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Everything posted by Mace

  1. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stuka: All we need is Croda and Kitty<hr></blockquote> Hehe, you said Kitty *IQ drops as blood rushes from brain* What an uber-top-shiela she is! <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Bastables: Hah Foolieo, your arch Kiwi enemy has returned to the field of battle. To wit I challange you government employee to the field of conflict. Send your setup if you dare!<hr></blockquote> And talking about uber-top-shielas, the not-quite-so-uber-top-shiela, Bastables, has returned to our bosom (hiyuk). He, as you all know, when given some R&R decides to taunt us into sending him a set-up, and then goes and gets posted again, so that our setups languish on his hard drive and never gets processed. Well, I at least will send you a setup, because I enjoy having my turns languish on someone elses HDD, if only because it wastes their valuable HDD space! Now, I mustn't keep 25% of the entire NZ army from his tasks...Get back to work, ya slacker!! Mace
  2. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by AussieJeff: As a granddad at 50 summers of age (yeah, 50 - you heard RIGHT mister!) <hr></blockquote> 50?!!! That puts you up there with Mephus... I mean Joe Shaw and Mephusa...I mean Seanachai. Regardless, I shouldn't be talking to you. Mum always said "Mace, me boy! MACE, GET YOU HEAD OUT OF THE PLAYBOY AND PAY ATTENTION TO ME!!! *gives clip around ears* Just be wary of anyone 7 years or older than you...you can't trust 'em!" *gives another clip around ears just for the hallibut* Mace
  3. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by russellmz: ...be able to...<hr></blockquote> ...grow hair on his...
  4. As a veteran military modeller with years of staring at plans, books, etc etc etc I can categorically state that the AFV being discussed is an act of the modellers fancy (or too much indulgence in psychodelic drugs). I am so certain about this that I am quite willing to bet Seanachai's life on it. Mace
  5. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by rune: 7. Mace, Lawyer did have a Fosters in your honor. He said it was all you deserved.<hr></blockquote> Oh good, he hates me! Mace
  6. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Elvis: All the bits are in for my computer and shuld have it p and running when I et home tonight....So turns will be going out shotly to everyone but Lawyer.<hr></blockquote> It must be terrible to be so poor that you can't afford to use every letter on your keyboard! Mace {edited because I found the funds to purchase an additional 'e'} [ 12-10-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]</p>
  7. Stuka and I are SO MAD at you! In fact, we're both putting you on our Christmas card lists so we can cross you off!!!! Mace PS May your chooks turn into emus and kick down your dunny door. {edited just to let Lawyer that we're still MAD at him!} [ 12-10-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]</p>
  8. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stuka: I think, if I had maybe taken my clothes off, I would now be up there with the Stallones' and the Schwarzeneggerwerfens'.<hr></blockquote> I'd like to add that both are now in free falling careers. Mace
  9. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by russellmz: ...there would be people talking or replying to themselves because...<hr></blockquote> ...everyone else was distracted by the approaching...
  10. Don't mind me, just playing with the fabric of the universe and upsetting one of the cesspoolers *teeheehee* Mace
  11. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Oh Mace, he's calling you (wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more)<hr></blockquote> Don't worry, I'm awake to his games! Mace
  12. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by OGSF: Has anywun o' ye mutton mounters seen or heard fraim Speedy? At's bin a week since tha last turn, at least, an' hais email 'as taken tae bouncin'.<hr></blockquote> He finally realised that Essendon lost the 2001 grandfinal (yep, they are that slow in South Australia) Mace
  13. I can't understand it. I've checked the letter box and still no mail from Lawyer. I know, they're probably waiting for us to pick up electronically at the airport! Stukes, grab ya bags! I'll meet you in the concourse and we'll go to bookings. Mace
  14. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Swift: In WW2 did the kind of fight modelled in CM occur regularly and did they amount to the same destruction and carnage or am I just playing gamy and with total disregard regard to human life?<hr></blockquote> You're just playing gamey with total disregard to human life! Mace
  15. Harumph! They say past indiscretions come back to haunt you! But, past indiscretions you know nothing about?!! Mace
  16. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: BB) Is that Bauhaus stalking Mace's sheep?<hr></blockquote> Whaaaaaaaa? *grabs shotgun* Mace
  17. Bauhaus sit down! When Hacking Achoo said hold 'it' against him he didn't mean .... IT!!!! {edited because...well, just because} [ 12-07-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]</p>
  18. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by mensch: Menschy is sick, turns will resume hopefully 2002 (it's not all that bad.. I just got to rest)<hr></blockquote> Mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of! Hurry up and get better soon, mate. Mace
  19. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by gunnergoz: The T-34 is a /85 version: There is a cupola for the commander and the size of the turret is larger than the /76 version would be (the /76 turret sides slope up almost continuously from the side armor, at almost the same angle. The /85 turret was larger above the turret ring by a significant degree.<hr></blockquote> Not sure, but it looks like a T34/76 C turret to me, the apparently flat turret front and the prominent mantlet is a bit of a give away. The T34/85 had a more rounder front turret. Mace
  20. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stuka: Looks like Seanachie's found a freind. <hr></blockquote> Can't understand why. It's not like anyone sprung for airline tickets to the state's or something! Mace
  21. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: It's all falling into place isn't it lads, all the BIG SHOTS with their NDAs and their "attitude". Makes you sick don't it?<hr></blockquote> Yeah, bloody disgusting! One thing that should be avoided is a class-based system in the MBT!!!! I can't tell you how much I hate people who act all hoity-toity just because of some special bits of paper they've received!!!! Oh btw, my fellow air traveller Stuka, please be a good fellow and confirm if you got my proposed scenario in the mail? If not, please email me so I can get the correct email addy! Mace B.Sc.(Hons) Grad.Dip(Bus. Sc.) ===> BTS NDA <===
  22. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Treeburst155: Hmmm....what have we here? Could I have gotten lost and wandered into the Mutha Beautiful? It sure smells like it. <hr></blockquote> Here's a complimentary roadmap to help you with your bearings, a complementary escort to the front door, and a complementary shove, Sod-off and door slam! Y'all don't come back now, ya hear? Mace {edited because I'm a professional} [ 12-06-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]</p>
  23. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lawyer: Yeah, how often do you get a free anything from a Lawyer?<hr></blockquote> Never!!! I can't tell you how heartbroken Stuka and I am, waiting for free airline tickets to arrive in the mail! Mace
  24. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Wild Bill Wilder: You are a grand bunch of guys!<hr></blockquote> Awwwww shucks! and we like you too! Mace
  25. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Wild Bill Wilder: I never realized so many burned the midnight oil as I do. Nice to know i have good company! <hr></blockquote> But Bill, it's only 7.55pm! Mace
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