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Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. I'm still hoping that 2K Games goes bankrupt developing their wretched XCOM "reboot" and sells the X-COM license to BFC for a song, resulting eventually in X-COMbat Mission and me never leaving the house ever again.
  2. Awww shucks, I had hoped this was a "Why don't we have some dignity and just wait patiently" thread.
  3. first of all, I didn't set out to offend. And of course not everyone was evil, neither among Germans or Soviets. Most weren't, I am sure. I perhaps ought to have put that in somewhere but took it as understood. It is ground amply trodden across around here. But surely you will agree there is one hell of a difference in the good/bad score between someone fighting in the army of a democracy or in the armies of reprehensible thugs like Hitler or Stalin. And given the bodycount of both I will insist on both those two gents being in roughly the same Evil category. And on a less leadership focussed level, both the German and the Soviet armies came out of WW2 with a lamentable reputation in regards to conduct. Sure, no-one came out of WW2 smelling of roses, but around a few the stench is a bit more pungent, whether you like it or not. And that does impact my emotional response to the pixeltruppen I am fighting with or against.
  4. Ah, cheers! I have either forgotten that or never noticed. Haven't used thr Syrians much lately. I did not exactly purchase the NATO module to then play the Syrians. (except for the Shilka!) I do disagree with MikeyD on the information. While it doesn't need to be a wiki article, in game display of ammo type and range is a must IMHO and in the form of a tool tip it does not overburden the UI. To refer people to Google to understand basic gameplay elements like weapon range is a no-no to me. That simply will not do, certainly not for the more casual player. I do not even think having it merely in the manual is enough.
  5. Uh... okay... thank you? Next time do try to disagree more and be disagreeable less. I enjoy one setting more then the other and do not think simple-minded has anything to do with it.
  6. I'm pretty ambivalent about the Eastern Front. I found CMBB very good, fascinating, educational, cool vehicles yadda yadda and I enjoyed playing it very much but I never could get in to it, immersion wise. In the end it is about one set of bastards with a dodgy ideology fighting another set of bastards with a dodgy ideology. West Front fighting sees you playing the good guys or the unambiguous bad guys, which can be almost a much fun. Playing the Germans against the Western Allies gives much the same pleasure as strapping into a TIE Fighter and shooting down some X-Wings. It perhaps shouldn't matter, but to me it most certainly does.
  7. There was definitely an information shortfall in regards to this and other issues. CMSF never told you whether that Syrian 7.62 you picked up was 7.62x54 or 7.62x39 (it is the latter) I too hope that CMN makes more use of mouse-over tool tips to fill in the information gaps a bit. PS New Times Roman? Don't make me go Old Times Boadicea on you.
  8. There hasn't been all that much news for sites to report yet. Rock, Paper, Shotgun is pretty sure to do a piece on it come the release and no doubt several other big sites will too. Though it was a bit disconcerting to see the limited reactions in the comments. Pretty much only guys who also post here. But that explains why the coverage is limited. Just not much to report that a more mainstream audience would find useful.
  9. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?p=433818#post433818 Looks like you lot have the wrong guy. Thanks Dandelion but you can go now.
  10. If it is anything like CMSF the wounded to killed ratio is actually a way better match compared to what happened during a scenario then in CMx1 where you typically got about that 1:3 ratio no matter what happened. In CMSF lots of exploding tanks/APCs and well aimed heavy ordinance kinda depresses the amount of wounded one gets. I expect it to be more or less the same for CMBN.
  11. Doesn't seem at all the same kill rate given the circumstances. Yeah, lots of guys getting hit, but lots of guys moving while under enemy fire. Try manoeuvring in CMSF while under infantry fire. It will be a short game if you do.
  12. Yeah, I think it unfair and unseemly to jump on to PCO or PCO testers and certainly to do it on account of this asshat. Bless them, I hope PCO does well too.
  13. No, I think it is about time for the maternal greetings. Such deliberately abrasive posts do not lead to threads worth having. It's not like he hasn't got a point somewhere, but he just had to carry it far into the realm of douchebaggery... bleh!
  14. Ah. I stand corrected. Whaddaya know, Gitmo finally delivered something of worth. As a little bit of fun, turn your minds back to the White House Correspondents Dinner only two days before, and specifically this joke by Seth Meyer. I guess Obama got more mileage out of that then anyone else, knowing what he knew then.
  15. 52 million, is what I read on wiki only a few days ago. 50 million from the Gov and 2 mln from some 9/11 organisation iirc. And what I've heard it was just sound intelligence work rather then an informer. Followed around one of his couriers, Beeb said. Of course, if it was an infomer, they are hardly going to blurt his name out on TV. *edit* Affie beat me to it, and correctely ID the source as the Pilots Assoc. Also, I can't believe I took so long over such a short message.
  16. ✓ Saddam Hussein ✓ Osama Bin Laden ☐ Justin Bieber
  17. Well... lets just say my thanks are reserved for the Allies. The German command was probably more motivated by the tightening noose around their necks. One must keep in mind that they had a direct hand in causing the famine.
  18. ... getting hit with full broadsides of 14" battleship gun support.
  19. You can pretty much get an old school hotkeys interface by changing the Hotkeys.txt and of course if you dislike real time, Ye Olde WEGO is still included. So yeah, buy it. You are pretty safe from disappointment. Oh, and welcome to the forum.
  20. I'd be amazed if the artillery UI is not more informative this time. It was one of those things pretty much everyone agreed on as being in need of information being shown more clearly.
  21. Hey, I didn't make a swallow reference for nothing, you know!
  22. Actually, I'm shocked that no-one has identified this particular flower as indigenous to North America only. Are we to swallow the story that they got the flora right?
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