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Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. nev403, when modding the Firefly turret, pay extra attention to the rear of the turret. It was enlarged to allow for the recoil of the 17pdr. It also had a stowage bin on the outside turret rear.
  2. Then again, it might be cheaper because it's easier then ever for infantry to dial home for arty support. WW2 artillery support was much harder to come by for the average infantry man thus more costly to reflect this difficulty. Now that artillery support can be requested at much lower levels the price might drop accordingly to reflect that greater availability.
  3. Maybe a stupid question but wasn't that V shape designed against mines? And isn't the main threat in Iraq and Afghanistan roadside bombs? A different threat all together. You'd think that the angled hull might be struck more violently by a a roadside bomb because of the direction the blast is coming from.
  4. This is an unfortunate effect of squad leaders having short ranged weapons. They try to close with the enemy. VERY annoying. I try to scrounge a rifle ASAP for anyone with a SMG or pistol mainly for that reason.
  5. It would probably be cruel and unhelpful to point out that you deserve to be spending eternity in a never-ending battle, purely for running out of ammo before running out of enemies. A major warfighting faux pas, that. So try not to do that.
  6. He's not being rude. You say 'bug' where even a basic google would've prevented you from doing so. Sivodsi's advice (and I read it as no more then that) is entirely justified.
  7. Try e-mailing your question to them directly, giving as much details as possible. Try support@battlefront.com
  8. For Battlefront asking for a beta seat is a sure way of not getting one.
  9. If the Panther already KO-ed 8-9 tanks, how was it doing ammo wise?
  10. No, this is abstracted. After a crewmember is killed his image is 'ghosted' and then after a while he is removed from the tank. This is not portrayed on screen. In the case of entire crews getting killed I assume the Dead Crewmembers Faeries' come round and clean the tank out. Probably the faeries hang a new pine air freshner in the tank too. It sure seems that way to me. But unless I hear different from the Russians I'm going to presume it's more a fault of the human brain then a fault of ToW. I can remember just about every occasion where I needed desperately for the Zook/Shreck/Piat to hit and didn't or when same of the enemy took out a vital tank of mine. The occasions where I got that kill or where the enemy failed to hit are distinctly less well remembered.
  11. Yeah, Avalanche can be tricky. I believe Elvis still cries himself to sleep, after testing this one. Best advice I can give without ruining it for you is to recommend you do one little thing at a time. So when attacking, say, the left flank, you needn't push the enemy out. Taking out that one unit on the left that is hum bugging your attack on centre is often more worthwhile. Do your thing there next, then return to the left for an encore. Repeat as needed. Oh, and distracting the enemy with one unit just before you smack them around the ear with a bigger force is more useful here then in most scenarios.
  12. The shrecks are indeed scarily accurate. I know they had the competitors beat by a country mile in the accuracy stakes, that much the experts seem to agree on. Are they too accurate? I couldn't really tell you. Funny tale to tell about Shreck max range. I had two Shermans, one with it's main gun disabled. The disabled one was engaging infantry with it's MG while the other was 50 meters or so behind, down a hill and out of LOS as a reserve. Then a Panzerchreck was fired at it from roughly max range.The RPG went just over the disabled tank and arced down. Straight onto the other tank! A complete fluke. I was horrified and not quite enjoying this feature at that particular moment, I can tell you. Luckily for me only the crew was killed and the tank undamaged so the crew from the damaged tank got a new ride out off the deal and able to claim victory in the end. Pretty neat, I thought.
  13. Yup, if Chaffees and Jacksons would be restricted to within their proper time frame you'd see them only once or twice, which would be a pity, as they are great fun. Never saw a Mathilda in the Allied campaign, though I'm not sure the Valentines were completely taken out. Valentines did make it into the NW Europe theatre btw, but only the later Marks, not the 40mm one.
  14. You misunderstand me, Pascal. It IS factored in. It's just not telling you the default 55 degrees (for the Panther) because that doesn't take into account any other angles that may be at work due to the positioning of the shooter and the shot. That default 55 degrees is interesting for number crunchers but it doesn't tell you anything about the angle being shot at. Let me illustrate: That blue line is a shell for which the Panther lovers will get warm fuzzy feelings. The gun that fires the red shot (from an obnoxiously large hill) however renders that 55 degrees completely meaningless info. Therefore the guys at 1C probably decided that providing that 55 degrees would be cluttering the UI without adding much practical real world info.
