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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Mace

  1. Let me translate: 'he who drive tank down narrow laned, built up area wont keep tank long'
  2. 'The higher they are, the further they have to fall'. :mad: :mad: [ September 30, 2005, 07:35 PM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  3. That's OK. That's a quarter more than we credit you lot. Always remember when you're hugging dirt, not to stick your bum in the air. Also, tag whatever you can with 'Mother Beautiful Thread' or 'MBT'.....there's always room for a bit of marketing. Sorry to hear that. You ('specially you) and your lot of blokes take care, and return home safe.
  4. Despair? I think you're confusing 'Despair' with the 'earth-shattering trauma' of discovering Andreas' is their natural father.
  5. Fine, fine attributes for a MBTer to have, let me tell you. Keep up the good work.
  6. Yep. I have a strong feeling of deja vu as well. And there was some discussion about tank ramming, with people frothing at the mouth and yelling at one another.....good times!
  7. Crikey, you're back! Parole hearing no doubt went well for you?
  8. Poor Noba! *pats Noba on the back for support* My commiserations for your loss. Still, as we Geelong supporters say there's always next year. But that Grand Final 4th quarter was some of the best footy I've ever seen. Real nail biting stuff. [ September 24, 2005, 12:41 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  9. Nothing wrong with your memory, Paul. Two were apparently assigned with that unit to undergo trial, and were used during an attack on a farm in the Elst area. Both were eventually knocked out by fighter bombers. And it's the very same photo that appears in the Concord book you mention (no 7039) [ September 23, 2005, 10:32 PM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  10. *PRIORITY ONE WARNING ALERT******************** Warning! Warning! Warning! Today the Australian Football League 2005 Grand Final takes place. Noba's team is in the grandfinal. This means if his team wins, he's going to be an insufferable nong bastage (ie much like he is now) who's going to go on and on and on about the victory until the 2006 season. If his team loses, he's going to wallow in the pits of dispair, and may even go into deep depression and stop posting here. Join me here in wishing Noba's team a loss, because really we could all do with a good laugh. This has been a public service notice. [ September 23, 2005, 04:35 PM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  11. Weird willies?! Hey, don't blame your genitalia deformity on us!!!
  12. According to Steve Zaloga's article 'Super Pershing' in Military Modelling (Vol 35, No 4, page 18) there are three documented engagements. The first on 4 Apr 1945 where the AFV engaged and destroyed either a Panther or Tiger during battles along the Weser river. The second occured during the liberation of a concentration camp at Nordhausen around 10 Apr 1945 where the AFV engaged a panzer (type not identified). The third on 21 Apr at Dessau when the tank engaged a Tiger in close combat. Of course, the article also suggests 'This could be nearly any type of German tank, as US tank crews regularly called nearly any German tank a Tiger'. So I guess it's not 100% certain that an engagement occured between King Tiger and Super Pershing, and it still seems to be the topic of discussion amongst AFV historians.
  13. Nah, I think sending Boo to coventry is a bit harsh. Oh... You mean that OTHER silly sod? Yeh OK. *shrug*
  14. Allow me to be the heretic here and say while ASL was very good, I preferred the two SPI (or was it S&T?) skirmish level boardgames, Sniper and Patrol. As for other wargames? For miniatures we used to use Tractics in the wargame club I was in (that'll age me ). For computer military sims/wargames it'd have to definitely be the CM series first, followed by the IL2FB series, Ghost Recon and addons, Steel Beasts (and very much looking forward to Steel Beasts Pro Personal edition) and Rainbow 6 Ravenshield and addons. For some reason I keep returning to these games.
  15. He drank two kegs of beer in the one sitting rather than one?
  16. Arrrrrh! Tha's 'well hung like a pirate' day, ya dense barnicle! Let me tell yeh, me peg leg and me limp? Nar, me matey, tha's not wood! Well it is, but it isn't, if yeh catch me drift! And dun make me parrot attack yeh. I's jus' chompin at it's beak to get into yeh flesh and render it, bi' be bi'! *hawks a stream of chewing tobacco onto the floor* Arrrrrh!
  17. Arrrrr, dun you be confusin the likes of me sel', or it's a bi' of walkin' tha plank' for yeh! tho, are yeh a member of Captain Peng's fine crew, or are yeh a scurvey stow-a-way? *glares*
  18. Aye yeh scurvy land lubber! and jus where is ye' annoyin' pirate speak, eye patch and peg leg been left, aye? No doub' in Davey Jones locker? Arrrrrrr!
  19. I've got 7 loaded in my CMAK directy atm, but I'm sure there's a few more that's been released by the usual crowd of scenario designers? *pauses, then looks at the CMAK forum* Say.... you wouldn't be padding out your number of posts would you?
  20. *wobbles in on one peg leg* 'Ka thunk... Ka thunk... Ka thunk...' Aye, I be likin' the sound of the roaring cannon on broadside me sel'! Why me an' me parrot was jus' talkin' the other day about how we dun' hear that sound as much. 'specially with that treacherous little Scot OGSF shoved in one end of it before she blows! A nice splatter he would be making me thinks! Arrrrrh. Awww by the seven seas, me parrot dun and dun a woopsy on me clothin' agin! Ye weeee bassstage parrot! Arrrrrrrh!
  21. *swings in hanging on a rope, with parrot on one shoulder, and cutless firmly held in his teeth* Avast yeh scurvey lo.... Ahhhhhhrrr.....HHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH! By Davie Jones' locker, that hurt!!! :mad: *tugs at cutless wedged firmly in his gums* I be thinking I should be hafin' the sharp bit facin' out!!! *sheaves cutlass* Now, ya lo' of lan' lubbers, where's me plunder of silva' dubloons? Arrrrrrrhhh?!
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