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Everything posted by Mace

  1. I've had some problems with the Stalingrad Op, my Rumanians and other Axis Allied forces keep running away when the soviets attack. Any suggestions? Mace
  2. Lorak, please note: Mace Draw Mensch Draw Of course, being the French, I was fighting for the side of goodness and niceness *stubs cigarette out in skull of dead German*, and I think that must count for something. Mensch, he's just evil and thus should be given demerit points just for living!
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr: Gustav's unconscious body caused vague stirrings in his . . .<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ...lions*. All of the surgeon's 5 pet lions were kept in a large cage in the hull, and after living off fruit and vegetables (to avoid scurvy), were really looking forward to sinking their teeth into ... *(Lions, not loins)!
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr: However, the pack of military recruiters following his every move made it difficult to . . .<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ...remain a civilian, as they kept placing enlistment forms right in Gustav's face while asking "You're marvellous! Can we have your autograph please? Right on this dotted line". Having recruiters from the Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines, Coast Guards, various Police Forces, and even the girl guides crowded into a tiny bar meant that...
  5. Peng...is a state of mind! Not a very well one, but one never the less! Mace
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka: I speak for all of us here with the exception of Croda the real men here would rather a mint left by....oh I dunno....Denise Richards perhaps? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> There is only one female who can leave her mints on my bed, unfortunately she has gone MIA as far as the pool is concerned. Barring that, the only other mint I really want access to is the one where the money is printed. oh and remiss of me to forget Joe Shaw from my previous update! I'd rather he not leave any mints on my bed (Ewuuuu), but I would like to know if I owe him a turn, or he me? Mace
  7. Moot point isn't it? Different games (Grand Strategic versus Tactical), and it depends on the player's taste (me, I prefer tactical level games, not that I'm going to give EU a miss as it looks quite interesting). However, I've got a feeling that CMBO would stay on my drive far longer than EU ever will (that is once I get EU)! Mace
  8. My, this is a touchy feely type of thread, isn't it? I'm waiting to see which two cesspoolers end up slinking off to the back bedroom to consumate their passion. And while on the subject of being screwed (in a metaphysical sense of course), a quick up date: Armornut: My squire's got Jabos and is not afraid to use them...if this continues I'll have to dig up the real cruddy jobs for him to do (it's called revenge). I do however have possession of some of the VLs. Dukefentle: Has blown up my jeeps but I have most of the VLs. Why do I use Jeeps? ---> very cheap recon. Stuka: The Mace steamroller continues...just as well these lads of mine are from the 12th SS Panzer Division, they like taking casualties. Speedy: Two massive tank battles now underway, both in Fog. He chose the setup, what a sick puppy he is! Mensch: almost over and a draw methinks. Although it was nice to knock out 2 Stugs. Oh and he's run out of artillery so Muahahahahahahhahahahahahahahah! Elvis: Contrary to his post, it's not me getting the backside kicked. Lorak: Just as well we're having a pleasant conversation, 'cause not much happening in the game. Sir OGPU: Och aye, he's a rrrroit bahstud, an a gamey 'un oot thut! Peng:I must admit, I enjoy the variety of topics discussed to date (and if a censor got hold of them we'd probably be arrested for bad taste or something). As for the game, some exchange of small arms fire as his attack builds up momentum. Coming soon (and I don't mean the two in the back bedroom), a Mace/Moriarty mixup! btw what ever happened to Chuck6, and who cares? Mace [ 04-17-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Phillies Phan: Monkey Spanking is umm... diffrent. It really is hard to explain but for individual play I have yet to find anything that comes close to it. Granted it is self manipulation and not reality based. But the capture the magazine modes, spank, tugging on your your base, ect... Takes some good statagey thoughts along with a quick eye and quicker trigger. You really should check it out.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Are you telling me how to suck eggs? Sheesh, you're forgetting who you're speaking to. Mace
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak: Just a quick question. Did any of you guys ever play Tribes? Or do any of you play Tribes 2 now that it is out?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No, but I do play Rogue Spear/Urban Ops/Covert Ops. A game where you fight like a team, maneuver as a team, and eventually die like a team (except when you get fragged by a team member, in which case you die on your own)! Mace
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maximus: ...But that was nothing when it come to maneuverist tactics, because it was really maneuverist when....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ...the 245,020,001 lemmings drafted to help with the Earth's defence felt a sudden urge to commit mass suicide, manuevered themselves to the nearest cliff and promptly threw themselves over the edge. This was very inopportune for the Earth defenders as the SS Hamstertruppen spacecraft had reached Earth's upper atmosphere and were beginning their descent to planned beachheads. With this gap in the defences, the only way left to repulse this invasion from space was to enlist the aid of...