  15. There are still some B-17b's around too. Impressive since I don't think they ever made it to Europe other then for Coastal Command.
  16. Unless I'm grossly misinformed (and I don't think I am) armour slopes are in the calculations. However... the 55 degree angle is inherently bogus as a tool for calculating how much armour protection you are getting. Great for armour aficionados but not much use in real terms. Let me explain. The shooter may be higher then horizontal, making the angle less. tHe hull may be pointing downwards. It could be, by some freakish curvature that the shooter gets a straight angle shot at your frontal glacis. *POOF* Goes your 55 degree bow armour. You've always got 80mm armour, what angle of protection you are getting depends on how the shot comes in. So yes, typically you'll get that 55 degrees, but it's not some magical bonus that you'll always be getting. The penetration is just like it is in CM(in many ways even better), it's just how the numbers are presented that differ.
  17. No.1 tip: Don't go toe to toe with any enemy if you can possibly help it. An elaborate manoeuvre to catch an enemy in the flanks/rear is to be preferred. Fight on your terms, and your terms only.
  18. Forget about it. It's freakishly difficult. It wasn't supposed to be that way. Ooops.
  19. OUCH! come on elmar, how can you use that profile when your army could only hold back the germans for 4 days while your dear belgian neighbours held 18 days with a smaller army, smaller country, against a much larger german force </font>
  20. *spoiler warning* This is actually one of the easiest Polish ones ... the devious minds amongst you. (or the lucky) Take the 75mm's. They are great fending of armour anyway, and, and this is important, have a bigger bang then the German PAKs. Beat off the initial German attack from a reverse slop position. Then go scrounging for MG34s with one Polish infantry squads and also give that squad all sniper rifles. Sneak other squads as close to the hill as you dare, in a wide hook from the hill you start behind. Put the guns on the hill in such a way that they can lob shells near the German guns without being seen. You should take out the crews fairly easily. Failing that the heavily kitted out squad should find a position they like where they can see a gun, then you distract that gun with one of the squads sent on a wide hook in such a manner that the gun will face away from the heavy squad. Open fire with the heavy squad. If any German crewmember lasts long enough to re-orientate the gun I'd be highly surprised. A third method to tackle the guns is to speed your tanks from the hill you are behind to hill a bit further along the river, and from behind that one to the hill. You'll only be exposed for a short time and should get to the back of the German held hill. From close up the ATGs don't stand a chance! I prefer a combination of all three methods, resulting in minimal casualties. With all guns de-crewed: RUSH! Get to the guns ASAP and move them down the hill towards towards the river and point them to that place too, the tanks from there will be be sighted first. With this first wave dealt with the lst Germans come over the top of the hill. If you have'nt moved the ATGs down hill there's a good chance they'll be abandoned/overrun before you can get a shot off. If you have, it's a turkey shoot. If you find this mission difficult, you probably have gone toe to toe with the Germans. Don't! Especially not with the first wave that'll hit you in the opening minutes. They'll eat you alive. Reverse slopes and a sneaky TKS or two(I love them) in the flanks and it's like taking candy from a baby.
  21. If you manually select the Bazooka instead of the Thompson then that soldier should equip and fire the Bazooka. Never, ever seen a soldier do otherwise and trust me, I've done it a lot. May I ask, did you manually equip the bazooka and then let him do it's thing or did you give a new fire order? You have checked whether the dude had ammo, yes? That's the only scenario that I know off where a soldier will refuse to equip a selected weapon. However, that you need to fiddle about so much when confronted with lightly armoured vehicles at all is pretty bad. They are fine switching to zooks with heavier vehicles. Probably something to do with small arms fire being able to penetrate light armour.
  22. Yeah, that needs to be fixed. But at what point did you decide to manually select the bazooka? I can't help but feel the pixeltruppen are as smart as some of those controlling them.
  23. I'd have to agree with Rune. I'm not seeing anything out of the ordinary. Tigers perform as I would expect them to... quite well but not invulnerable. T-34s perform slightly better then in CM, but then again I always held that CMBB was quite harsh on Soviet gun performance. and the CMBB v ToW difference isn't very big. I have the sneaky suspicion that it's either bad tactics or unrealistic expectations about the überness of German armour.
  24. By far and away HEAT rounds. They have a high chance of killing the entire crew without damaging the tank. I like having new toys to play with!
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