years or whatever for CM2...I'm in no rush. And I have been playing this since the beta demo...which was what October or November 1999?
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