  12. btw, Kwazy, you're going to do a JS2 skin like the one above? Or will you leave it for the modders? Mace
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maximus: ...Anyway.....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ...an interstellar invasion fleet of 5000 starships was poised behind the opposite side of the moon awaiting for the ideal time to commence the invasion of Earth, to inslave humanity and to access a precious resource not available to the invaders, the...
  14. The purpose was to help air recoginition. An example can be found at Panzernet, which is in Spanish but an excellent site nevertheless. Mace
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:
  16. Some points: i) Flammthingys were brought back by troops returning from R&R. Something to do with Brothels and STDs. ii) that knife/spoon/can opener/close combat gut ripper-outer is perhaps the greatest weapon ever invented by the British. Now, Sod off, I'm grumpy I have to return to work tomorrow! Mace [ 04-16-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]
  17. The Evilness just never stops! Mace
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr: "You have a . . ." <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ....F8 Chinese jet fighter flying not more than 2mm off your port wing!" "But I am not an electronic-surveillance aircraft, I am a human being" responded Maximus. With this revelation, the Chinese fighter pilot awoke to the fact that his aircraft had been stationary for some time just off Maximus' left shoulder and thus incapable of generating any lift. "Maximus, you are one gamey SOB" thought the Chinese pilot as his jet dropped suddenly to the ground. Not much later, Maximus received an official letter from the Chinese Government demanding that he...
  19. Sorry, there will be no spanking of BTS staff allowed until they complete CM2 to CM4. After that, they're fair game! Mace
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Rudely Interrupted by Maximus (curse you, Red Baron) : But meanwhile, Mace was losing his argument with the bar patrons concerning his wife, the sheep. Mace decided to leave, but as he headed out the door, he bumped shoulders with Gustav and the two began eyeing each otherlike some sort of secret lovers. Gustav yelled, "It's not what it looks like!" to the bar patrons, "It's...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ...just that we recognise each other as kindred spirits, sharing the common knowledge that Victorian Bitter is, yes, a fine brew." It was a start of a beautiful friendship with Mace trading his sheep for 109 Gustav's trout/salmon/whatever. This soon grew into a large export/inport industry thus cementing the USA/Australian friendship, and bringing an age of prosperity between the two countries. However it all fell apart when Mace noticed that Gustav had robbed him of the opportunity of the 100th post. "You Mongrel" Mace yelled, "I'm going to"..... [ 04-13-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by 109 Gustav: You must be totally nuts. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Life at sea certainly does play with you mind a bit, doesn't it?
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: I hope that's clear, now, another instance of this type of behavior and I'll be forced to retaliate with Mormon Wives ... don't make me play the MW Card! You have been warned<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You're absolutely correct, it was just as bad the second time as it was the first. However, please don't do anything as drastic as posting a picture of your Mormon Wives, I am still not over the trauma of the first viewing! Mace
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak: This caused Lorak great stress and he ran to his shrink to...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ...ask directions to the nearest bar (as if Lorak needed any help)! "It's over there", said the shrink pointing to the bar across the road from his consultation room, "that'll be $250 please, for my valuable time". Lorak...
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak: But aussies, used to drinking warm dingo piss, were still way ahead of Mace who thought a good drink consisted of ..... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ...of getting a coldie from a fridge, served at the temperature that beer should be kept and served...ice cold! Sheesh, if we wanted to drink something at room temperature, we would be drinking water from the tap, and we all know what fish do in water, don't we? Besides, the only thing dingos are good for are...
  25. Did my bit (also voted for Rogue Spear and Steel Beasts) btw, Stuka let you off the loose again Leeo?
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