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Everything posted by Mace

  1. Not the Kingswood?!!! <font size = 1>I've always wanted to say that...</font>
  2. :mad: GHGHGAHGHA HGHAGHGAHGAHGAHGH GHGAHGAHGAHGAHGA I don't know what infuriates me more, the bottle bouncing off my nonce or that there's not even one remnant drop of the amber left in it! :mad: :mad: :mad: ** chucks back a grenade **
  3. So that would be Southern Ireland then? You coulda at least brought me a beer. Bastage! **mad**
  4. That could have done with a few more explosives and some GHAGHGAHGAHGAH GAHGAHGAHGHGAHGA GHAGHAGHAGHAGHAGHAGHAGAHAs in homage to this particular thread! [ April 06, 2007, 06:10 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  5. GHGHAGHGAHGAAHH HGHGHGHGHAGHGHAGH GHHGHGHGHGHGHA Oh I don't know, I think there was some overt anger and violence directed to his keyboard as he typed that. :mad: :mad: [ April 05, 2007, 02:11 PM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  6. So they'll take the latter as a confession as well? Boy, you must have pissed them off.
  7. You mean that game where they have to wear armor because they're too scared to get hurt? Nah we don't play that down here. **shrug**
  8. HEY! I have every right to edit your post if I can make advantage of the edit to belittle and chastise you. It's my right as a seniour Kinniget!!
  9. Well stop sticking the patches on your face then. Kids these days. **rolls eyes** btw dontcha know you're supposed to leave your thingy at the door when you come in here to play?
  10. Never had the "pleasure". But I do bow to and recognize your obvious wealth of experience in such things.
  11. Of course I can pucker. Puckering up and kissing arse is a fine skill for a Guv'mint "worker", especially when politicians are around. Oooh Rune linked me to sheep pr0n! kewl!
  12. Whadya mean no such luck? We're all going to die eventually. It's just that it's not happening as fast for others as some of us would hope for.
  13. It's also good for storing dismembered body parts while you decide how to dispose of them?
  14. Yes! Happy Birthday to you, YK2!!! Can't you feed the chocolates to Mensch? Gawd knows he needs fattening up. Anyway who am I to forgo an offer of chocolate. **grabs one chocolate and passes it on to his CBC, then grabs one for himself and shoves it in his mouth**
  15. I'll buy you one, and one for me too because you hate to drink alone! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Speedy! **toot**
  16. I've had a cup of Starbuck's coffee once. I think it had the same impact on my stomach. I suspect the vehicle would have been unmanned or even abandoned, considering there didn't seem to be any support for it in a built up area?
  17. Yes you do, flammenworthless. You just did it then! I saw you. We all saw you. You do it ALLLLLLL the time. Don't doubt the word of a seniour kiniiiiget. Now be a good serf or something and be my footrest for the evening. btw the lady Bugged sends her "kindest regards"
  18. Methinks you give him too much credit. PS aren't you some sort of SSN? Are you allowed to voice an opinion here?
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