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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. I still hope that they will throw their hands in the air and will require a buddy aid like process before they disappear. The only trick would be encouraging players to make use of this process. Scoring bonus would work.
  2. About that: How much of a surprise is it to the KLu to find these plane in their inventory? I didn't bat an eyelid to see Tornado support in the Dutch campaign because that is just as likely (if not moreso) as Dutch F16 doing it. But to see them in the editor under the Dutch, that was a surprise. Yeah, but don't worry about it. We won't actually use them. http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/indepth/allies-abandoned-our-diggers/story-e6frewp9-1225941955873 The Dutch MinDef is saying they had four Apache missions there that day. Three for escorting CasEvac, and the last was a CAS request made late in the day, which went unfulfilled because by the time Apaches got there contact was broken and no target could be positively ID'd. Given the past praised heaped on the Dutch Apaches and the "threat" they faced I'm rather disinclined to believe this Maylor. It's more likely that there were comms difficulties and the guy on the ground couldn't figure out why the Apaches overhead were not getting stuck in. That or a lying **** had a book to sell. The reputation being established here isn't the Dutch being cowards, it's the Aussies being great big whingers.
  3. Nah, I play all sorts. Just a suspicious mind at work. If there's a nasty spot I either dump an unholy amount of fire on it or avoid it. The scenario designers are a bit too predictable in their mischievousness. I can see it coming a mile off 9 times out of 10.
  4. People asking for grenade replenishment and noticing this new grenade this soon after the game is out. It surprises me. I can probably count on one hand the number of times my men used grenades during the whole time I played CMSF. How differently they must fight compared to me.
  5. Rule of thumb for reloading RWS mounts is that it's only done automatically if it's the vehicle's primary weapon. For tanks with alternate weapons you need to order the commander to unbutton to have it happen. This way a TC doesn't get killed servicing a weapon that's not essential, but at the same time keeps MG armed vehicles in the fight without me constantly monitoring their ammo status. Doh, brainfart. Misread the second half of the OP. Don't mind me, then.
  6. Standing upright in a rocket? Somehow that strikes me as the ideal way for G forces to do their worst.
  7. I wonder where they got their idea. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/8588156.stm British boffins, fantastic.
  8. Make a copy of your CMSF installation. Use one to finish your PBEMs just in case there might be a problem, apply NATO to the other.
  9. Tried changing the new HOTKEYS back to my preferences but having no luck. Where the designated letters should be in the orders are blank and the orders don't work. Looking at the file I can't see where I went wrong. Anyone have more success?
  10. What reference to the Garand? The rifle itself seemed to be a Lee Enfield no.4, oddly enough.
  11. I was surprised that they were going to axe the Harriers, their last CV reserved for helicopters. You'd think a modern British navy should retain some sort of Falklands scenario capability. All the more odd because they plan on getting two new CVs. One would thing one would retain the one CV plus aircraft to retain some crew and keep the institutional skills up. To completely abandon it and picking it up again in a decade or so seems very strange indeed. They'd have to start from scratch. IMHO not a good idea.
  12. Perhaps a little too much praise for the way EU countries for some things, especially on account of selectively picking which country to adore. Try Romania, Greece or Spain and see if it's still a rosy picture. However I think one of the author's main points is valid. There seems to be a feeling in mainstream US that there is little they can or need to learn from the Europeans. I'm strongly of the opinion that there's a lot to be learn of the North Western European countries and their way of doing things. Not so much the French though, their country is once again paralysed by strikes. Quelle surprise! I was stunned last year to see the political right using the Swedish model to scare people in to opposing one kind or another of Obama socialism. I mean... come on now. Sweden? I suspect 90% of Americans couldn't believe their luck if their country turned in to a super sized Sweden overnight. It might not be a system that suits everybody, but the complete loss of contact with reality to hold it up as some kind of scary place is bizarre.
  13. Could it be that the vehicle commander dismounts?
  14. I've got two of my own: 1) Are the missions less straight jacketed this time? Tthe player needs to have more freedom to do what he feel is right. 2) Is there more emphasis on PT boats? I don't fancy managing cruisers and destroyers at all.
  15. Probably too late to add a muzzle break to the 25 pdr model?
  16. They weren't, most of the time. Most commanders of the various air forces thought it was too difficult and a waste of time. IMHO they weren't wrong. Why would you attack a concealed enemy under cover and in close contact with your side if you can shoot up his supply columns?
  17. Irrelevant if they did. What BFC wishes to avoid is people buying this module and finding out that they need another module to make full use of all included scenarios.
  18. That one I can answer. As a rule one module will not have missions relying on content of another module.
  19. So when are we getting told of some of the cool things that did make it in? At this point in time, all the stuff not making it in is getting me down. Give us a bone already!
  20. The Rotterdam bombing started out as a direct support request from troops. That it grew in to what it became is a sign how many hands such requests passed through. They were NOT talking to Ju87's, guiding them on target. It was still very unwieldy. It got better later in the war, but to call it CAS is still a misnomer.
  21. To you it sounds viable. To the people making it or paying for the making of it, probably not that viable. Having said hat, 4 games strikes me as a bit much too. Should be enough commonality in equipment between an early, mid and late war game that it could be done with less then that. Certainly if every title got its full complement of modules.
  22. Those guys were, especially during the Blitzkrieg period, liaisons to handle strike requests from the Heer. They were not some early type of FAC. Look at Rotterdam to see how capable the Germans really were of CAS. Strike in direct support of the army? Yes. CAS? No.
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